The most erotic men's professions. According to



Some men should only call their profession, as their attractiveness in our eyes immediately increases. Some professions serve this goal worse (for example, a pathologist or a deratizer), others better (for example, spy or dj). Hot dozen sexy classes!

10. Plumbing

It seems to us that the attractiveness of this profession makes up from the memories of rumors about the German porn and hello relief, which you experience when the tamer of begging toilet bowls is drawn before your door. And so, well, the uncle is like a uncle.

9. Associate Professor

Such in square glasses and a sarcastic grin, and with some doctors - Watson, who, House, Walter White and his cheerless chemistry. Again, the one who survived in the snounder of the current departments is a dangerous creature in itself. A little scared, and interesting.

8. banker


If another ten years ago, this man in the female subconscious was simply called the "Dream Sales", now you will still guess what his shade is gray - Okay, if hanging and bondage, and if worse? Intrigue, yes!

7. Trevodian

Professional square, like the clint of Istuda, a professional beard, like Chuck Norris, pumped up by a jack and a wrench and the inexorable ingenuity of the professional winner of Russian roads. And he is guaranteed soon to fall.

6. Pianist

With such hands, like him, you will not remember his face and voice from the first time. Oh, what fingers. Oh, what he does them.

5. Cook


Strong hands, refined taste, sharp smelling and expressed feeling of timeliness. He will make you not throwing and shyly shoved well before resulting fire. Will be sharp!

4. Black Panther Trainer

Theoretically, he understands women like no other. He loves women like no other. But - alas, he does not trust any woman. And, more worse, we are all so boring and inappreating compared to his work.

3. Dentist

Especially if you are a little submissive, and the banker is still afraid. He will smile, encourage, make sure that you are comfortable, takes care that it does not hurt, and when it will not be scary to you, but suddenly boring - will hesitate any really funny replica. And from communication with him your life will be noticeably better. In general, it is probably worth it to lead as an example when the boys ask how to behave with a girl in her first sex.

On the other hand, the bala do not fight.

2. Cosmonaut


Magic creature. Let's start with the fact that physically and intellectually he is God. Still, with such a screening and such preparation. If you manage to get into his field of view, not in the form of one ten-thousand pixel, it will be sincerely admire you, straight on the cheek, eyelashes, booty, fingers on the legs - with the same delight, with which it admires the birch, worm and pigeons. After all, you are live and warm, LLC.

And finally, the winner of our rating!

1. Rescuer

The longitancy of the plumbing, truckers, the dexterity of the pianist, knowledge of the human vices of the trainer (or banker) and the patience of the dentist are united in itself. He is the one who comes and will do everything. He will never come there where he was not called.

We adore rescuers.

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