Behave with a vegetarian ... as with an ordinary person



Our columnist, Ella Darzay, has a special gift. She knows how to write about ordinary things and phenomena (about those who annoy travelers, about owls and larks, about debtors and lovers) so that it inevitably causes a stormy discussion. Let's see if this time will succeed. We already make bets.

For some reason, often stumble on the Internet on articles with intriguing names like "Your friend vegetarian. What to do?" And then at all: "Your friend Vegetarian: how to behave with him?!" Every time I wonder, but carefully read the proposed. And I understand that I do not understand anything at all.

According to these texts, vegetarians all completely crazy, to which it is necessary to treat as small children at best. At worst - just like that for crazy. To brown and at the same time very wounded:

- Oh, try not to offend your friend! After all, he may be hurt from your relationship!

- Always have a vegetarian dish in stock! (And in pocket - sugar).

- Go to a special restaurant, eat carrot casserole, friendship is more important, and the steak you can eat and another time!

- If your friend says that the monsters are monsters, and you personally, because of your love, hell is waiting for hell, try to disagree with his point of view, then at least not to argue! After all, friendship is more expensive.

"Try not to show your friend's eyes in a fur coat, it can upset it or scatter." Look in your wardrobe clothes made without the use of skin or animal skins.



But the recommendations themselves are especially surprising, and the fact that these instructions offer resources friendly to vegetarians. Who has no goal to insult poor people or create them the image of people prone to sociopathy. On the contrary! They support them so! They try to relieve life, turning into perfect fools, touchy and looped on certain topics. Then we are talking about culinary preferences.

So I, for example, do not like a melon. And river fish. And cilanthole. And I know that us, such non-bliss, not one or two, and a lot. Imagine that you read a description of the correct behavior strategy with us. And begin to behave accordingly. Hide from us a cilantro. At the sight of the Georgian restaurant, turn into the nearest alley, and then suddenly the Kinza will jump out of the restaurant and will attack? And when we arrange (once in a couple of years, after the casual cook will put this grass in our omelet) sermons on the topic "The taste of kilant is equal to taste of a cloud, and therefore it is eating alone idiots" gently reassure us and try to translate the conversation to another topic. Presented? Liked?

I do not know, maybe someone from vegetarians (or even more of vegans, these little apologizing, although it should also be argued that everyone) like this. The most aggressive part that does not eat meat from ideological considerations and trying to drag you to your side. But you look - such after all the minority! Yes, they are striking, but precisely because of their desire to bear people light and porch.

Most vegetarians have no need to make an ideology from their nutrition. They just do not like meat, for example. Or it is impossible for medical reasons. And we do not realize that some of our friends and acquaintances are vegetarians. Because they actually pee up that a person eats only if he advertises it. Itself pays attention to that it is not easy to order a salad with shrimp, but because of the confidence that the chicken is not good. Otherwise, you will not think about it. Well, shrimp. Delicious!


These people, a calm and decent majority, are able to take care of themselves. Do not name after an invitation for a birthday or a wedding demanding to make a separate menu for yourself, such a kind. They are able to find a vegetarian dish in any restaurant. Although Fry's potato in anyone is, in fact! When hiking to visit people who do not know how to cook without butter and mayonnaise, they can grab a salad and a pack of pastes for themselves.

Then the rest do not have to think, how to behave with a vegetarian. Because this is a question discriminatory and stupid. From the category of "how to behave with a woman" or "how to behave with a skier." After all, vegetarianism is not a disease, but just a matter of taste addiction.

And the answer to this question may be one: behave with them as usual. Do not wear with them, as with a written tube. But do not fall into heavy shock and do not report that they blame such a choice, learning that your friend does not eat meat. Culinary habits, regardless of the reasons that they are caused - this is a personal matter, not public.

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