7 types of post-divorce that do not need to repost


We did not touch the stories whose authors are openly asked to share with them money. The purpose of such records is obvious, and it is unlikely that you will hardly replenish the accounts of strangers without checking. Talk about thinner manipulations.

I will give Dar


- Due to the closure of the photo studio, we give a gift from unnecessary technique: phones, tablets and cameras. Make repost, and we will choose the winners. All honestly! - I don't need two apartments in Moscow! Therefore, one I am ready to give! Of course, I could sell it, but I do not like the world's presed on money! At the end of April, I will choose the winner of the apartment! - Competition! We distribute new iPhones. To participate in the prizes draw, fill out our simple questionnaire and specify your phone number.

At best, such an greed check is an experiment of some network island. Most often - this is a reception of traffic screws. Well, especially self-merchant for participation in the attraction of generosity will sign on the newsletter spam, a couple of paid telephone services, and can also hack an account at the same time. The main losers will be sent a well-deserved prize - the Chinese fake, which will cost more expensive than, actually, the most acquired treasure.

Interestingly, this background is lost quite real draws sometimes valuable prizes. They are not so difficult to distinguish - real organizers are always in touch and ready to confirm their honesty, for example, photographed prizes, and also inform the terms of delivery.

Glory to the heroes!

"This boy risking life, saved his sister from rape by stepfather." A drunk man shot him in his face ... - This grandfather, a former sailor, saved dozens of children who have failed in the Tula region ... - Food on the Rostov-Don highway, I see an accident, many heavy open fractures, make tires, all hands in the blood ...The desire to share an inspiring story, especially if it is attributed to it "for each Facebook LikeBook will put 1 cent to the account of the clinic!" Or "about such people do not write in newspapers, we will help the whole world!" It is clear. But you should consider a couple of factors. First, social networks of money for your husky will not even give anyone to a very noble goal. Secondly, nothing prevents you from waiting and see.

Post off the exciting link for a couple of days. If during this time it is not refuted, then you will have time and make a repost, and visit the glorious grandfather in the nursing home.



- In Moscow there is a distribution center of the Red Cross, in which there are refusal kids. There are a lot of them there - 5 floors! Bring them toys! Do not stay indifferent. - Childish, ask how to need dalumatic puppies, pure, for free. Otherwise, the owners will drown them ... (((- This girl selected the police in Gypsy in Greece, it is most likely from Russia or Ukraine or Poland. Make a repost, maybe they will find it.

The desire to urgently help pretty kids or no less pretty horses, dogs, kittens are also clear. And it turns out as always. Either kindness calls on the numbers listed in the ads and lose money on accounts, or bring to the hysterics of people who forced hundredth times to explain that they have no ten puppies or five floors of babies. After such waves, the calls are official organizations (hospitals, guardianship organs), as a rule, begin with suspicions to relate to any volunteers. Energie that could go to real help leaves users to indignation by fictional villains.

When you see a message from alleged eyewitnesses, always look at its source. If he is an anonym, if he is closed the possibility of feedback, it is with a very large degree of probability, a sneaky fake.

Forbid everything


- Russia is planned to close the McDonalds network. - The french schools of boys were obliged to wear skirts. - Ukraine nominated Poroshenko to the Nobel Prize.

Legally-political fakes always suggest evil intent. Whether someone tries to initiate hatred in the people of the authorities or neighbors, whether the same authorities distract attention from real problems, throwing fictional people ... But if the fake coincides with your personal convictions, it's terribly difficult not to click on the Share button, and go check Sources.

Eating political fakes one small plus. States are obliged to publish their legal acts. Therefore, if you still begin to search for information, and on official sites you will not find a word about the ban of lace cowards, it means that it is nonsense and can not be worried. One problem - read these states is scary boring. Multiply essentially much more fun.

British scientists have proven


- I repeat once again, Overton described the technology that allows you to legalize an absolutely any idea ... - But what is interesting: all the monkeys continued to beat newbies for trying to rip the banana, although no one had no one watered anyone. Because here is so established. - The doctor used the unique, developed by himself the methodology of cure seemingly hopeless patients. He enhanced them to paranoia so much that her new coil fixed the previous one.

Some false-tailed fakes are thrown just for the sake of entertainment. So there was a wonderful story about Dr. James Rogers, whom, allegedly, were executed for a certain Massachusetts experiment. This bike composed our witty compatriot. Neither the doctor nor the experiment existed, and from the point of view of psychiatry the idea does not work. But most often, scientific fakes prove something in an inflammatory and injury fears.

The horror stroke about the Overton window distorts the initial idea of ​​the author, who wrote about how society controls the impulses of power, and not at all about how power is leading society to degradation.

The story of monkeys mixes into a single whole of several experiments with animals, which, in themselves, did not prove that we, people, always tyranny Novators.

Note, in all cases the authors avoid references to original research. And it is clear why. Check false-label fakes are quite difficult and it's best to use the "call to a friend". Remember who of your acquaintances is crawled in physics or biology, or knows a foreign language, and discuss shocking news with him. Already the very fact of discussion will reduce the heat of emotions and will help you critically comprehend reading.

Castaneda never wrote about it


"Russians are a terrible nation. They are best doing three things: they drink, fight and attribute beautiful phrases about themselves foreign politicians. " Benito Mussolini

It goes a lot in social networks of witty quotes, but would have enough exactly to one: "Quotes are needed to those who have no thoughts" (you can sign my own last name). Part of false quotes are the same political propaganda. Say, if Bismarck or Churchill spoke something about the fate of Russia, it means that it was true, because people were nellue. Part ... We cannot explain the remaining part. As all sorts of delicacy of type "do not lose hope, believe in love, and the sun will come out because of the clouds" turn out to be in one picture with a portrait of Shakespeare or the founder of Aikido Morihem Wesico, this is the greatest riddle riddle. In order to feature real quotes from fake, we can give only one advice: read more books and less statuses!

Delayed from April 1


- January 4, Pluto will be held right for Jupiter, in relation to Earth. This rare alignment will mean that the combination of the gravitational forces of two planets will have a stronger tidal attraction, temporarily counteracting their own attraction of the Earth, and will make people practically weightless.

It is said that the exposure always applies worse than the hoax. Apparently, therefore some particularly successful primarial jokes are repeated for years. For example, a quoted story that on January 4th we will be in weightlessness, was launched in 1976! And if the joke was accompanied by a well-glued picture, then her fate is immortality. Pictures and video people believe much easier than texts. It's a hint. Amazing photos and absolutely truthful video appropriations are better not to repure in principle, never.

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