Electronic cigarettes: what else?


    Experts do not smoke aside, but conduct research. And, according to the last, not everything is so simple in smoking electronic cigarettes. And the subculture of wipers grown from this phenomenon is not the worst.

    News Such: In addition to known chemicals (in the amount of 31 name), another 2 carcinogens were revealed in a pair of electronic cigarette, until recently not known scientists.

    According to the latest research, each tightening of the electronic cigarette contains propylene oxide and glycidol.

    Older devices are especially dangerous in this sense. The longer you smoke the electronic cigarette, the more dangerous.

    By themselves, the above substances may be harmless, but in combination with steam, when heated, including the process of release of formaldehydes and acrolein, is launched.

    Chemicals entering lungs and eyes, when smoking electronic cigarettes - 6 times more.

    During the studies, it turned out that the content of dehydes causing cancer and cardiovascular diseases grows by 60% when inhaling a hot pair of electronic cigarette.

    If you rephrase the opinion of the author's studies of Hugo Dysteltse from the National Laboratory Laboratory in Berkeley, then "ordinary cigarettes are murderous, but electronic - are simply very harmful."

    The studies used cheaper versions of electronic cigarettes and more expensive. During the experiment, the "inhalation" of steam every 30 seconds was simulated. First of all, it was noted that after 10 minutes of smoking, the temperature of the electronic cigarette rose sharply. And the acrolein content indicator was 4 times lower than when inhaling tobacco smoke from ordinary cigarette, but then everything changed sharply. The study continued under the condition where the electronic cigarette "smoked" for 9 rounds consisting of 50 traps. Chemical indicators began to set up.

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