Where to go to relax in the winter


When someone starts a song about the winter beauties, I want to pull him to the Most Passatias and pour him out, right into the thick of these beauties - in porridge from snow and reagents, the army of heavy fur coats in the subway and the city landscape of fifty shades of dirty gray. But keep your rush - in some places in Russia, the winter is really good as a dream.



From Vyborg can be supposed to Finland. Old Vyborg is a charming cozy town with a medieval castle and an extensive Park Montrepo, which is desperately good in winter. Only capture with you for a walk a thermos with tea (or what is normal) and sandwiches - no cafes in the park. Put in the mandated streets, eat a corporate elegant hot pretzel, skip the snowy towers. We guarantee the feeling that you drove into Europe. Here the guys arrange good walks.

Kola Peninsula


Here, everything, as it should be in a decent winter fairy tale - Snow-covered ate, the endless white desert of the White Sea, purple dawns and the bugger sunsets, in the afternoon they ride on deer sleds, and at night the Northern Lights are twisted in the sky. There is also the northernmost botanical garden and a snowy village in the world, in which everything is done from snow and ice, even there is an ice wedding chapel for those whose feelings are too hot.


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In fact, this Adygean resort village according to the passport - Kamennikovoy, but, first of all, it sounds neromly, and secondly - try to say. The place of power, and also - a unique point where you can have a dozen landscapes at a time - the tourist trail number 30 begins in the steppe, passes through the coniferous forest and alpine meadows, rolls over the mountain peaks and ends in the subtropics. We certainly bother to waterfalls - in the winter they freeze and turn into the castle of the Snow Queen, and the water that is still slowly flowing inside the giant icicles, performs the otherworldly organ fugu.



Or rather, the Valley of Geysers and the surrounding volcanoes. Volcanoes are the real and valid, can and smoke spit, and even worse. Fortunately, a helicopter (and you can only get to the Valley of Geysers, it flies at a safe distance from them. You can look into the Carymsky Volcano Woofing Wincice and see the non-freezing turquoise-blue acid lake in the crater of a small seed. But this is all nonsense in comparison with what awaits you in the valley - boiling fountains, steam pillars over mineral lakes, small northern trees in the crust of Inea and complete Iceland. And somewhere else, Tatyana Ustinova's dust is resting here - a woman who in 1941 alone was half the peninsula on a dog harness and opened this place. Really opened - they did not know even the aborigines.



Almost Switzerland, only without visas, entrepreneurs, unnecessary millionaire Ponte and Language Barrier. In stock There are mountains (many), chalets (also a lot), ski slopes (25 km), sun and light nights, napanese sources, baths in snow and such types that others return with the usual dislocation of the jaw and the full mouth of the flew snow.



Here you can hang for a long time and make a million pictures of the most "carved barisades." In Vologda itself and around it, the ancient monasteries, houses with lace platbands and the soul of the population more than the "coffee houses" in Moscow. And white snow is the best background for their contemplation. In the village of Ferapontovo, there is a famous Faratov Monastery, the object of UNESCO, and about the residence of Santa Claus in Veliky Ustyug and so everyone knows.



Yes, we know, know, Baikal and without our prompts enters any dozen better places to love in winter, but I simply cannot ignore it. Because there in the winter of the sun more than in the middle lane for the whole year. Because the Baikal ice is more transparent than aquamarine and smooth as a mirror, it is the largest rink in the world - it is the size of Belgium. Because nerves, hot springs and safaris on jeeps right along the frozen surface of the glorious sea.

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