Paul McCartney will take off in the new "Pirates of the Caribbean"


    Paul McCartney will take off in the new
    Keith Richards showed a good example, and in the world of Captain Jack Sparrow will add rock mastodonts!

    Former participant The Beatles Paul McCartney will take off in the fifth of the Pirates of the Caribbean, Deadline reports. What role the musician will play, until it is specified. The filming of the film is almost completed, but McCartney will appear in a small scene, which is added to the final version of the tape. The premiere is scheduled for May 26, 2017.

    The singer joins Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom and Jeffrey Rush, who will return to his roles in the franchise. In the fifth picture also starred Javier Bardem.

    According to insiders, the new film, the name "the dead does not tell fairy tales", close to the spirit and atmosphere to the first tape "Curse of the Black Pearl". "

    In the fourth part of the series - "On strange shores" - a guitarist Rolling Stones Keith Richards starred.

    Paul McCartney appeared mainly in documentary films, as well as recorded songs for artistic. For the LET IT BE composition, the musician as part of The Beatles received the Oscar premium.

    The first film of the "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Black Pearl Curse" went on screens in 2003, collecting 654 million dollars. Sikvel, who appeared in three years, earned more than a billion dollars. The third picture was published in 2007, also becoming the regulatory chart of the year. Despite the fact that it was originally planned to limit the trilogy, Disney in 2011 released the fourth film, who also successfully shown himself at the box office.

    There is a rumor that the new film will rather look like the first than the last in the series.

    We wait!


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