7 persons David Bowie, which we will always love


Monday was especially gloomy. Today it became known about the death of one of the greatest pop idols of the 20th and 21st century. Incomparable, inimitable, insane and insanely talented David Bowie. He was 69 years old. He died of cancer.

Among the amazing effects of Bowie is that the audience took it, no matter how he changed the image and the area of ​​creativity. Just because he managed to be gorgeous everywhere and anyone. Let's remember the 7 of our favorite beds.

King Jaret

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Bowie was primarily a singer and a musician, and we loved it primarily for jagel. We were very young, perhaps, younger than a Sarah girl who went into a dangerous journey through the goblin labyrinth. Jaret was infinitely dangerous, infinitely merciful and endlessly loved. We were in love too. Even despite knitted pants on the harmonious hodges of the king, who did not hide the fact that men should hide from teenage girls.

Siggy Stardast

[YouTube id = "dlyafk0lui0"]

We met him, already being very adults, such adults that it became interesting for us to look back and learn about the youth of their elderly idols. Ziggy - the character of the Bowie album "takes up the fall of the Siggy Stardast and Spiders from Mars", embodied by Bowie himself. A human generic Martian performed by the singer looked more Marcianin than human-like. Maybe because of the eyebrows. More precisely, their absence.

Exhausted white duke

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It is difficult to believe, but Bowie was the most simple. And yet, both in the role of the king, and in the image of the duke looked amazingly organically. Duke as a stage character grew out of the role of Bowie in the film "The man who fell to the ground" (here is another role, in which Bowie was organic to amazement - all sorts of aliens and fabulous creatures). Bowie-Duke hit the public, combining the complete, cosmic neutrality of the costume, the insane passion of vocal performance and the absolute inconsistency of the face and gestures. Bowie himself considered the Duke of the monster, but in the fans even the monster, played by Bowie, caused an extraordinary excitement.

Prussian officer

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How terrible is the "Lovely Gigolo, Poor Gigolo," the film is as beautiful there Bowie as a pale officer. So beautiful that when Marlene Dietrich turns out to be in his arms, I immediately want to kill. With all respect for it.

A vampire

[YouTube id = "QF45-JR47ZQ"]

"Hunger" is the usual, in general, passing the horror movie of the eighties. Neither Shalko nor Valko: Panca, insane scientist, Catherine Denovev in the lead role. But here Bowie is inhuman (this is not the game of words?) Good. Even when his hero is growing in front of his eyes.

Black Star

[YouTube id = "kszlwbac4sw"]

A strange old man in an abandoned house, with a bandage in front of his eyes, through which the world is still looking at the world, no matter how it happens - the new ... and the last character of David Bowie from his Blackstar clip. All critics note that there was never in the clips of Bowie, there was so much reference to the Bible. Now we know that this is because the singer approached eternity and peeking her in her, preparing.

David Robert Jones

[YouTube id = "Tocz4Bqiy"]

David Bowie is what it is. Tightened and elegant in a suit, almost homemade in a free T-shirt and workouts (at a concert!), Cocaine-thinning or ruddy and smiling, with a voice trembling from passion, or leaving soft jokes. We love him anyone, just because we love. Now and always, David.

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