Museum cities, stories about the loss of virginity and shopogolism: the best per week on PICS.RU


Are you sure that I managed to read all the most interesting this week? Check the list - we collected the best articles in our digest.

This week we decided to take up the mind and develop in ourselves and in our readers the power of will. We told how to become a city samurai, to defeat the shopaholic and lazy, and if you read it - it means that the tips work and the editorial office of PICS did not shine without a trace in the wilds of Ikea. In addition, we showed 35 angry women who were not afraid to shout "guilty!" Villa Cosby. Never be afraid to defend yourself, that's what. Good always wins - we asked for superheroes. "And laughter, and sin" was said exactly about the heroes of our article about the ridiculous "first one." According to our statistics, most often this romantic moment spoil friends, evil cats, hungry parrots and harping railing.
What happiness, that all this is behind! Now we are all adults, some have even their heirs, and for the happy parents of small razolbayev we have gathered 25 places that will be returned to the interest in the school program. And then they certainly for the summer completely beat off.
And for those who have a vacation on the horizon, PICs stood overview of European cities, where you can travel to the Middle Ages, 25 best documentaries about travel (there is even Stephen, our fry is!) And the warning to all who, after resting the sea, want to move on Bali - life in a tropical paradise, it turns out, oh, how disadvantaged. Well, the cherry on the cake is our Friday Ksyusha's cat which is still looking for a new home. Remember: to iron the cats even more pleasant than reading fresh PICs!

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