9 signs that your boss is reptiloid


Alien carnivorous reptiloids, quite successfully pretending to people, live with us side by side and very often occupy senior positions. They practically flooded the world - and for sure to float it to the end, if we lose vigilance. There is a very big chance that your boss is also a reptoid. Try to bring it on clean water!

He comes to work before all

Reptiloids - cold-blooded reptiles, pretending to people. After the sunset, their body temperature sharply decreases and they struggle with difficulty. Accordingly, the animal habits did not go anywhere: get up with the sun, becoming passive and irritable in the evening - typical reptiloid features.

He regularly says "I need me to rely on you"

When the boss says that is a disturbing sign. Translated from the tongue of carnivorous reptiles, this means "lying motionless until I eat you."

It turns off the air conditioner to hello heat

Surely you were at least once in a situation where the boss complained that he was cold and clicked with a remote control, forcing all the staff to obey later? Above, we have already explained: reptiloids cold-blooded, they feel better in the heat. A warm-blooded Homo Sapiens in the heat, on the contrary, glue and become easy prey.

He is not blinking

Reptiloids the mucous membrane of the eye moisturizes constantly, so it is not necessary to blink them in general. So if the boss looks at you by a fixed look of Dauchy chicken - he is exactly reptiloid.

It gives absurd impossible tasks, constitutes meaningless TK, requires to draw green parallel straight in the form of a red circle.

We must understand: reptiloids are not people. They carefully sabotize human development. If the boss's behavior seems to you deeply illogical - there is a significant chance that he is reptoid.

He clumsily emphasizes sexual signs

The sexual differences in reptiloids are arranged not as in humans, we will not go to it in order not to rear in the green mucus. Reptiloids can be pretending both men and women, and this disguise will always be rude enough. If the boss is a deliberate alpha male and a "noisy paratrooper", then most likely he has a green tail. If he is a blonde with deep neckline and tightly covered hips, it is also a reason to be frightened.

He does not drink or on the contrary, drinks a lot and does not drink

Alcohol practically does not affect the metabolism of reptiloids, so they do not drink most often. And if they drink, they do not get drunk. And if you get drunk - then continue to circle a party to a fish look, remembering who climbed who climbed into the decollete, who gone under the table who danced naked, hugging the door to the office of the director. Beware, reptiloid memory is impeccable!

He hides his motivation

If it were kpi, or sales results would be a little simpler. But the real Reptiloid never demonstrates approval, never explains personnel solutions and understand what is happening inside its flat head, it is impossible. This mystery is inspireing horror, although in fact the secret is that he himself does not understand anything in people or in what they do.

He drinks your blood and eats your meat

If the boss reptiloid dropped the mask, attacked you and began eating your soft tissues and sucking the bone marrow, it is also likely to do anything, you can end. He can rely on you.

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