11 terrible motorist enemies. Because some go there!

PDDs are obliged to comply with all road users. We, of course, believe that on the road you need to be extremely attentive, benevolent and careful. And so on. But sometimes there are such characters that, honestly, hug and cry. Or crap as it should, so that the raven did not count!

Thoughtful homeless

11 terrible motorist enemies. Because some go there! 40036_1

Pensive bum has long existed in the parallel universe. Therefore, scolding at the middle of the roadway, he does not very much understand what fright everything around the sign and nervous. "Who am I? Where I am? Where are all these people? " - Thinks homeless. This "hangs" his already unstable world is finally, why the bum can sit right on the asphalt and firmly think about it. He can still leave the astral on the time and move the movement, knocking his fist along the hoods, demanding money for beer and respect for himself, as a free person.

Desperate cyclist

11 terrible motorist enemies. Because some go there! 40036_2

Motorists have long been accustomed to the closolized bicycles, although not the cyclist - who bought a fashionable "Shoesaine" and Kass, but the one who knows how to twist the pedals without harm to others. In general, for the most part, cyclists - people competent and problems on the road do not create. However, there is a subspecies of cyclists who adore risk and drive. They gives pleasure to enter the middle of the flow and there to demonstrate the wonders of the cycle. Some particularly fascinated gentlemen love to cling to trucks for speed and Ponte. So it would be nice to these gentlemen, on their covered shorts, the ass rogues, rogging! So that it is no strong.

Cheeky patsan.

11 terrible motorist enemies. Because some go there! 40036_3

"Who is destined to be hung, he will not drown." Such is the motto of every daring guy, moving the high-speed eight-voiced highway where hesitated to his discovery head. Well, we understand - the real kid is not afraid of anything. And some rules of the road - and not at all is not its format. But the bold boy loves a good Pont, believes in his restless star and wants all the girls of the world to see which he is brave and hot. That's just not every girl wants to pull out already cooled and quiet boys from under the wheels of his typewriter.

Godic dress

11 terrible motorist enemies. Because some go there! 40036_4

All such a sudden, she does not suspect the existence of traffic lights and signs of a pedestrian crossing, while therefore dramatically Sharshyat. Only somewhere in the middle of the roadway, Virgo suddenly comes to himself. It is difficult not to come when the brakes squeezate over the ear, and someone, with the voice of the driver of the truck, yelling "where to rest"! From horror, dramatic Virgo begins to ride chaotically and exacerbate the emergency so much as it can be done.

Hipster in headphones

11 terrible motorist enemies. Because some go there! 40036_5

Actually, it is not necessarily a hipster, but necessarily in the headphones of giant sizes, of which "Titz-Titz-Titz-Titz" is distributed to the whole Ivanovo. Creature with Titz-Titch in the ears of the Nudemom, that he is not alone in this world. He goes where it goes, dancing and singing. An uncompressive zone, a dangerous side of the road, a steep turn, an unregulated transition - the creature in the headphones does not care. He does not even care that the drivers who, by his hipster simplicity arranged Pasadobl, drove him problems with the gastrointestinal tract and potency on the nearest decade. He has no life - a song!

Durilka with Mobilka

11 terrible motorist enemies. Because some go there! 40036_6

Cropped into your twitter, Facebook or Farm and Figure forward, not paying attention to anything except the glowing screen. Ahead of the highway? Okay, let it be a highway. Crossroads? Yes, and do not care - just in time to make cows, ask them oats and collect eggplants. Eight-foot? No problem! The main thing is that no eggplant remains insufficient. That's Oan and wander on the virtual world, not guessing that in the world real life hangs on the hair. Sorry Durilka (again we understand it), but so I want to beat the mobil in the ass. And punish excommunication from the Internet for an indefinite period.

Old woman string

11 terrible motorist enemies. Because some go there! 40036_7

Any motorist at least once in his life there was an old woman, which all the time runs somewhere. Where it is late, why runs - no one knows about it, even the old woman herself. But she definitely crosses the roadway where it is least waiting for it. Jumps off unexpectedly and scary right in front of the car, cheerfully dives into the flow and deftly guards it in one understandable direction. The old woman is striking to spit on traffic rules, zebras and traffic lights - they are already nothing at her age. Do not try to stop it - grab the key around the neck. Just slow down and unlawfully wait, when the old woman flashes past, dragging a shopping bag, resting his grandson, washing grandfather and bald dog.

Mommy with a stroller

11 terrible motorist enemies. Because some go there! 40036_8

Some women, giving birth, decide that now they can do everything! And most of all they like it is important to sail down the street, pushing the stroller. The embodiment of motherhood in all its glory! Everything is good, only the car is iron and not aware of human sacred symbolism. He is that Madonna with a baby that a fool with a mobility is no difference. The brake path is one for everyone. Therefore, swim from a carriage on the roadway and slowly march - the idea is so-so. Cute mothers, try to be more closely, remember that the rules are written and for you too and move along ground transitions a little quickly. Not any motorist is different and filled with humility.

Brave five-grader

11 terrible motorist enemies. Because some go there! 40036_9

Young, frisky, hype. Confident what is made hard and forever. Devoid of fear and mind. Armed with the motto "dementia and courage", the fifth grader rushes from running right under the wheels over a thousand different reasons. Maybe, late for a lesson, and the prospect of getting a whirlpool from the teacher for him is more important than any death there. Or maybe I decided to try myself "on courage" or argued with buddies to a pack of chips, which runs right before the wheels. In the pimp five-graders in the head, the processes of logic are lack of chamber, alas. So the drivers are our advice: the fifth graders fear and avoid. Moreover, many of you have or will be your personal brave five-graders.

Sleepy Tweeper with Sangs

11 terrible motorist enemies. Because some go there! 40036_10

But now we will swear strongly! Very much. Because a sleepy tetter with sleds, which she slowly and sadly drag over him across the road, at least once in his life met anywhere owner. Eh, the aunt you are a stupid tether, what are you doing!? After all, for the driver (especially if he is on a jeep or truck), the San Olock with your baby in the kit does not exist. He sees them. Can not see. For him, there is only you - a lonely pedestrian, slowly crossing the roadway. After you have passed, for the driver the way is free. So he picks up calmly on gas. And there sledges! And in them baby! Please do not be a sleepy smarter. Very please.

Crustic fatalist

11 terrible motorist enemies. Because some go there! 40036_11

It is said that the farms are called bikers "crustics". From the verb "Crunch", of course. Makabric, however, humor. But jokes jokes, and motorists do not like people on motorcycles due to their habits to snap there and sir at high speeds, and embed into narrow slits between the machines. And the motorcyclists are often clogged on traffic rules, because they are steep boys on steep bikes, and not dull clerks on durable parquets. But worst of all motorcyclists-fatalists traveling without helmets and protection. If a law was released, allowing you to select clothes and a motorcycle from the Fatalists, who wanted to get up. Chur, we are the first.

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