What kind of beard to you to grow? 7 stunning ideas


What kind of beard to you to grow? 7 stunning ideas 40012_1

Beard is a symbol. Beard is a manifesto. Beard is warm and protected from ultraviolet rays. But the beard should be raised not ababa, but with meaning. Well, or at least in accordance with your social role or profession.

Attention! Each photo is charged with a beard growth! Make a post on your page and improving the growth of beard and mustache will noticeably in a week!

Sisadmin beard

You wore the beard before it became mainstream, and now your mighty vegetation causes only contemptuous smiles of hipsters. Because you do not trimming it, do not make it immentable air conditioning with the aroma of violet, but just cut when it becomes indecently long. Fufufu, throw the scissors! Your perfect beard is to the knees or at least before the navel: now nothing needs to do with it, and others will stop asking to ask who you work. Like in the good old days.

Hipster beard

Let the ordinary people continue to think that you are all the same, you know that the main thing is not to lose individuality. It is becoming more and more difficult, unfortunately - for points in the horny frame and the lush beard, the face is not visible at all. But without a beard to walk indecently. There is a way out - a beard under the chin, almost like Wolverine! In six months, everyone will grow up the same, and you, having gathered the laurels of the style icons, you can shave it and grow finally normal.

Beard of a young father


Your choice is the salary beard until the middle of the chest. First, it can be covered with your baby who asleep in your hands. Secondly, a stupid baby can develop a small motorcy, having shuting her rattles on it. And when the offspring shoots years to three years, on the street it will be possible to pretend that you are not very in doing, because you are his grandfather. Believe me, come in handy.

Frontist beard

This beautiful beard can be wiped off a stingy tear and the scrambled eggs alternately. And now you do not need to think, is it decent to go outside in working clothes. Anyway, no one will lower the look below your beard. In general, as not to twist - it turns out to save time, forces and nerves.

Beard student

Rarely who grows a suitful beard in so young years. If you are lucky and you have it growing - throwing a razor immediately. The more your beard will be similar to this picture - the easier in the teaching. Of course, the teachings will remember you immediately and this is minus, because the couples will not work. But no one will ever throw you on the exams. The fact is that people tend to judge others in appearance, and stereotypically judge. Teachers are also people. And you with such a beard and mustache - a rustic portrait of some great scientist. Mock?

Beard creative personality

You certainly need your own chip. Something like that will allocate you from the crowd and with time will become your brand sign. Just a beard will not work. Long beard, especially redhead - plagiarism. Figure shaved beards were also. But there were no bearded beards on the line, no one famous person had. You can combine it with a haircut under the pot. Style - in simplicity. Do not thank.

Beard Groom

Bride in panic, because it can't come up with the concept of your wedding? Rustic style in fashion, so just grow up this beard and get rid of the most beloved from the headache. There is a circle of benefit: the bride will calm down, at wedding photos you will be the center of the composition, and the boyfoine will pass in a warm, friendly atmosphere. All who remember the bearded joke "In the words you Lion Tolstoy, but in practice .." You can immediately drive out and get drunk in the company of the most faithful and devotees. If someone remains, of course.

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