How good are you?


Will you be allowed to paradise? It is difficult to say, but if you did something from the following, you are already on the right track.

To know exactly what the extent is the light of your NIMB, we calculate the lumens.

So, if you:

Smiling unfamiliar passers-by - 100

Held heavy doors for reserving a man - 100

Passed pedestrians, even if there was no "zebra" - 100

Ate and praised a disgusting food from a sense of compassion for an unlucky hostess - 100

Voluntarily soap floors in the entrance - 100

I gave way to our place in the queue to whom it was clearly more necessary - 100

Fed on the street pigeons, sparrow and other ducks - 100

Helped the stranger to convey heavy bags - 100

Laikali strange statuses are not because you liked you, but because the man tried, and no one else looked like - 500.

Translated the old woman across the road (successful) - 500.

Helped mom with a stroller go down (climb) on the steps - 200.

Patiently explained the arrival "how to go there" - 100

Personally accomplished a stupid arrival to the right place - 500.

Gave a trifle on beer homeless - 100

Put a tree not on their own plot, but beautiful - 1500.

Released "On the Will" Butterfly / Osu / Spider / God's Cow - 200.

Produced from pity to the will of mice / rats / cockroaches / bedbugs / other reptiles and pests - 800.

Flowers walked on acquaintances left on vacation (and not even duck) - 200.

We were voluntarily and for free with children, grandmothers and homemade pets friends, acquaintances and neighbors (or took them for a while to ourselves). - 1000.

Voluntarily inferior in public transport to children / pregnant women / passengers of retirement age - 300.

Now - now, some more good arithmetic ...

Voluntarily inferior place in public transport with non-death women - 800.

Picked up and left to live in their house any homeless animal - 1000.

Financially encouraged street artists and musicians. - 200.

Asked the crying stranger "What happened"? - 500.

Assisted the neighbor kids holiday (they were hung with them and they had fun) - 1000.

Gave duty to the salary - 1000.

Gave to debt without hope to get money back - 2000.

Gave a strange girl on the street, the flowers are not to meet, but just so - 1000.

Paid for the checkout for the one who did not have enough money - 500.

Caused the police by hearing the cries of help or seeing that someone needs this help - 1000.

Participated on Saturday - 500.

I brought a pedestrian because there was snow / rain / you just regretted a person / why not to pass if on the way. - 600.

Caused an ambiguity who felt himself outside or in transport badly - 800.

We waited with an ambulance who would have a stranger and made sure that everything would be fine with him - 1200.

Shared with colleagues last meal (here we were straight from the heart) - 1500.

Free (that is, for nothing) helped friends friends with relocation, construction, cleaning and other affairs requiring your valuable time and resource - 2000.

Financially participated in any charity - 1500.

Seeing an accident on the road, stopped and tried to help - 1500.

Volunteral - 2000.

Voluntarily gathered with their "old men" - 2000.

We visited a colleague or a small friend in the hospital, because he has no one here, and someone must bring the man oranges - 2500.

Patiently (more than one hour) listened to whining friends and acquaintances when they needed to dare and complain and tried to keep from the Soviets - 5000.

Shake into a fight or scandal to help an unfamiliar person - 5000.

Zarthhinelli PICS - 5000.

We believe. Penetrate. We look:

0 lumens

From you, a bunch, it is clearly carried by gray, but it suits you, right? Well, God .. that is, damn with you. In hell, too, people are. (and cookies)

100 - 1000 lumens

You, beyond any doubt, a reasonable person, but to the paradise you, sorry, like to China. Do not despair. Time to change your mind and correct, you have an excess, and if you suddenly do not succeed, so there are other places other spaces. They say there warmly and sometimes even fun.

1000- 5000 lumens

Something prevents you from completely revealed and finally get up on the path leading to the paradise shining gates. Perhaps you are still young people who are worried about passions and you still pull on the dark side of power. A difficult choice, but to do it anyway will have to. Good luck.

5000 - 10,000 lumens

The doors of Eden so far that you are closed for you, but you have already made your first steps to the light. So if you confirm and translate across the road a couple of old women, you have a good chance to save your immortal soul.

10,000 - 15,000 lumens

You are not what absolute pre-hardness and not alien vices, but the single in Eden is already booked for you. Now the main thing is not to put on and do not miss the opportunity to adjust the karma and backlight the Nimbi through old women, cats and in need of your attention.

15000 - 20000.

You are a wonderful man with a clean heart and all the chances of the company from the paradise Guri and chubby cherubimers. At the same time, you have a reasonable critical approach to reality, and you will not become good to the detriment of yourself and your loved ones.

20,000 - 35,000 lumens

As a back? Does not itch? For all signs, you have already begun to grow snow-white wings. There are no boundaries to your patience and your kindness. All grandmothers and cats in the district are your fans, and a separate office and a white laptop have already been prepared for you. But still do not get carried away. A little healthy egoism has not yet come to the detriment.

35000 and 40000 lumens

Yes, you, my friend, it's time to canonize. Even flies will be blind from the radiance of your niche. Can somehow slow the tension? Well, torn the cat for the tail or spit on the floor in the entrance. Honestly, from this and you, and the people around you close up.

40000 lumens and more

Omg! Omg! Omg! Or maybe you will shift a word for us so that we have risen a salary twice? And better - in three! You will certainly do not refuse.

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