9 animals that are extinct. Fortunately


Humanity is so concerned about the preservation of extinct species only because they die all the time some nurses. Pandas, for example. Or lamantines. Ussuri tiger is also nyasha, because it is still a cat.

But if you look at the portraits of our former neighbors on the planet, you can only rejoice that technical progress is so late. And then we would come up with Greenpeace much earlier. And then oh.


The fact that this creature is more often swimming than crawled, it does not apologize. And the fact that she is rather a lobster than Scorpio - too. It looks like it is like a nasty. Two-meter. If it was crawling and swimming among us so far, we would hardly come up with horror films, because - why? Buy yourself a ticket to the Black Sea and be afraid of health.


Not very large, in general, insect, only 2 centimeters long. But jumping. Because it is flea. So you will pick up an unfortunate Tuzik or Murzik on the street, and with him there is still Agraphene and Dormidont Athenogenovich. Because they live on that Tuzik and kill them, they are not so easy - except that the hammer shake (but it is unlikely that the tuzika will like it). But cut without a magnifier - all entertainment.


Total multicast. But 2.5 meters long. In general, this is the only animal that must be happily, which extinced us. Because otherwise, we would not give him calmly died, no. We would serve meat of these invertebrates in restaurants, and from chitin would have been done beautiful hairpins for small girls. And it would be absolutely normal. Horror, yes?


Sememeter lizard, armed with a complete set of sharp, like a razor, teeth. Also poisonous, besides. Moreover, a real cannibal, because it extinted not so long ago. Fortunately, people were more voracious - quickly chose all small animals and young megalanes did not get anything. By the way, this is a vivid example of our human hypocrisy: there are some poor animals, and then composed the commandment about the "Give Dinner by the enemy." And we are standing in the white coat.

Short-top bear

You go to the forest for raws, and he meets from Malnik to you. Ton weight, two meters in the withers, four and a half meters on the hind legs. At the same time, scientists believe that a short-terrible bear was not so much a predator as a padeller. That is, it is useless to run away - catch up, to climb a crazy - will get to the tree, and it will not be preventing the dead either - devour the urcha.

Eagle Haast.

It is a pity that people do not fly like birds - we have never had natural enemies in the air. Well, in those of us who are not Indians Maori from New Zealand. Maori was made of legends about eagles that carry babies. Although the legends about babies are probably a way to catch up to more bump, because the eagles had no reason to be exchanged for such trifles. Load capacity of each bird - more than 140 kilograms. This is a half of Schwarzennegor.


Very, very big monkeys. Not a fact, by the way, that extinct - scientists believe that the famous Yeti may be surviving giantopitecom. Very shy giantopitec, for which he is a great man thank you. Because a meeting with a three-meter man-like monkey is a very lovedant adventure. Who knows her how humanity it is. Well, if only the mobile will pick up.


The long-distance descendants still catch up to horinge in humanity in the face of mushrooms and trap. There is nothing worse than meeting wild boar on the forest trail. And now imagine that the boar is not just a ferocious monster, and the monster is above human growth. Moreover of carnivorous. No mushrooms. No to you, the Pershushi Festival.


Here everyone says - Meghalodon, Meghalodon .. And that this meghalodon is just a twenty meter shark. Well, it would have to do humanity without submarines - the loss is small. But if you survived Dunks - we would be left without navigation at all. Because the clusupy jaw of this fish is directly created in order to snack in half the ships. You can imagine - no era of great geographic discoveries, no travels, no pirates ... So you could live in the world, where Johnny Depp did not play Jack Sparrow?! We are not.

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