Cockroaches of great people. You also have, yes!


The surrounding certainly nominate your petty claims and impose their discarded requirements. Well, what to take with them. Sorry alone, who did not know the flights of fantasy, the Great of the Spirit and other pleasures of the Great Personality.

They just do not yet know who you are. But they still recognize. Here you will tell you now!

Are you a slug? Yes, you - Einstein!

Nobel laureate is extremely rarely cut their cosmas and wore that it fell (frequently flip-styl fell). And the socks - those did not recognize in general as a class. Agree, low-lying nonsense, distract from universal problems. In addition, he gave the dirtless of all times and peoples two priceless quotes: "If the mess on the table means mess in my head, what then means an empty table?" And "order is needed to fools, genius rules over chaos."

In the house of Bardak? There was Beethoven!

Now, if Ludwig van Beethoven had Facebook and he would know Einstein, he would have a charge of both of these wisdom. The housing of the Great Composer was described as follows: "In his house, a truly awesome confusion reigns. Books and notes are scattered in the corners, as well as the remains of cold food, sealed and half drained bottles; At the office, a running sketch of a new quartet, and here the remains of breakfast ... "Find out the setting around your computer? PA-Ba Bahaam!

Are you a cash accumator? Congratulations, you dickens!

It is good that Einstein has not met Dickens. Otherwise, Kondrathy would definitely meet the writer. He was so clean up, which was broken at a hundred times to the day. I got up and went to bed at the same time, worked clearly between breakfast and lunch. In general, they themselves "bore", better let them try "Oliver Twist" toggle.

Do you like to sow? Hello, Churchill!

If someone after breakfast is in a hurry not at the table, but in the bed, he is not dickens, of course. He is Winston Churchill. What, if you think, maybe also cooler. He led the correspondence and squeezed whiskey. During the war, however, the poor fellow was not given to the taste of home, but he had his own bed in parliament. Although after dinner, you don't bother you!

Shuffed for hours? Typical Bonaparte!

The great commander and emperor immersed in the bath for an hour at least. Health corrected and, for sure, launching the clarification, Napoleonic plans built. So there is nothing to knock and break, otherwise you can also arrange a man Waterloo instead of Austerlitz.

Sit as hit? Wake up, you are Newton!

The scientist fell asleep forever in his cozy chair for thinking, and sometimes sank in sleep and during the conversation. And then at night, long grumbled with her side on the side, counting elephants. So if you do not require the observance of the sleep mode, you will definitely ever be called by any law.

Are you a terrible owl? Well, just Mozart!

Mozart at night very often satuned - or at work, or with buddies for cards. Then he cut off at dawn and could go to the evening. Sometimes because of this, even the sun has not seen all day. So you suffer - not pokering the sake of the sake of the sake of the sake of high art.

Do you undermine neither light dawn? Suvorov!

But Alexander Vasilich - he would have done a person from all Mozart. He got up in two or three o'clock in the morning, "immediately drunk a glass of Porter, biting with ham or some other smoked meat" - and cheerfully rushed to the feats. They say, still loved to thwart the subordinates, they will be their kernels with a cooper. Cool invented!

Are you a workaholic maniac? Oh, you Nikola Tesla!

Together with Suvorov, that is, with roosters, that is, even before, they got up, the famous inventor of Tesla. I got up in three nights and started to hide. What and did until eleven in the evening, practically without rejecting. "He was a bachelor, but was well laid with pigeons ..." - the biographer add thoughtfully. Yes, that's not everyone understands a motivated, hardworking, efficient and successful! ..

Are you sloth? Because Anton Delvig!

Even in the lyceum characteristics of the Pushkin classmate, it was recorded: "Missing is generally its property and is quite noticed in everything, only not when he shalit or sports." Baron Deligign all friends have fun. Yes, he himself participated: "One he lives with a tape, / Blessed his fate, / a century his joy sings / and stranger with the longing!" What you wish.

Are you a groom? These are you wings!

It happened, the Basinople will sit at the table and consumed in one sit down good soup, Bottvenu, Culebyak, fatty pie, goose with Gruzts, Siga with eggs and a pig in Khreno. I caught up with oysters, number from 80 to 100. "Do you need a lot of people?" - traditionally uttered Ivan Andreich after dinner, to universal rusty surrounding ...

Do you have a strange hobby? Obvious Mendeleev!

At leisure, the famous chemist loved to make suitcases. About this passion Dmitry Ivanovich Songs and Basni Songs. So who will climb the order to your boxes, he can easily deprive the humanity of the new periodic table of elements!

Did you interfere in sports? Lev Tolstoy!

Cockroaches of great people. You also have, yes! 40023_13
At the time of Leo, Nikolaic did not have gyms and other yoga studios at every corner. Here is an advanced graph and twisted as he could. That mows, then plows, then the firewood rubs, then the kilometer wounds the kilometer - on the bike Ali so, with a pawny. Eh, and how lacked poor mobile apps for fitness!

Pulls to gambling? One word, Dostoevsky!

Once Fedor Mikhalych was driving to his beloved Polina to Paris, and on the way he met roulette. And forgot about Paris, and about Polina ... And then she also lost her money. Sad story, of course. But so he later "player" wrote!

Are you a womanizer? Well, Lev Landau!

Cockroaches of great people. You also have, yes! 40023_15
Even sadder than a friend FM, a spouse of the genius physics Landau had to. Her husband had his own theory also on the topic of physics between a man and a woman. Scary original: that marriage is a lie, and the sexual attraction should not restrain ... What, are you the very Landown in Landau's light? Wait, but what about the ten-year courses of physics, eh? ;)

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