Amoral moralists. 10 great hypochers


Show us a moralist, and we will show you a hypocrite. At least, if you break up, something all the time is it. So let's amazeing the dual human nature together.

George Orwell and Big Brother

Orwell, author of a magnificent "cattle courtyard" and "1984", who gave us the image of a big brother, was not against censorship and political persecution, if anyone needs censorship and persecution.

He was very disturbed by communism, so he led the record in a small little book, where he inspired a dossier for more than a hundred acquaintances, who suspected in sympathy for red and considered "cryptocommunists" and "fellow travelers" of communism. With this list, he voluntarily shared with the authorities.

Typical characteristics: Kigsli Martin - "Poiling Liberal. Very insincere ", Stephen Spender -" easily affects. A tendency to homosexuality. " Bernard Shaw - "No connections, but definitely a russian on all major issues."


Ain Rand and Social

The author of the famous book "Atlant straightened his shoulders" challenged capitalism, independence and independence from the state. About everyone there lovers to live on the manual, she responded very strictly. And, by the way, she did not believe in harm smoking, and her positive characters smirled a cigarette for a cigarette, like Ain herself.

It is all sad. When Rand sick with lung cancer, there was not enough fees for treatment, and she had to seek state help. You will say: Well, not to die a man. But her spiritual mentor, Isabella Paterson, was faithful to the ideals of the free market and chose to die beggar and the patient, but did not touch budget money.

Henry David Toro and life in nature

This author is tormented by American schoolchildren. He wrote memoirs about a secluded life on the shore of the lake and became an icon of eologists, survivalors and opponents of the consumer lifestyle.

But, first, to the great unity with Nature Toro somehow managed to burn half the forest, incorrectly arranged a bonfire. And secondly, the house was not him, but his teacher, he drove into the city, and dirty things drove to wash her mom. Damn, give us a house, lunch and launch, we also want to get a little memoirs.

Stephen Spielberg and Pure Creativity

Every, probably, knows and loves at least one Spielberg movie. And, probably, everyone will agree with the opinion of the great director in the fact that the modern manner of Hollywood is stamped with endless remakes and sequels, disgusting. Stephen responds very sharply about films that have come out over the past 20 years, and accuses Hollywood producers in mercy.

Hey, but it also became a producer and Ullomal Michael Bei to make continuation of "transformers", continuing, which would operate the Gate of Hell, if they could open the stupidity of the script and a bad acting game! We are not talking about the continuation of the "Jurassic Park".

Jean Jacques Rousseau and Father's Love

In times, Rousseau with children managed without sublimation. Thank you, he began to teach contemporaries to love babies, play with him, walk, give them more freedom ...

But his five from the mistress Rousseau instantly determined the children's homes. Mom he convinced them that it would be better. When Voltaire criticized Rousseau, writing that he threw the children on the threshold of the shelter, the philosopher responded completely seriously that all this lie, he didn't throw anyone on the threshold, but gently brought babies into the building.

By the way, about Voltaire. And censorship

Voltaire we know as a free-rope, atheist, defender of all kinds of freedoms. This is due to its influence all cultural people today are shuddering, having heard that someone wants to burn on a fire "50 shades of gray" or introduce censorship on the Internet.

The conflict with Rousseau forced Voltaire to leave these stupid, freedom-loving thoughts. First, the writers exchanged shimmers, but after the release of the Rousseau "Letters from the Mountain", the nerves of Voltaire passed, he attacked a horsepower Christian and called on the government to squeeze the government, and the author narrowed. As it were, they said in our day: Drain is counted.

Thomas Day and perfect wife

Day was an English enlightener. He opposed the slavery, ill-treatment of animals, distributed money to the poor and wrote a moral children's book, which has long been tormented by English schoolchildren.

