Antipremia "Golden Malina": 10 mostst laureates of all time



Last week, the nominees were announced to Oscar and a kind of anti-Oscar - "Golden Malina" - a prize that is awarded for the most dubious achievements in cinema since 1981. With "Oscar" we are all clear, so decided to collect a hot ten worst of the worst. You're better not to watch impressionable!

Worst Actor Age

Sylvester Stallone


Mr. Stallone for a long filmier was nominated for "Golden Malina" 30 times - more than anyone else - and received 10 figurines. The most crop turned out to be 1986, when two films were fighting for the worst title - "Rocky-4" and "Rambo-2". This year the organizers thought and nominated the actor "for restoring reputation" in the film "Creed".

Worst actress century



Forever young Madonna is a happy owner of 9 figurines of "Rasina". It is noteworthy that she got down award for each of his film (with the exception of "Evita", but there is a singer and really good) - "Shanghai surprise", "body like evidence", "best friend", and one even divided with the GEARY Richie - for the film "Gone." But this is Madonna: such a feeling that it will not even stop the direct hit of the nuclear missile. Every than so much confidence!

Absolute Recordsman in the number of nominations

"Dusk. Saga. Dawn - Part 2, 2012


In 2013, the final film of Vampire Love was nominated for 11 awards: "The worst movie", "worst female role" (Kristen Stewart), "The worst men's role of the second plan" (Taylor Lautner), "The worst director" (Bill Condon) , "The worst remake, parody or sequel", "worst-screen duet" (Mackenzie Foy and Taylor Lautner), "The worst acting ensemble", of which got 7. Do not worry, prizes for the worst female role and the worst movie there is there.

Absolute record holder in the number of victories

"Such different twins", 2011


The film got an already 10 awards. 2 of them were gone by Adam Sandler for the performance of the worst male and female roles, and one - not to someone, and alone ally Pacino in the nomination "The worst role of the second plan" for the role of himself. Truly a talented man talented in everything: badly play yourself - it is necessary! This, by the way, was the first case in the history of "Golden Raspberry" when the vast majority of the awards received one film.

The worst and best

Sandra Bullock


The February weekend of the distant 2010 for Sandra Bullock was extremely rich in events. First, on Saturday, she received Golden Malina as the worst actress of the year - for the film "All about Steve" (not the best job, confirm). And on Sunday, she grabbed Oscar as the best actress of the year, the truth is already the "invisible side" tape. We call this "multifaceted personality." By the way, Bullock became one of the few who came for "Malina" and honestly received it.

We are not afraid of a gray wolf

Administration of the White House


In 2005, for the worst "roles" in the documentary film "Fahrenheit 9/11" Golden Malina "awarded pool of the White House: Minister of Defense of the United States Donald Ramsfeld, Secretary of State Condolysis Rice, President George Bush Jr. and his manual goat. Sleeve comments.

The first among the worst

"Postman", 1997


This is also a film recordsman - he won the first in history in all 5 nominations in which it was presented. Self-proclaimed film critics not only did not appreciate the director's talent of Kevin Coster, handing him the "golden raspberry" for the worst director, but also doubted his acting data - the premium in the nomination "The worst actor of the year" also left him. Against the background of this "raspberry" for the worst song is not even impressive.

Error came out



Surprisingly, the film, which is now considered to be a classic genre, was nominated for "Golden Malina" twice: for the worst female role and the worst director. Kubrick's walls, of course, I wanted to spit on someone's opinion there (he, by the way, and the scenes in the film were moving 100 times, having everyone in mind), but how he took the nomination of the actress Shelly Dula, which he brought to the nervous Disruption and exhaustion, still unknown. But she did not win - and thank God.

Chief Applicant for "Malina 2016"

"50 shades of gray", 2015


Here we have nothing to say again. Pseudo-bdsm, pseudo-acting, psevo-cinema. Let everyone take, we don't feel sorry!

All nominees-2016

How he suffers! How! "Oscar" in the studio! Funny video from the organizers.

Facts about award

  • "Golden Malina" is awarded since 1981
  • The first award ceremony was held in the hotel's room.
  • 900 people vote for nominees, and membership in the club can be safely acquired for a certain fee
  • Prize fans will be able to vote on several sites, including Rotten Tomatoes
  • The winners are handed a plastic statuette covered with gold paint from a can
  • The cost of award does not exceed $ 5 (with all taxes)

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