How are representatives of various signs of the zodiac prepare for the holiday?


Before the new year, a few weeks remain, and the countdown is launched for all signs of the zodiac. Preparing, comrades!


How are representatives of various signs of the zodiac prepare for the holiday? 39998_1

The main problem of cartridges when preparing for the New Year is their, Cuckish, birthday. Planning the coming holidays stands on two whales: "How much money do I have?" And "What is my liver?" Experienced Capricors transform these whales into a single monolith: "How much is the donor liver?". From the answers to these questions, the decision depends on - to celebrate everything at once or after all, to break the party into two stages. The advantages of the second option are obvious (gifts will be greater), consists depend on the liver condition. As a result, as a rule, everything rests on specific dates - the probability of the decision to shoot at once is directly proportional to the gap between the birthday and December 31st.


How are representatives of various signs of the zodiac prepare for the holiday? 39998_2

Aquarius for the new year is preparing carefully - Aquarius shaves legs. If, of course, this is an aquarius girl. Boy-Aquarius legs will not shave, but the point will not change this - on New Year's Eve, Aquarius prefers sex sex. And aquarius, as we all know, these are such special creatures, which even to their own "APCH" will pick up a powerful existential thesis. Therefore, the refusal to the noisy party in favor of sex, they motivate the simple, but the murderous argument: "How to meet, you will spend." Well, the fact that next year they will have technically at work, so it is the details.


How are representatives of various signs of the zodiac prepare for the holiday? 39998_3

On the one hand, you can go to Kuznetsov. But Kuznetsov will have Selivanov, and I can't get them out. On the other hand, a party in the club is a bad music that you can't turn off, idiotic contests and a lot of mayonnaise in a salad. Of course, it would be possible to go to the old company and spend a holiday with people who have not seen many years, but I jumped off. Fish does not know how to celebrate the New Year. Fish has not yet decided. Because everything is difficult.


How are representatives of various signs of the zodiac prepare for the holiday? 39998_4

Aries is not preparing for the 31st of December - not that scale. Normal Aries in 60 seconds paints everything up to Christmas, and better - before baptism. Baths, Sani and to Gypsies. If the Aries have a small budget, he will speak as a buyer, a dancing bear, a cab driver and his horse. If the Aries are not particularly limited in the means and still caresses the courage, by the end of January, not very sober land risks rummage to the heavenly axis. At the same time, it is not necessary to prepare for the preparation of Aries - they all somehow come true.


How are representatives of various signs of the zodiac prepare for the holiday? 39998_5

Classic Taurons holiday is scheduled for hours in March. The average taurus knows exactly where it goes, what will be wearing and how he will not drink for anything. " The level of the 80th level begins to cook the colder two weeks before the holiday. Five minutes before the battle of the Kurats, the calves have a complete food oven, and the calf himself, locked in the bathroom, will add a quarterly report, because it also needs to have time. Actually, beautiful harmony and collaborate on the plans to "add a quarterly report" and collapsed. Because the calves, which "will not drink anything" - does not happen. Where will the drank calf bend? Yes, anywhere. At least here to the Aries, the lack of recreational horses and speaking bears.


How are representatives of various signs of the zodiac prepare for the holiday? 39998_6

New Year comes to twins suddenly. "What is the sense - today is thirty first?", "They clarify confineously," yesterday there was a tenth. " After that, the twins clap several times in their eyes on the calendar and - wrap ... By winning the laws of physics of one left, the twins turn our planet into a black hole, where a minute tends to infinity. Classic twins for the remaining from the old year three and a half hours have time to take a stand in a closed hairdresser, cook snacks for twenty people and write a New Year's play for guests. Oh yeah, and buy a Christmas tree. After that, fall into the chair and moan: "Let me have a drink, fascists."


How are representatives of various signs of the zodiac prepare for the holiday? 39998_7

The new year for cancer is an intimate feast and is planned accordingly. Either family or closest friends. Because it is important. Such introductory practically ensure that the entire December cancer will reflect on the themes "What to give them?" And "suddenly they will not like, maybe change, not too late?". But this is all, there is a place if cancer does not fail to work in mid-December: drunk cancer turns into Aries and may accidentally buy tickets to Thailand. And the reflexion will begin, rubrev in February on Samui.


How are representatives of various signs of the zodiac prepare for the holiday? 39998_8

Leo at the price will not stand. He is preparing for the holidays thoroughly and thoughtfully. Clear and with the arrangement. His guests will have the most delicious food, the most interesting cultural program and the best gifts. Guests will sit under the most beautiful Christmas tree and listen to the highest music. At the same time, all these joy of life lion will give birth to relatives and loved ones completely free. It is quite enough for him that you, nothingness, clearly aware of who the king of the beasts here, and who is so-sparrow.


How are representatives of various signs of the zodiac prepare for the holiday? 39998_9

There are two factors: 1) Virgo adore holidays; 2) Virgin is active. If we put both factors into one flask, the mixture is formed, where the heavy part (Olivier) is lowered to the bottom, and it covers it easier (labeled dresser with mayonnaise). When reaction, an explosive fluid is distinguished, the acidity of PN 7.4 (tears). The holiday is so cult event that advanced maids are able to even arrange an unscheduled repair to enter the New Year with the updated house. As a rule, all this ends with a cute party with games on the topic "Caution, do not turn around" and guests who fell asleep in an embrace with plasterboard sheets.


How are representatives of various signs of the zodiac prepare for the holiday? 39998_10

Scales planned ten versions of the new year meeting. And three more spare. The problem is that you need to choose. And everything is so tasty ... Therefore, the experimental scales are not borrowed by planning, and in response to persistent questions of the second half make hand - they say, it is necessary to live, two more weeks, suddenly the icicle on the head? So, despite your natural dualism, this is the wise zodiac sign in the current context.


How are representatives of various signs of the zodiac prepare for the holiday? 39998_11

Scorpio is preparing carefully. 146% prepares scorpion. That is, he will make Brazilian hair removal, even if he has all New Year's Eve standing in a white bear costume. At the same time, Scorpio clearly reveals a report that he will be a star of this (and any other) night, even if the shaggy and pajamas comes. But still preparing. Because called scorpion - the ride in rhinestones.


How are representatives of various signs of the zodiac prepare for the holiday? 39998_12

Sagittarius plans to sleep. Because how much can already be?! So, the Sagittarius decides. At first I pierce the hours to two. Then eat. Then he is lazy to read facebakes, drinking alcohol. Then go to bed to be in shape to the new year. I listen to the chimes, all the whole, go to bed. Here is a great plan. I have never worked, but is beautiful in my own, and as a dream.

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