But with a personal life of Daia did not make shape. He was obsessed with the idea to raise the perfect spouse. Therefore, he took himself into the house of two pretty pupils, 11 and 12 years old, left with them in a secluded place and began to raise them in them ... No, not what you thought, but courage. I pound into the sea to swim (one almost stopped), demanded that they do not dive, when she was sick, lied hot wax, shot in the direction of girls from the pistol. Then he decided that they were some stupid and cowardly and splaved married.

In the end, he managed to achieve the hand of one unhappy trusting woman, whom he was isolated from the family, took away into the wilderness and tortured by progressive agriculture (who said Sterligov! Title, but it did not appreciate it.

Lion Tolstoy and Exceptional Generosity

Tombe we also have a humanist, everyone remembers it from school.

At least, the man he was conscientious - will make a nasty and repent. For example, in his youth, he slept with the peasants, serving, seduced the maid of his aunt, which was then drove for pregnancy. He for some reason he wrote about all this and gave to read the notes of the bride. And then I still complained that the bride was cold in the first wedding night as a porcelain doll.

For 48 years of marriage, his wife gave birth to him 13 children, moreover, the exemance to keep the farm and help with manuscripts. Later it turned out that Sophia herself was a talented writer, but for an understandable reason she had a bit no time. And Tolstoy continued to sleep with different women.

At the end of his life, the writer wanted to make a generous gesture - refuse copyright. He was easily easily with gestures, he somehow still in his youth, for example, lost the main building in his estate. The refusal of copyright would mean that in the case of his death, the wife would not receive a solid amount. Sophia was furious, she threatened to him suicide, rummaged in his documents, received a diagnosis of "degenerative double constitution: paranoral and hysterical, with the predominance of the first" and the eternal mark of the mercenary aunt in history. And Tolstoy still managed to rewrite the will.

Dickens and poor ornaments

Charles Dickens opened the eyes of the eyes on the suffering of licensions and the poor. Reading his books, I want to believe that he was exactly what a secret order was exactly in some secret Order of Good.

Rather, the opposite. In his beliefs, Dickens was a fair racist, a sadist and a stuled monarchist. And in his personal life, the darkness reigned at all. With the wife of Katerina, they lived 20 years old. During this period, a poor woman gave birth to 10 children, survived two miscarriages, and the rest of the time, mostly came to himself and suffered from postpartum or prepar depression. The kids liked the Father only in the first years of life, and then frankly annoyed.

Over time, Dickens decided that his wife had some kind of boring, and the mother was bad. With sprinkling, writing about this several articles in newspapers and magazines, he spoiled Katerina into a separate house, and most of the children sent his wife's sister. He himself began to live with a pretty young actress.

Katerina, by the way, did not say the word bad about her husband. Before his death, she handed the old letters of Dickens her daughter with a heartbreaking request: "Give them to the British Museum so that people know that he once loved me."

Mahatma Gandhi and devils that

Gandhi is a symbol of kindness, peacefulness, almost the saint.

But in his life, he worked such that even surprisingly, how he left his hands. The fact that he was a racist and friendly corresponded with Hitler - nonsense. He did not love his children, he poured money to their upbringing, the older was not allowed to learn to the legal, and he finished his days by an alcoholic and a prostitute.

Gandhi respected the abstinence and believed that it was necessary to practice in the confrontation of temptations. For this, in particular, from time to time he lay down in beds with a naked schoolgirl (the grandchildren of the niece) and, well, thank God, it seems to do nothing with her.

But abstinence courses worked so-so. His gandhi's wife regularly changed, in the press he wrote about her nasty, beat her on a regular basis and, in the end, Domuchil, forbid to give her an antibiotic when she fell ill with pneumonia.

In general, on this background, information about the fact that Gandhi was also a wonderful male friend (German Jew Bodybowder, we ourselves in shock), it's even somehow cute. By the way, a couple of gentle called each other "the upper chamber" and "lower chamber", and we hope that, having received this information, you will never be able to think about the wards of parliament.

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