10 reasons why men change us


Pics already wrote about how to survive treason. Seriously wrote. Of course, you need to write about why the men still change. But seriously did not work. Because all this is some kind of circus. Which left, and clowns remained.

He thinks it will come down with his hands

Regrettable, but the fact. Many men belong to sex just enough - they say, they met a couple of times, these are nothing, the matter is everyday. And when the everyday case suddenly turns into at least a serious scandal, the wrong perplexes is wrong: Achotakova? I polygamen! This is nature!

He is infantile

Of course, not all. But to expect loyalty from the psychologically immature man - a dead room. The principle "If it is impossible, but I really want to - then you can" apply to sexual connections. This time. And two - little boys love to arrange festivities of disobedience. Spitty-spit. In the sense - pah, what a muck.

He is womanizer

That is the mostst thing when the black dog is not something that you don't have something to be so necessary, but not even castrate. He grabs a leash at the gate of the windy and merges for any unspoic bitch. It will come in three days - dirty, beaten and extinguished. And it will be mild to the tail. In general, raise the cats.

He is in crisis

From thirty-five years, each male Homo Sapiens begins to panic about the fact that he is about to fall off. Well, in the figurative sense. It's very scary! We must immediately prove to everyone that he is still the way and Egogei! True, it looks like a bugaga. A miserable, heartbreaking spectacle.

He does not know how to solve problems

When the alternation of black and white stripes in the life of a man leads him to a zebry tail, he can gather and solve his problems. Or maybe to run away from them. To the new woman to escape, of course. Who else will listen to his inspired lies about what he is successful?

He is inspired

Ostrich, went, went, went! The inspired man can make a mistress just because everyone is doing. That is, so, of course, they do not all, but if a couple of models will be kept in the near-circle of a man, then .. all ran and I ran

He believes that they love

Estets of Khrenovy. "I married a gingerbread with ruddy cheeks, where is it all?!" Where-where .. in the same place where his flexible torso and strong..mm ... biceps. Ruthless time buried, Omnom. Some individuals really believe that the wife, "running out" - the reason to roll their testes to the left. And this is the most unfair, the most offensive cause of treason. Because - Did you see yourself in the mirror, you buried the monkey?!

He feels lonely

Some men love to complain that they became boring in marriage. Not about him, a poor woman, talk. No one understands him. And he runs to a woman who will entertain him - ATTENTION! - Sex. Talk went, yeah. About Bosone Higgs. To speak without removing pants, it does not work. Theses are not enough, apparently.

Just passed love

This is a very sad situation, but, alas, absolutely real. But there is a nuance: if love passed, a normal man submits for divorce, and not goes left. Just because he is inconspicuous to eat cactus, pouring tears.

This woman is to blame

Both two. One of him was unfortunate love and caress, the second seduced him inspired, and he could not resist. Syndrome "I am not guilty, she herself came" in the terminal stage. Patient inoperable. We recommend pouring it with borsch and burn.

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