Where will the signs of the zodiac go, if you give them a time machine?


Scientists argue that the invention of the time machine is impossible for technical reasons. But the pessimistic statements of some Nobel laureates there are no reason for us to stop dreaming and hopefully (we believe in horoscopes than the time machine worse?).

Well, since the dreams - they are materially (and we also believe, call the "ambulance"), then most of us already have a draft outline of the plan - how exactly he is going to pierce the temporary tissue after the inevitable scientific and technical breakthrough.


Capricorn will go to the era, where you can appear with a mixture of Lord Varis and Maister pizza (if you did not read the "game of the throne", then the Varis is such a medieval director of the CIA, and Meister is such an unkind Dr. Aibolit). Capricorn will be a carrier of secret knowledge, which will survive any palace coup, because everyone is afraid and respect Capricorn, respect and fear. Grozny all-in-law magician and healer. And all because the prudent Capricorn will capture a tablet and a bag of antibiotics connected to the timeless Internet.


Aquarius will go to the future. Moreover, not in the intended human future with ozone holes in the heavenly arch, and in the utopian, where, finally, robots are robbed, and not a person. The point is not that Aquarius does not like to work, but in the fact that the unnecessary of human labor will give an aquarian space for the knowledge of human nature. So that you can communicate directly with your own subconscious and with other people through telepathy. And so, it means that the robot vacuum cleaner cleans, the robot cook is preparing, the robot troll puts the detractors of "Two" on Odnoklassniki, and in the midst of this magnificence sitting aquarius, which opened the third eye and spurred the fourth.


Fish will rush between the centuries in search of a cozy place for life. Of course, it will not find. Because, regardless of the development stage of technical progress, people are creatures cruel, stupid and generally nasty. Those who passed the past and the future of a thousand and once the fish will decide that it is not very interested in the time machine, she would prefer the space machine. To fall asleep in some fantasy world, where mermaid sits on the branches, the elves build a garden city, and good always wins evil.


Wild, Wild West. Wild West. The kingdom of heat, sand, whiskey and unlimited possibilities, where everything solves the colts, and leather pants are so delightfully tightening the ass robbing the jack's postal diligences. Aries quickly slows a gang, all Texas will hold in fear, will chain the glory of the new Robin Hood, and heart-catching legends will go to his mysterious disappearance. Aries, meanwhile, will be transferred to someone forgotten by God 2015, will go to the film named after himself and will spit on the creators of the blockbuster popcorn, because they are idiots and aligned.


Taurus will go to the harsh fjords to no less severe vikings. It does not mean that the Taurus dreamed all his life to wear a twenty-tilogram helmet with horns. This means that the Taurus is very prudent. Our planet, "Taurus argues logical," the full Ragnarök will still come, and the posthumous living conditions (sorry for the oxymoron) in Valgall - the most cute. From the point of view of the Taurus, the conditions in Valhal really are really an ideal dream - there every day you need to kill someone, with someone else and very tasty to eat.


Every real twin has dreamed since childhood: a) become an astronaut; b) live forever. Therefore, twins are interested in the future when a flight bus with a hyperwinter will be launched on Aldebaran, and the aging of the body will be canceled at the gene level. The twin will push the expanses of the universe on his faithful gray in the apples of the spacecraft, something surprisingly resembling "Serenity" from the series "Firefly", open oxygen planets and give them a grateful (thankful, it is important!) Humanity.


Cancer loves privacy, peace, his family and unlimited opportunities. Therefore, the time interval for potential cancer emigration takes the last time. The main thing is that Cancer receives in the undivided possession of the estate with a good landscape design, a pond, a playground, clarops and horses. And so that all these fields from the horizon to the horizon belong to the Marquis Karabas to him. And when it is - five hundred years ago or a thousand years ahead - the tenth thing.


Lion has a problem. On the one hand, it is quite obvious that he needs to go to the past and to sit on some successful throne of medieval Europe. On the other hand, lions are usually very well educated and know that almost all the monarchs of medieval Europe are very badly cumulative. Therefore, before sitting in the time car, the Lion passes all literature on the topic - from historical to artistic to know the mood of aristocrats and worms in the artistic year. Will come and remake everything in its own way. As a result, we are lagging with such a "butterfly" effect, which we will meet the coming 2016 year on a completely different planet Earth.


Virgo will not go anywhere. Because it's all nonsense, you need to live today, the time machine is very dangerous, Won Leo is already, see, all spoiled. Where was born, and came in handy there, "says Virgo, turns his nose from choking from delight, demanding from them to leave the colts and dust shoes on the landing. And then, when everyone leaves, Virgo lies at a comfortable sofa, closes his eyes and dreams how she drinks herbal tea with Turgenev, on the terrace, I was seeing wild grapes. Although all this, of course, nonsense!


The constellation of weights can be informally called the constellation of the Pagannel. Scales are wildly curious, and of course they are interested in the past. But the past story is not described in each textbook, but mysterious and mysterious exclusively. Scales immediately go to find out how Atlantis sank, where the inconsisers disappeared, why dinosaurs were extinct and what kind of strange people in the spaces were drawn on the walls of the ancients - these were lost twins or aren't we still alone in the universe? And while the scales will not fill all the white spots of world history, wait for them home to dinner completely meaningless.


Scorpio will also prefer to ride in the past, but not to observe in dynamics, write the dissertation and speak at the annual scientific conference "Pluto" in 2215. Scorpio will go only when selecting the resolution to change everything. Save Christ, kill Hitler, pull Jordan Bruno from the fire and Jeanne d'Ark. Moreover, not just pull out, but to furnish this pathos with fiery chariots and laser blaster. Well, to and useful, and effectively.


Sagittarius - Knight. He will like any time where you can wear sparkling armor, help disadvantaged and ride a horse. It is desirable, at the same time, not to kill anyone. Well, except that only very, very bad people. And the favorite entertainment of the Sagittarius will change, for example, a wandering monk, go to the tavern and quietly sip in the corner of the bright ale from a wooden mug, listening to how drunk ordinary people sing a song about how the Great Sagittarius-Knight fought with everything bad for everything good and won .

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