What to give her, damn it? Zodiac to help!


You can not love Clara Zetkin. You can not know who she is. You can generally anything. But just not to force this strange woman in your house do not look at you with a questioning look: "Well?" every eighth number of the third month.

She also may not know who is Clara Zetkin, by the way. But the gift is still waiting. And you, like any decent man, you want to please your woman, and not to put a broom in the hands of a broom, just I wondered and did not look like you should be a hundred bucks at the new course. And on a sacramental question: "What is her, damage, please?" Alexander is replied to Alexander Overall Zodiac.



You are not lucky, I'm sorry. The best gift for girlfriend-Capricorn must answer the requirement: "And let all these fools at work burst from envy." That is, ideally, Capricorn needs to give a new BMW. Well, descending with amendment on the wallet and crisis. The main thing is that the gift can not just come true, but to declare in it. Or come on it, yes. At all, Ideally, it is flying on it (and it should not be broom, do not dream). And the flowers and candy are not an option. Well, except that, Capricorn is your mom.



Aquarius - ladies tender, sublime and with a very, very rich inner world. Therefore, any knottle, which falls under the category "Something like" is quite good. Tarot cards? Hurt! Figurine, attracting money to the owner, if it stands in the right corner of the middle room every third full moon of the year? Kroughty! Ikebana? Oh, I wanted her for a long time, how did you guess? Iquiban, by the way, can be made independently, it will only add to the donor of wists.



Fish is such a very comfortable woman. Because she has a spiritual much higher than the material, and in general it is a pity that not all women are fish. The fish will most appreciate not mimose, which can be fascinated, and memories that can be sorted out at night, sniffing in a pillow under the support of thought: "Ah, he loves me." It remained nonsense - to give her pleasant memories of the beautiful day. How much will you spend money - not very important. With an equal degree of success, you can take it to shopping in Milan or pull it on the roof of "Khrushchev" and spend your hand - they say, honey, I want to give you this city, this is the sky, these roofs, that's all. Oh.



The most important thing is not to forget that today is a holiday. That is, if you forget, almost anyone will be offended. But Aries will take revenge. So myself is more expensive. Especially since the Aries appreciate, though bright, but very simple and understandable joys: here you are cute, lace underwear with holes on the nipples. "Oh, what a charm!" That is exactly the principle. And another Aries must be fed. You can even do it yourself. The main thing is to calorie. Well, or at least tasty. As a last resort, you need to post the heart from Celery, and dill - an arrow that is pierced.



Everything is bad. Everything is very, very bad. Taurus wants what you do not earn. No matter how much you earn. Anyway, little. But! You have an indisputable advantage over men living with other signs - your woman knows exactly what he wants. And you know what she wants, because you already have such a hole in my head. Give it it. How do we know - how? Sell ​​the kidney, bank robbery, to invent a new religion - you are a man in the end. And if you do not like it - change the calf on the fish and write her the poem. About spring.



With twins are difficult. She wants the same Mimmichny handbag and a certificate of participants in the mud at the same time. As you know, twins have only two sublocities: one small and she needs to handles, the second is a feminist who prefers to be calculated in the restaurant alone. Therefore, the best way to understand what to give her is to imagine that she is a boy. A boy who knows the world. Tablets, encyclopedia or high-speed Internet at the cottage is a credit. In any case, no matter how hard life with the twin is the only sign that will not give you in the face, if you give a book.



Dari here is this hefty teddy bear and do not worry. Or vo that elegant fork. You can not distinguish an elegant fork from not elegant? Then not toasting my head and take the bear. Cancer girl is convenient because it is capable of evaluating even an absolutely non-functional gift. Because the main thing for her is not a gift itself, but accompanying speech. She must bounce a fountain of tears. Tears of happiness, joy and mildness. If a cancer girl sobs on your chest on the topic: "You are the best," it means we succeed. And if so far does not sob, then finish it: "This is not just a handkerchief, it is a handkerchief in which our grandchildren will be mixed."

a lion


A gift for a lion should not necessarily be expensive, but certainly exclusive. What is banned there? Parmesan and Hamon? So Parmesan and Hamon. Ideally, you need to get an invitation to a closed party for the most-selected. True, it will have to solve the question "I have nothing to wear there", but it is already details. In any case, exclusivity decides. Even if you give her hair conditioner, it must be engraved: "Masha Ivanova - the owner of the best hair of the galaxy." This is if your girlfriend is called Masha Ivanova. We just so saczyented. Well, just in case.



It would seem - the virgin will be very simple. She is a Virgin. Mophal to give her. Flash. And a set of terk. Virgin same household, so let and rejoices. But no! Virgo is such a special woman who is sensitive to the current date is much stronger than all other signs. And for her, the eighth of March is not just a day, and the day. Therefore, a gift should be suddenly expensive. Otherwise, you will arrive again with the rolling pin that you gave her for the new year.



Weighs very simply spoil the holiday - especially the day before. If you ask simple and, it would seem, a logical question: "Favorite, what to give you?". She does not know!!! Therefore, you have to guess. Astrologers and simply experienced people who lived with weights years claim that the perfect option to give not one big gift, but a lot of small. No, seeds are not suitable. Each gift to wrap separately and admire how she unfolds them.



If you live with a scorpion for a long time, I already learned well how hung a bouquet, covered in an unpredictable place for bouquets. Flowers can only be accompanied to a normal gift. If there is not enough for a diamond necklace, some adventure will come down. To mystery and to intrigue. City Quests or Chamber Detectives are perfect as a gift. Just need to won the scorpion. Because only a diamond necklace will calm the loser scorpion.



If Sagittar has no dog or cat, then the question is with a gift, consider, resolved. The problem is that the Sagittari has a cat. And the dog. And it is necessary to include the plan B. Plan B is that Sagittarius is very likely to travel. Let even short (until the cat was hungry). And the Archers are inborn motorists. These two features are well combined. Even if specifically, your Girl-Sagittar has no driver's license yet, she still likes to ride. Well, shoot her. Ideally - take out in the field and give charging. And if suddenly she finds a pillar in the field, which there was no harder there, it's fortunately. Everything happens to the eighth of March, fortunately. Yeah.

All illustrations: shutterstock.com

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