10 signs that your cat is Hitler


Cats, as you know, creatures are highly mystical. You never know who is hiding under the distortion of the cute creation, living with you under the side. Close to your pet - suddenly Adolf Aloizovich himself united him?

1. You turned away literally on a second, and the cat has already appropriated your malko, eggs, sausage, causing, and also annexed pies with meat, motivating this by the fact that they are possibly its compatriots.

2. Your cat methodically destroys paper books by careful sinking and breaking. He does it under the cover of the night, choosing the most valuable (and, in his opinion, ideologically incorrect) instances. He is also extremely angry and hits if you show misunderstanding.

3. Inside and around the tray, the cat regularly rejuvenates the fortification structures - a variety of trenches, bludges, dots and dumplings. All your attempts to get rid of them are meaningless - it is easier to accept.

4. Every night, barely lit, the cat appoints you to the platoxy and starts to march you, loudly chatting brix marches. Once-twisted! Once-two-right! Ain-Tsva Dray!

5. It is unknown when and why it happened, but on the first reserved of your cat you jump up, stretch into fruint and demonstrate the readiness to fulfill any order.

6. And when he climbs on the closet and from there, it begins to cry outstretively, you will not carefully put Wagner.

7. In the soul, your cat is a great artist. After all, he is so masterfully shitting on a white carpet!

8. Strange, but the cat is constantly trying to fit the magnet from the refrigerator, which you brought from Warsaw. And from Tel Aviv. And from Volgograd!

9. The cat is absolutely noted on the league of nations. Do not believe? Then ask if his league of nations concern. Yes, he will not even behave in your direction.

10. By the way, the mustache ... His mustache is some strange. You have already seen these mustache somewhere. And the guests, coming to you, also say that the cat is not just a mustache ... familiar such mustaches. Above lip.

11. Being offended and humiliated, the cat pulls in his mouth any rubbish, clearly intending to poison. If the cat is also a beloved Katze, better remove it from him far away. Naturlyh?

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