About the fund "Old age in joy"



Old age is that someday will happen almost with each of us, unless of us, of course, do not adhere to the ideology of Live Fast - Die Young. Being an old man in our country is very difficult. How to make old age in real joy?

These are just valid foreign vigorous elderly ride around the world with a camera at the vindication and capture holidays for all the years, our grandparents and grandparents are cheerfully and nurse grandchildren of great-grandchildren, and in worst they live very badly and poorly. For some reason we have not taken care of our old men. We are afraid and ashamed old age, as if it is some kind of infectious and not very decent disease.

Charitable projects for helping the elderly are very small - it is difficult to look for money for this. Everyone got used to helping children, they say, they have a whole life ahead, they must be treated, holy and cherished, and the fact that old people are exactly the same absolutely unprotected social category, remains outside the focus of attention. It is especially difficult for those people who live in nursing homes throughout Russia, according to statistics of their almost 240,000 people. Almost no one visits them, most of the time grandparents provided themselves, but it does not mean that they do not need attention, human warmth and participation.

The Charitable Foundation "Old age to joy" has grown from the volunteer group under the leadership of Lisa Aleskin.

"In Philfak MSU, where I studied, one of the tasks of summer practice was to collect folklore in the villages. You know, different songs, chastushki, fairy tales. As one of the options of the point of collection, we were offered a rural nursing home. I thought it was very convenient: a lot of grandmothers in one place, quickly all the gather and I will go home. But the folklore was not collected at that time. The nursing home was a one-story building, in which he was gray and dark, and old people, despite the warm and sunny day, sat in their rooms in despondency. Naturally, we returned there after a while, grabbing the guitar to just sing songs. And everything miraculously changed: the grandmothers came to life, began to sing, dance, hug with us. It's amazing how little it turned out to be fun to do. So we started riding the nursing homes, sing songs, communicate. The team gradually developed and suproed houses were formed. Now the foundation has more than a hundred and all of Russia. "

In addition to the fact that the Foundation helps to diversify the monotonous weekdays of their wards, organizing improvised concerts, tea drinking, making sweets and gifts, "old age in joy" regularly purchases consumables for nursing homes, which are always very acute. This list includes diapers, absorbing sheets, wheelchairs, bed linen, anti-harden mattresses, special medical medications and medicines, makes the life of old men as much as possible.

"Elderly people do not need a lot. They have already lived a lifetime, and all that they need is not to feel lonely. "




You can choose a grandmother or grandfather by correspondence and regularly send them letters. The main condition is to do this at least once a month, more often it is possible, less frequently. The first letter of the project curators are asked to invest in the photo, old people will be very nice to see a new face. You need to be prepared for the fact that the ward may not answer. It is very difficult for them: and they are constantly sick, and the eyes are no longer there. But letters are very rejoicing and reread them for as many times that practically everyone memorize.

If you want to write letters to Grandma or Grandfather:

1) Register on the site.

2) Go to the photo album in the section about grandparents, who are not yet written.

3) If there are photos without comment, leave a comment with your coordinates

4) Wait for letters, and soon the correspondence coordinator will send you an address

5) If there are no photos without comment, if in general there are no photos in this section, go to the forum in the topic "Ba-de on correspondence (without photos)".

6) If there are all disassembled there, it means there are no free grandmothers at the moment, watch for updates :) In addition, you can congratulate grandparents and grandparents with birthday and other holidays as disposable. Read more about this in the appropriate topic on the forum.

Cozy room

As part of the program, the Volunteers of the Foundation are converted by chambers of scary and gray to those where you want to live! Repair of one room costs about 30,000 rubles. Someone can call it luxury, but for grandparents, this is a whole life, the place where they spend almost 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Let them be delighted at least a little.


Holiday Gift Collection

To the new year, February 23, March 8 and especially the day of Victory can be transferred to the nursing home small gifts and souvenirs (doubting that it is better to give, coordinators will gladly tell me what each of the wards like), and if there is a desire, you can join Volunteer group and hand your gift personally.

How to help?

The easiest way is to help money. How to do it - in detail here.

Purchase the essentials of the diapers to the smallest things for comfort - the list and telephone coordinator are here.

Become a bus station - contacts coordinators - here.

Help in organizing holidays and leisure - all the information here.

Become a friend of the Foundation :) How is it? For example, as Made Vera Pesulov and its project "Helpers Bazar"

Not so long ago, the third Helper's Bazar was already held in Moscow - a fashionable beautiful event, where they managed to collect almost 3,000,000 rubles for the Starhod of Joy.

Helper's Bazar is the first Charity-Market in Russia, where you can buy the right, beautiful and stylish things with discounts from 30 to 70%. This day is about people. He is not about politics and not about money, not about profit or PR. He is - about the time that can afford any people living in Moscow: just come in the weekend to the city center and purchase something useful: a new desk lamp, fresh bread or a delicious Italian pasta, comfortable boots, raincoat for a child or a bright poster on Long-empty wall in the living room. All products of brands provide us with free, and absolutely all the revenue we give into our suprames.

The organizers promise to launch online market in the near future, where everyone can make a purchase in favor of those in need, regardless of their location. In the meantime - a beautiful photo report. Assist not just just, but also beautiful! Dare!

Photo 1, 2 - Shutterstock

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