10 farewell letters


If you knew that your life comes to an end, but you still have a chance to say goodbye to your loved ones and loved ones, who would you write and what would say? We transferred the last 10 letters of very different people who tried to find the most important words.

Julius and Etel Rosenberg. Last letter sons

Julius and Eitel Rosenbergov (USA) were accused of transferring information about the atomic bomb to the Soviet Union. On April 5, 1951, they were sentenced to death, and on June 19 executed on an electric chair. On the day of his execution, they wrote this letter to their two sons. Our relatives, most precious children, it seemed to us that we could meet again. But now it is impracticable. And I want you to find out all that I learned. Unfortunately, I can write only a few ordinary words, everything else you must teach your life, just as mine has taught me. First, of course, you will grieve about us, but you will not be alone. That's what comforts us, and what should, in the end, help you. Once you will realize that life is worth living. Know that even now, when our life is slowly moving towards the final, our beliefs are stronger than our executioners! Your life should teach you that good can not flourish in the heart of the evil that freedom and all those things that make life truly worthy and true, sometimes need to get a very expensive price. Know that we calmly accept the fact that civilization has not yet reached the point when you do not have to sacrifice life in the name of life, and that we will calm the firm confidence that others will continue our business. We would like to rejoice in life with you. Your father, who stays next to me in these last hours, sends you, our dear boys, all your heart and our love. Always remember that we were innocent and could not come from our conscience. We press you to yourself and kiss you our best. With love, mom and dad, julius and eutel Rosenberg

Melissa Nathan. Last letter to the family

Melissa Nathan was a popular English writer. In 2001, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. In April 2006, shortly after the third day of the birth of her son, she died at the age of 37 years. Her last novel The Learning Curve came out after her death, in August 2006 knowing that she would no longer see him published, Melissa used the first book pages in order to say goodbye to her family. I found myself in an unusual situation, knowing that this book would most likely be printed after my death. So forgive me for a rather strange accession. First, I want to thank my beautiful parents. You gave me life, full of love, support and friendship. I was fortunate enough to watch you both in the eyes, like equal, and at the same time look at you from below. Please never think that it was hard for me. I lived a great 37 years and I am grateful to you both for what you gave me. I am happy and in the world with me. My dear Andrew. I respect you as much as I love, and it means a lot. If anyone can cope with my departure, so it's you. In the end, you lived with me for almost 12 years, and this is not so easy. I'm so glad I got acquainted with you. You were my reliable pier, my gentle giant, my best friend, my all. I wish you a happy life, full of love and joy. And you, my beautiful Sammy. I would like to know you better, my love, but this is not. And yet, despite the fact that you are only three years old, you have already left the imprint in my heart, which will remain with me where I would not go. Maternity made my life valuable. You gave me it. What can mother wish her son? I wish you happiness. You have a wonderful father and family that loves you. Go to the world, knowing that you were all for me and that you won't have to deal with an annoying mother, which will try to kiss you when you turn 15. I will kiss you in the sky.

Captain Kuno. Last letter to children

Captain Kuno is a Japanese pilot, Dobrovets-Kamikadze, who died in May 1945, before his last flight, he wrote a letter to his children: Son (5 years old) and daughter (2 years). Dear Masanory and Kioko, let you and can not see me, I will always look at you. Listen to your mother and do not upset her. When you grow up, choose your own way and become good Japanese. Do not envy the fact that other children have fathers, because I will become a spirit and I will look after you both. Well study and help your mom. I can't help you, so be each other best friends. I was an energetic person, managed a big bombarder and killed all the enemies. Please become better than me, that you will reject for my death.

Wild Bill Hikok. Last letter to Zhenya

James Butler Hikok, famous for the nicknamed Wild Bill, was a famous shooter and scout in the wild west. On August 2, 1876, he played poker. A former bison hunter named Jack McCall was entered into the saloon. He shouted "Get!" And fired in Bill to the emphasis. Shortly before that, Bill was visited by a bad premonition, and he wrote a short farewell letter to his wife. Dear Agnes, if it happens so that we will not meet again, together with my last shot, I gently utter the name of my wife - Agnes - and, wanting good even to my enemies, I will dive and try to get to another shore.

Jacob Wowll. Last letter to the family

On May 19, 1902, an explosion occurred at the coal mine in Tennessee, as a result of which 216 miners died. Some of them survived the explosion and some time was waiting for help behind the rods. Jacob was in the mine along with his 14-year-old Son Elbert. Touching, he wrote a letter to His wife Ellen and his relatives. Ellen, dear, we say goodbye to you. Elbert says the Lord will save him. Take care of our children. We all pray that the air went, but it is getting worse. Horace, Elbert says you can wear his shoes and clothes. I give the clock Paul Harmon in the hands of Andy Wood. Ellen, I want you to live well and hit heaven. Kid Elbert said he believes the Lord. Breathe everything is harder. Dear Ellen, I left you in poverty, but I hope that the Lord will help you to raise my little children. Elbert said he will meet you all in paradise that all children will meet there with us. Please take care of them. Oh, how would I like to be with you. Goodbye everything, farewell. Bury me and Elbert in one grave with little Eddie. Goodbye, Ellen, Farewell, Lilly, Farewell, Jimmy, Goodbye, Minnie, Goodbye, Horace. Oh God, another breath of air. Ellen, remember me while you are alive. Goodbye, dear. Now 25 minutes after two. Few of us remained alive. Jake and Elbert.

