18 faithful signs that your cute has a mistress


There are two scary sadness in the world and at the same time terribly funny spectacles. When the evil kitty from greed dives into a potato pan. And when the thoughted husband threw carefully depicts Stirlitz. Why both in the process of the left turn turn on the same programs - the mystery of nature. But the land is spinning, and they are included!

Phone in little fit for this

That is practically in shorts. A strategically important gadget is simply settled in the most interesting place. Without it, it becomes impossible to clean my teeth, nor in the toilet to dream. A man, equipped with only panties and a mobile phone, moves around the apartment by the days, as a native of a bandage and with a spear. The phone is pulled out from there, only in order to be immediately crossed under the pillow. And what if he misses the most important call from the pet store with a new campaign for hamsters?!

Night Calls of State Importance

The day before yesterday, it was the general director, it was necessary to urgently save the company. Yesterday - the Scully agent, it was necessary to save the galaxy from deadly forty. And today, from the pet shop, yes. Therefore, "Kisa", that's about. Oh, just do not need these vulgar hints, why in a half one! Kisos, by the way, night animals, let you know.

Extremely bizarre events

Employees as if someone sobbed them, they start marrying and dying herds, and daily. Some secret Masonic corporate matinees occur at night. On weekends, an avral watering cacti is required. Most of the events take place in those places where fatally catches mobile communications. Even in the office does not catch, here is an ambush. And right from the office he rushes to stick the aunt of the windows for the winter ... in June. Moreover, it seems, that aunt, which has already buried twice last week.

Rock unsuccessful fails it

The battery at the phone sitstens constantly, well, here is the disgusting, which is a new battery for a new apparatus. The TV has twisted a friend to a friend - and he again broke, you have to go. In the night deaf. Suddenly decided to sell the old printer, so the sixth client refuses, after four-hour talks. During which the phone got again. He was already angry with all. Bewarer.

He is pursued by the inexplicable inconsistencies

The garage is returned infant clean. Not a drip of machine oil! Even on the contrary, as if the flowers smell. And what is we have a democratic country, why is a free person who has no right right there in the garage shall shave and change underwear? For you, I tried, ungrateful.

He becomes adept Shaved sect

With inhuman passion yesterday, a snowy man will inspire everything shaves everything, to which his playful excited limbs are reached. Crimples, heels, ears, belly and courageous organ. Honey, this is "zhd" for no reason.

And in some places you need and increase ...

You would not have dreamed in a terrible dream that your hero (Tarzan, smoothly turning into a strong nuts), is able to go to the beauty salon. And smear the cutters on the top of something particularly healing, expensive and stinky. But this is exactly what happens - right in front of the amazed public!

He is impatient to swing and lose weight dramatically

I urgently suppress him a pedometer here, he runs twenty circles from a low start. You spotted, no?! But now he will pull five and a half (you thought, no?!), After which it will run on the scales. Quickly quickly, to lose another forty-one calorium along the way. In general, amazing nearby. I would still try a little - so I could like my native wife!

It takes care of his health

Yesterday, from the whole world of medicine, he was acquainted only with analgin, and at that stage, where the man's condition is "I am healthy as a bull" goes into a state "I remember right now." Today, suddenly something reuses something, something rich, and even it seems to be remembered by the word "prevention". He began to believe in high-fat feed additives and magic herbs. Not trying to improve only the brain. Oh vain!

His wardrobe is transformed

Among his favorite sulfur hoodies suddenly shirts. Pink and lilac. And tie. In parrots. And scarf in some terrible robes. The image is called "I am eternally young soul and damn bold thoughts."

With him there are sharp attacks of caringness

Such ... Convulsive some ... Once he pumped on you a slightly marched stack of lilac. On another day, suddenly he reserves the crane, which the day before yesterday celebrated exactly two years of sluggish promises. The attacks occur suddenly - and just as lightningly replaced with tides of gloomy. Well you are ungrateful, he knew.

At the same time you have terrible flaws.

You are angry, cruel, insensitive woman, how could you ask him to wash the dishes. He has injured from you. He will now suffer and cry for a week. The criticism of the worship of the dishes is already the top of cynicism. He insulted, fruitated and never understood. In a particularly gravily form.

He begins to call you differently

Ten years you were Mashka, Masher and mice, and then suddenly became the sun. Unnamed, faceless and cosmically distant celestial luminaries. And you feel at the same time ... fantastic somehow. As if in some distant galaxy with several suns. Gadskaya astrophysics.

He begins to actively explore the world

Purely for information. Such here he is inquisitive and inquisitive. Dating sites are he studied contingent, conducts a sociological study. Assortment of shops "Women's Happiness" - this is already marketing. Multiple researcher.

He has cognition in unexpected areas

Mystically, he becomes a dock in the training of spitts, although in your home there is nothing dog sropex even in the form of images on the stands under hot. It turns out to be disassembled in wraps and distinguishes peeling from lifting. God forbid so tremendous.

And new interests are found. Very original

Previously, Joe Dasssen was "snot pink." And now he is some kind of solid Vauregu, prodigel trust, turns into the car. And fake fake, with the same smile.

His overwhelms chronic fatigue

Came - dumped - he cut off. Sivka's completely infinite corporate in the aunt and the Scully agent with their savings were completely rotated. Forces only enough for a fooling hand to shove the faithful phone into new cowpers with parrots on smoothly shaved emotional members.

You find someone else's aunt in your own bed

Hmm Surprise-Surprise. But all previous items you could explain so logical, so good! Maybe this one can ... Somehow?

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