Excuses of resourceful parents to not buy a child a dream gift


    What the parents do not go to give a child to the New Year or the Christmas tree what they can and want, and not what he ordered! Special ingenuity differed, it seems that our. We are honest with children. True true.

    One girl's parents said that the present she wanted so much, just lying under the Christmas tree. Here is a literally five minutes ago. But he was taken and took cockroaches! The girl was three years old, so she believed and grew up with hot hatred to cockroaches. So this stone was killed two hares. That is, first two, and then, when the girl grew up, and the third one. The third called to the confidence in people.

    In a family, one boy before the new year under the dressed Christmas tree was put on a toy santa Claus, and the children had to whisper their wishes to him in his ear. It was given that he got, at random. Did you guess? Well, the grandfather is old, and you are Cartawn, so he did not hear. On, take what they give, do not grieve grandfather.

    Another girl really wanted a Barbie doll. To the impossibility. Then these Barbie only appeared in stores and, of course, were worthwhile for the middle parent of money. But they had wonderful silky hair, which can be calculated many times, rush hands and legs and an interesting dowry. Parents thought and bought another doll, similar. Only with puppet unacceptable hair, negligent limbs and with a wardrobe simpler. And the choice was explained by the fact that Barbie, they say, suspiciously evil face. A new doll girl loved, but a clear imaginary on the poor Barbie shook her heart all his life. And even still a little burns.

    Another girl said that Barbie herself chooses to whom her grandfather Frost could settle, and first overshadowed the child. From the New Year before the New Year, the girl tried, how for the sake of peace all over the world. I did not forget to clean the teeth in the mornings and evenings, helped parents and grandmother in all household matters, did lessons, did not fight with anyone, did not break anything, did not receive any two. And for the next new year, she was told to her with a sigh that she was a big one, but Barbie did not want to move to such a poor house where the black and white TV and a long time ago there was no repairs. The girl sobbed a week.

    In another family, children brought gifts not some pagan grandfather in the fur coat, and Saint Nicholas. And since he is holy, point to him, what to give and where to walk, it was absolutely impossible. I had to rejoice, if at all I got something and something was signed.

    Our generation comes up with excuses of much kinder. For example, one girl told the niece that Santa Claus could not give her a puppy. After all, his sleigh fly from the city to the city through the sky, there is terribly cold and almost no oxygen. My grandfather and snow horses are nothing, they are magical, but the puppy is ordinary, he will fall or wipe off. With her daughter, the same girl concisely explained that everyone has a budget, and grandfather too. So gives the grandfather for reasons to fit into the budget. He, of course, rich and kind, but children, waiting for a gift, out how much! If one child gets a gift for more expensive, something to give, cache with butter?

    Another girl with her daughter also told about the balance and about Santa Claus - not a warehouse of goods, but suggested the way to solve the problem. It is necessary to make a list of desired to make the grandfather to choose from! And everyone will be nice.

    So parents clearly became kinder. Probably because the memory of cockroaches, carrying dream gifts in their dark holes, burns their hearts.

    The article has prepared: Lilith Mazikina

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