The most famous devils and monsters adorning cities


This autumn Petersburg lost Satan. In the sense, from the facade of the apartment house of the architect Lishnenevsky was shot down the bas-relief, depicting the character of the play "Faust" Mephistople. Lyshnenevsky himself died from hunger during the blockade, an income home with Mephistofel is a historical monument, a unique bas-relief was one of the sights of the city, but Vandalov did not stop.

Lysznenevsky left behind several houses decorated with different chimerers, and each of them represents tremendous value for any real St. Petersburger. It remains only to guess whether the barbarians will find a reason to disperse another of the works of architectural art. What kind of reason they use for this, already know - the feelings of believers.

Pics.Ru decided to assemble the most famous devils and mandes who are considered decorations of their cities, and very much hopes that neither one of these famous monsters and demons will not have to write epitaph.

Monuments of Koroviev and Hippo


Sculpture depicting demons from the novel "Master and Margarita" stands in Moscow at a large garden, in front of the entrance to the Museum of Bulgakov. The sculpture was made by Alexander Muzvishnikov back in 1999, but was delivered only in 2011.

Another monument to the charming couple is installed in Marina Grove, but with the arrival of autumn, as always, removed. His creator is called Love Mirosenko.

Nidarovsky Cathedral


The most famous Church of Norway, the traditional place of coronation of the harsh Norwegian kings, is located in Trondheim and was built on the burial site of the king Olaf Saint. The cathedral is known, among other things, the fact that it is richly decorated with sculptures, including the stone images of various kinds of unclean. According to one of the legends, the chimera on this church speaks every thing in the face that the Lord is waiting for the most strange and staring their children and will take their repentance, as they would have sinned. However, experts of history and architecture believe that in fact, the crumpled chimeras and the flavors had to move the evil spirits.

Monument to hell in Lübeck, Germany


The most beloved and famous church of the German city of Lubeck - Marienkirch, that is, dedicated to the Holy Virgin Mary. According to the legend, it was built in the thirteenth century damn. That is, at first he, of course, destroyed the church, having arranged a fire. When the architect was roaming on the ashes, the hell jealously asked if he was not thinking to restore the disgusting (for the unclean) the building? "No, that you," said the architect. "At this place I think to put a wine restaurant." At the joys, the damage volunteered and the building quickly erected in architectical papers. But the church came out! "No hope," said the architect. "There will be a wine restaurant on the contrary." And put.

The monument to an incentive black-choratener is installed right next to Marienkirche. Unfortunately, after the airline in 1942, he did not help the burnt church again. Enough and one wine restaurant.

Kharkov House with chimers


The house designed by architects Pokrovsky and Velichko was built as a whole in the modern style, but - with elements of the English Gothic, and therefore it was impossible to do without chimer. In addition to all sorts of freaks, the six-storey house is decorated with knightly coat of arms, salamanders and wolves. And it was intended for a bizarre building not a lot nor little ... for the women's gymnasium. Now it is located the theater faculty of the Kotlyarevsky Institute of Arts, which, on the background, the chimer seems somehow more logical.

Monument to Gogol Chort in Belarusian Brest


Street sculpture lantern, depicting hell, sanguilding, is set, naturally, on Gogol Street. In addition to Solokhina horned man, the street is decorated with other book characters: Khoma Brut, Troika Bird, Nose, Little Prince, Ship with Alay Sails ... But the hell love, perhaps, the most.

Madrid Lucifer


The most famous sculptures depicting Satan is located in the capital of Spain and decorates a fountain in Buen-Retiro Park. In 1879, the stone lucifer of the work of Ricardo Belver received a premium at the World Exhibition in Paris, this is one of the oldest sculptural images of Satan in the world. Madrids are sometimes fond of so much that they begin to argue that the only thing.

Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God


Well, of course, when we talk about your favorite city chimers, it is impossible not to recall the most famous from the Cathedrals of the world - Notre Dame de Paris. Of course, there are monsters and devils in many churches of the gothic construction, for example, in the Cologne Cathedral or the Edinburgh Cathedral of St. Mary, but the transfers in the centuries were precisely horned freaks from Paris. In fact, they are the same symbol of the French capital as the Eiffel Tower.

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