Alinor Aquitan: as the most enviable bride of Europe has become a wife of two kings, and that from it came out


Alinor Aquitan: as the most enviable bride of Europe has become a wife of two kings, and that from it came out 39971_1
Medieval minstrels were generous on lush comparisons, but in relation to the anosor of Aquitanian, no laudatory song seems to be exaggerated. After all, this amazing woman not only managed to become the queen first France, and then England, but also retained his appeal to deep old age.

Princess Zlatovlask

Although the heiress of the Duke of Guilloma X Aquitan was never officially wore the title of princesses, she could well be considered such. Aquitations only formally submitted at the beginning of the 12th century by French kings: in fact it was a rich and independent state.

Alinor Aquitan: as the most enviable bride of Europe has become a wife of two kings, and that from it came out 39971_2

Born in 1124 and became the heir after the death of Brother Alienor grew in an atmosphere of luxury, tournaments and poetic fun. But the sudden cum in the 1137 of the Father, the Duke of Aquitaine, changed the whole life of Young Beauty. After all, according to the testament of the guillom, his daughter Alienor and Petronillo moved under the custody of the French king, who was obliged to issue the heir to the herticle.

Crown of the French kingdom

Since the alienoras were giving the richest lands of Aquitaine and Poitiers, the French king Louis VI did not miss the chance to attach them. He hurriedly married the 13-year-old Duchess of Aquitaine with his son Louis, who was then 17 years old. Louis Vi was in a hurry, anticipating his ambulance ending: he died a week after the wedding, and his son became the king under the name of Louis VII.

Alinor Aquitan: as the most enviable bride of Europe has become a wife of two kings, and that from it came out 39971_3

The first steps in the new role were given an alienor hardly: it was too unusual for everything under the French yard, it does not look like native Aquitain. Yes, and the young spouse himself behaved not as, according to Alienora, like a man. He was not interested in the tournaments or banquets: he prayed all the time and regrets about the need for crusades.

Only 8 years after marriage to Alienora and Louis, the first child was born - the daughter of Maria. And two years later, the King of France, accompanied by a huge troop, went to the 2nd Crusade.


Usually the wives of the Crusaders remained at home, but to sit and languish waiting for the news was not in the character of Alienora. In the helmet and chain challenge, riding a fight horse, like an antique Amazon, she followed her husband, but the defeat of the "incorrect" was delayed and delayed.

Alinor Aquitan: as the most enviable bride of Europe has become a wife of two kings, and that from it came out 39971_4

When the French army reached the Antioch, where the rules uncle Alienora, Raymund, he suggested that Louis capture Aleppo. This military operation had a good chance of success, but Louis is not just rejected by the sentence of the ally, but also doried with him. The reason did not have anything in common with the considerations of strategy and tactics: someone said the French king that his wife is not indifferent to his uncle.

Instead of assault Aleppo, Louis tried to capture Damascus, did not achieve anything and, having lost a lot of warriors, returned to France in 1149.

Divorce and second marriage

Although in 1151. Alienora gave birth to a second child in marriage with Louis - Daughter Alice, this marriage was already doomed. Beautiful-Queen did not experience anything to her husband except irritation.

In 1152, the king and queen of France officially divorced. Since the nanity of characters was not considered a sufficient reason to terminate the marriage, such a close relationship of spouses declared too close. Such divorces at that time, although rarely, but happened. But the next event has become a genuine sensation: after a few months, the Ex-Queen married again, this time for the English applicant for the throne of Henry Plantagenet.

Government of England

Heinrich was younger than Alienora for 7 years and in character was the full opposite of her first husband. Passionate rider, brave knight, tireless cavalier, he seemed to be an alienera's ideal man. However, after In 1154, Heinrich finally became king of England, his behavior gradually began to change.

Alienora gave birth to Hennich 8 children, and among them - five sons of heirs, and countless treason received as gratitude. One of the mistresses of her husband on the nickname, the beautiful Rosamunda even poisoned, but it did not change anything. In 1169, Alienor, brought to despair, took the favorite son of Richard and escaped to his native Aquitain. And in 1173, from her filing, Henry's sons rebelled against their native father. Helping them, Alienora raised the rebellion in their aquatan possessions. It is curious that the first husband, the King of France, was rendered to active support.

Alinor Aquitan: as the most enviable bride of Europe has become a wife of two kings, and that from it came out 39971_5

Both rebellies were suppressed. The proud regulator of Aquitania had to find out the proportion of prisoners: until 1189, when Heinrich died, she sat albeit in comfortable, but imprisonment.

But in the reign of his pet Richard, the lion's heart, forever fought abroad, Alienor became actually full-fledged government of England. The rules she is very wise and worthy, conquering respect for subjects. Only in 1199, after the top of his unloved Son John, Alienor left England, returning to his native Aquitain.

Alinor Aquitan: as the most enviable bride of Europe has become a wife of two kings, and that from it came out 39971_6

The last time Alienor was struck by everyone in 1202, having organized the defense of the Castle of Mirabo against ... his own grandson. Then she was already 77 years old, and after three years, the indomitable heart of the Red-haired Queen ceased to beat. At the time of the death of Alienor was already a legend woman, and she remains her and now.

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