Popular modern fortune telling


We live in a very uncertain world. To predict what will happen tomorrow, even the chairman of the Central Bank cannot already. And how to plan capital spending on, say, March, does not understand very none. And to understand, nevertheless, it is necessary. Therefore, it remains only to guess.

Divination is an old tradition. Our ancestors predicted fate with the help of priests: candles, shoes and other garbage. Our parents were guessing on books - you open a chance of a paper volume and read the first thing that rushed into the eyes. It is stupid to throw away the door of the shoe in an apartment building, the paper books remained in everyday life, so you need to use modern methods for divination.

Fortune telling

There are several methods of fortune telling at euro. The easiest thing is to ask any question that requires answers yes or no, and, walking down the street, look at the nearest scoreboard. An odd number is yes, even - no. Or vice versa. You can count the signs to the comma, you can signs after. As a rule, the answer is that the person knows in advance (let's say, to buy a gift for a new year's gift or not?), Therefore, they can be frown perfectly with commas. The second option is more complicated. It is required to go to the site of the currency exchange, find the official exchange rate of the Euro Central Bank, find the current stock exchange rate of the euro and calculate the difference. The resulting number and will answer your question. For example, "How long flour sow, protopop will be?". How long will we live in one place? And in response - exact number, it remains only to substitute a unit of time: an hour, day, year, century ...

Divination on spam

Akin to gadania on the books that our parents were engaged. Today, let's say on December 19th. You open the folder "Spam", you find the 19th letter from above, ask a question, let's say, "What I will do next year" and carefully read the letters. The author of these lines discovered a press release of a new film about the development of Chukotka and the development of gold mines on the "territory" of Oleg Kuvaeva. It seems that this is an exhaustive answer.

Tablo Sheremetyevo

You open the scoreboard in Sheremetyevo on the Internet and look at what country the plane flies right now (well, or in the next few minutes). You run to buy the currency of this country, learn the language, look after real estate.

Divination by news

Specify a specific question, let's say "index a salary in accordance with the course of foreign currencies." Include a TV channel on which the news go constantly, some "Euronews" or "Russia 24", watch the first full plot. You change his meaning to the opposite, all that, as they say, "good" - becomes bad and vice versa. This is the answer to your question.

Foreign for Facebook

Open Facebook, immediately update the tape and look at the first post. If he is about abbreviations, dismissal, savings, currency courses, politics and anger means you hysterically, like us, and nothing good this year awaits you. And if it is a post about cats, children, sex, recipes, New Year's gifts and selfie - it means you are good friends, and you yourself are a good person and everything will be fine with you.

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