How advertising is done: 15 stamps that can be baptized by all


To advertise something cool, it is absolutely no need to look for any ooglvi and teach stress in the complex word "marketing". There is enough one tabletki ... that is, handful patterns.

Pics.Ru collected a set of phrases that can be bolder to refuse to any ad. Scratched them with a uniform layer - and enjoy! That is, speaking professionally, loading into the world of advertising pleasure.

Up to three times more!

Let these bores that masher on you with their rigs and retirements will shove their great and mighty Russian language somewhere in Pushkin places. There is no such turnover, you see! And you will have. Because "three times more" is a despicable spectection, here for the bazaar will have to answer. "Almost three times more" - somehow unpervently, not in the Patzensky. But this is a macabric "up to three times" - just right! Warning, solid - and nothing at all.

Only for you!

And it is not necessary, it is not necessary to tell here that "you" from the capital letter is written only in personal correspondence - and exclusively from inhuman respect for the interlocutor personally. And with a multiple number - so capital is not glued at all. But you need to show your customers that you are ready to lick them from your head to the legs right here than this language! By the way, write more often with the capital, and the goods, the client, and the company, and other unexpected words like the door or cottage cheese. For it is cool.

Unique formula

This thing is called "Sustainable Phrase". If the shvets is the reaper, if the tours are on wheels, if the formula is unique. Another simply can not be because it may never be. Because the sword can not be damasl, but the dream is blue. Feel free to make this formula, even if you make a water. You might think someone will throw it seriously to calculate the index of the uniqueness of your Ashdvao.

Exquisite fragrance

Logical continuation of the topic of our Damoclovoy Dream. As well as rich taste. Delicately shaded. Will be a valuable acquisition. Suppose unforgettable sensations. From the depths of history. ... All of this take in the maximum proportion, how to mix, shake and use for any product. From the dairy porridge to an aromatized condom.

Careful care

In advertising cosmetics there are its imperius and confunds. Used - buy, did not use - do not buy. Care is similar to such a muscular and sentimental bogatyr, which excites any individual female. And wherever he goes there, actually, the individual is not capable of analyzing. For a variety there are still thirty attires of beautiful: caring care, nutritious care, vitamin care ... and with them uncle their marine complex care. All from one barrel, as you guess.

Feel ease!

Of course, the consumer has just more than anything else to deal with, except to fulfill your directives: feel, feel, touched, joining. In the list of what exactly the poor fellow driven by these teams should feel ease. Its tirelessly pursues the unbearable ease of all - gaskets, yogurts, cars and ointment for feet. Such is the universal belizmotherapy. Like an unforgettable sensation, this phrase is perfect for anything. "New Detective Morovkina: Feel ease of the brain!"


Rich Word. At once any associations. From childhood, for example. Nostalgic. How in the first grade I scalked around the neck from a neighbor with a slogan: "Get fascist, grenade." And now get more! Get a chance. Do not miss the chance. Take more. Much more. Yes, too, damn, more ... I can not already! ..

Give your feet!

Or hair. Or liver. Something give, do not get labeled. Communication with their members must be a fascinating process. Do you give them something (I wonder what professional holidays celebrate parts of the body and organs?), And they are for it ... What is it promised? "Your legs will tell you thank you." And there the dialogue will start, the general themes will be found ... Consultation of the psychiatrist is free.

Pleasant prices

We inform human language: "Guys, we have cheap" - it is impossible for any weather. Because somehow a little embarrassing lie and do not blush. And "pleasant prices" is approximately as "up to three times." The world, he is diverse - and maybe, who really is pleasant to meet the boots for twenty thousand. If the prices do you generally have universal-transcendental, name them acceptable. Also, the definition of "supercenar" is also perfect for any digit.

Casting prices!

The people love any noise, gams, mess and destroy. Let everything in your ad flies with the crash to all the hell. More insane and smaller reasonable. An explosion of emotions. Mad shares. Crazy discounts. Fearless grandmas. Seven-resistant offers. Ammona as a gift!

Our beer - for positive!

The rhymed slogans are good in that when you start, you can not stop. And you can bulk sticks - like crazy flowers. The quality of the rhymes must correspond to the havatory ability of the Pipela. The liver suffered - you enjoy tram-pool. Tram-Pam Pit will be trembling. Your skin tiryamy-tiryama will help. Bay-Schmeyk - not to resist in any way. Without our haircut you are monkey. In general: Cook the ears - nervously smokes Pushkin!


Snappering with church was clearly introduced into consciousness, they will soon contribute them to the dictionaries. Boldly continue their noble business and create neologisms out of everything, to what the language will be pregnant. Suggest the consumer: ChipSoni, Halvoni, sausages. Please take it by breaking and breaking. Sick? Kefirni!

Your hemorrhoids are our concern!

Confidently call your concern any area of ​​life of the target audience. Your repair is our concern. Your pimple is our concern. Your money is our concern. However, there seems to be cut out inappropriate truth.

The world of something

If you decide to get a shop, not a minute about the title. Just add the word "world" to the goods sold. Anyone, of course. The world of shoelars. The world of sausages. Universe tights. Galaxy Curates and Sewinglets. Constellation of washbasins and washcloths. And let the stunned buyer feel like a little sand among worlds. In the radiance of socks.

Plug into the world of something!

If we are such demiurges that they are able to build worlds, then only to immerse them. Just buy panties or drink beer - neromantically. This good should be a whole world, and we will plunge into it with your head! It is not enough, however, options are used: perhaps yes loading. Dictionary of synonyms to help you: Perfect, go down, dip! The meaning is the same. But no longer just shifted, but plunged into the world of creative.

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