Syndrome of the absence of vacation - argue, do you have it?



The diagnosis of "no vacation syndrome" sounds completely unpervently, because there is, you know, syndromes and more involved. But this is only at first glance. The American magazine Science calls the consequence of this syndrome a complete list of all terrible, including infarction, stroke and oncology.

Previously, this syndrome was, mainly by the American problem, for the ocean of the length of vacation for a whole five days is considered quite Okay. And we, even if it was not possible to escape in the summer, at least in the New Year holidays traditionally drank from the first to the twelfth, completely ignoring the standing plants and disadvantaged cows. But now more and more compatriots refuse to drink without prior to New Year's Eve, motivating this access to work is already the second in the morning. And in the old new year, they are not going to drink at all that, slowly, begins to scare.

Another trait of time - the work does not stop even on the trip, which is sincerely considered holidays. Well, yes, I'm going to Thailand, but my faithful gray apples laptop will be with me, so you will write all the articles, all the tables are considered, all the codes of all the codes of all the best - in the world of high-speed Internet and automatic milking devices are also possible and not so wonders . As a result, children, throwing a foul look at you, joyfully flew to splash in warmth and wet, and you sit under the palm tree and try to answer the owner of the farm for the main existential issue of all farms: "And a lot of cow gives milk?". Even if the three rays of the sun run to your legs through holes in palm leaves, and you are a little torn, the body will still solve that you are a bastard. Because it does not consider this holiday and will be amazeful to try to understand - who do you want to deceive?


And literally after a couple of years (regardless of how much you now), an offended body will take revenge. Okay, if you seventeen, it will not start. But you are not seventeen?

Standard otmazki

- I'll be fired

Securities do not dismiss. Low-value dismissed, especially in the crisis. That is, or you are valuable, and you will not be fired. Either you are lowful, and you will be fired anyway. Go on vacation.

- I rest for five days, but three times a year

The first four days the body has not yet understood that you rest. The fifth begins to understand, and you are on the plane and home. I do not know how the body, but I would be avenger.

- I am changing the kind of activity, so this can be considered the holiday

The saying "The best holiday is a change of activity" works with a number of restrictions. That is, if you, for example, temporarily changed my mental work on physical and went to the cottage, dig a potato, then it can work. And if you changed the milk of cows on the milking goats - the hell with two.

- And I'm not tired


Mentally sick people also believe that they are not sick. Just all around aliens and agents of the KGB. And only I am alone - Josephine.

- These assholes will not cope without me, and everyone will fall into Tartarara

It is easily. But it is not clear what they will do when you die young.

Etc. It is in the monitor we can be shy, and find convincing excuses - here we have a congenital talent of the creator. Do not fool your head and go on vacation.

According to the American magazine Science, the absence syndrome increases the risk of premature death by 20%. It is much higher than the risk of premature death, for example, from chronic alcoholism. Therefore, taking advantage of the case, I suggest our expensive edition to urgently go to New Year's holidays without laptops. If you want to die prematurely, let's be better from alcoholism.

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