Zyater Jarra. Last letter bride

Ziyad Jarra - Terrorist, one of the organizers of the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001, he was 26 years old when he hijacked the flight plane 93 United Airlines, crashed on the field in Pennsylvania. On September 10, he wrote a long letter to his bride Aysel, who lived in Germany. She did not receive the letter, because she moved. Mail returned it to the USA, where it fell into the hands of the FBI. On the first page of the letter: I do not want you to be sad. I still live somewhere, although you can't see and hear me, but I will see you and know what's wrong with you. And I will wait until you come to me. Everyone has its own time and every one will leave. I am guilty about what made you hope for a wedding, marriage, children and family ... You have to be proud of me, because this is a matter of honor, and you will see that as a result everyone will be happy ... I did what I had to do. At the end, Ziyad wrote: Remember who you are and what you are worthy. I hug you and kiss your hands and head. I thank you and apologize for those beautiful and heavy 5 years that you spent with me. Your patience ... Allah ... I'm your prince, and I'll take you. Goodbye! Your forever.

Captain Robert Scott. Last letter to Zhenya

The captain of the Royal Fleet of Great Britain, the researcher Antarctica Robert Favon Scott in March 1922 was returned from the southern pole. Buran locked the expedition participants in the tent, they suffered from hunger and cold. Scott died the latter, having time to write a letter to his wife Keitlin. My widow is dear, love. I need not easy to write because of the cold - 70 degrees below zero and only the tent protects ... We were in a dead end, and I'm not sure that we will handle. During a short breakfast, I use a small Tolik of the heat to write letters, preparing for a possible ending. If something happens to me, I would like you to know how much you mean for me. I must write a letter to the boy, I hope when he grows up, he will have time to read. Dear, you know that I do not like sentimental nonsense about re-marriage. When a decent man appears in your life, you must be happy again. Interest Son with natural sciences, if you can. It is better than games. Try to teach him faith in God, she consults. Oh, my dear, my dear, as I dreamed of his future. And yet, my girl, I know that you can cope. Your portraits will find my chest. I could tell you a lot about this journey. What stories could you tell our boy, but, oh, what price. To lose the opportunity to see your cute, cute face. I think there is no chance. We decided not to kill ourselves, and fight to the end to get to the camp. Death in the struggle is painless, so do not worry for me.

Milad Malakova. Last letter to the family

Milada Gorakova was a Czech politician, a member of parliament. After coming to power of the Communists, on September 27, 1949, Miladu was accused of "preparation of a sabotage conspiracy." She did not recognize her guilt, she was sentenced to death and heated. Before execution, she was allowed to write three letters: her husband, 6-year-old daughters and mother-in-law. That's what she wrote to her child: It's not that I love you too little, I love you as purely and dusty as other mothers love their children. But I understand that my task in this world was to ... ensure that life is better and that all children can live better .... Do not be afraid and do not be sad due to the fact that I will no longer come back. My child, learn how to look seriously as possible. Life is hard, she does not caress anyone, but do not let her beat himself. Choose the fight.

Sullivan Ballow. Last letter to Zhenya

This letter was written in 1861, a week before Major of the 2nd volunteer regiment Road Island Sullivan Ballow was killed in the battle of Bul wound, the first large ground battle of the American Civil War. Dear Sarah! Everything says that we will soon go on the road, perhaps tomorrow. And since I can not write to you, I feel that I have to leave a few lines that can get caught your eyes when they won't. I have no doubt, nor distrust of the goal, for which we fight, and my courage has not dried and did not decrease. I know that the American civilization relies on the success of our government, and I know that we are obliged to those who passed to us through the blood and the suffering of the revolution. And I wish, I sincerely wish, leave the joy of life then to support this government and pay this debt. Sarah, my love for you is immortal. She seems to connect me by jackets, to break which can only serve. But still my love for the Motherland is above me, she seems to be a strong wind that takes me with all these shakes on the battlefield. Memories of all the delightful moments that I survived with you are overwhelming me, and I am deeply grateful to God and you for enjoying them for so long. How hard for me to leave them now and burn down the hopes and future years, when, by the will of God, we could live and love further and see how our boys will grow decent men next to us. If I don't get back, my dear Sarah, never forget how I loved you, and that when my last breath broke out, it sounded your name ... Forgive me my sins and the pain I hurt you. What thoughtless and stupid I sometimes have been! .. But, Sarah, if the dead can go back to this land and turn the invisible next to those whom they love, I will always be with you. And the brightest day, and the darkest night ... always, always. And when the light wind will touch your cheeks, it will be my breath, and when the cool air refreshes your forehead, know, this is my spirit flying by. Sarah, not grief about me - Believe that I just left and wait for me, because we will meet again.

Maria, Queen of Scotland. Last letter Henrich III, King France

Maria Stewart, arrested by order of Elizabeth, was sentenced to death for participating in a conspiracy against the Queen. On the morning of February 8, 1587, 6 hours before the execution, Maria wrote the last letter to his brother of his deceased husband, King Henrich III. In the message, she argued that she was punished only for her faith and for her right to the English throne, and also asked Heinrich to take care of her servants - when she was executed, they would remain without livelihood. Her last letter was completed like this: I allowed myself to send you two gems, talisman from diseases, hoping that you would live in good health a long and happy life. Take them from your loving slander, which, in the approach of death, testifies to your warm feelings for you. If you are pleased, give orders so that for the sake of saving my soul was paid all that I was paid, and in order to, in the name of Jesus Christ, to whom I pray for you before my death, it would be enough for me to serve as a memorial service and Submit, as accepted, alms poor. On Tuesday at two in the morning. Your most sensitive and devoted sister.

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