Arsenic, radiation and other strange ways that women fought for beauty


Arsenic, radiation and other strange ways that women fought for beauty 39955_1

Women's beauty manitis, excites and chants men. Which victims will not go a modern representative of a weak half of humanity to look stylish and attractive: depilation, injections of botulinumsin, exhaustive diets and sports, wearing heels and even plastic operations with a heavy rehabilitation period. But how did the ancient women cane? Let's try to shed light to the idea of ​​beauty in the old days.

"I poison me, poison!"

Ancient Greek and ancient Egyptian beauties used arsenic as cosmetics. For example, Queen Nimontiti was constantly led by antimony eyebrows. Women era Renaissance went even further. They used arsenic in food, after which their skin acquired a beautiful tone, and the eyes - a flirty shine.

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I got used to the poison gradually, starting with one droplet. In parallel with the murderous drug in the skin, toxic cream was rubbed in order to make it soft, like a baby. A little later, high hairstyles entered the fashion, which were powdered with arsenic and rice.

Fashion on a small foot

Each nationality has its own idea of ​​beauty. Even in our time, in some villages of Indonesia, women lengthen their neck due to the wearing of special hoops.

In China, there is always a small leg in honor. It is believed that such a tradition was grant by the emperor a Toromong living in the first millennium of our era.

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Since then, girls from 3 to 10 years old tied legs. In the investigation, they stopped growing, and the stops were deformed. Many Chinese women changed significantly a gait, some of the girls chrome very much, and some could not walk at all.

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From rewound legs constantly proceeded by a malware smell, a colony of microbes lived on the skin. Well, that, the parents of girls thought, the main thing is that their favorite daughters successfully married, and were not a servant with noble nobles. Only in 1950 in China was issued a decree prohibiting the feet of children.

Women's figure "Osin waist"

Attractive to this day, the figure "Hourglass". Agree, it is very beautiful to observe the bends and bulges of the female body. In the past of beauty to visually achieve such forms used corsets.

As the subject of the female wardrobe appeared in France at the beginning of the XIX century. At the very beginning, the foundation of the corset served plates made from whale oce. Later, the tailors replaced them on steel or wooden inserts. The female toilet was visually narrowed by Talia, emphasized the chest and provided direct posture.

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But on this, all the charms of the corset end. The constant tightening of the body led to the deformation of the internal organs, the impossibility of breastfeeding, and in some cases - a fatal outcome.

In pursuit of slim

Sleepiness entered the advent of the Fashion industry. On thin women wandering through the podium, any things are sitting exclusively, and it takes less material on their tailoring. What is the only women of the end of the 20th century did not go, in order to look like top models.

Gloover diets, sports? It was not there ... Some decided to specifically start in their body of a ribbon worm, called the soliter. Yes, yes, you did not hear. As it turns out, not everyone seeks to get rid of the worms.

Penetrating into the intestine, the parasite begins to eat digestible in the stomach of food. Consequently, after a few months of habitat, the worm has significantly reduced in weight.

If you suddenly decide to go to such cardinal measures, remember that the parasite can travel throughout the body, hitting the liver, lungs and even the brain. Penetration into the last organ can lead to a fatal outcome. In addition, the carriers of ribbon worms are very often fixed by anemia and reduced immunity, leading to the development of numerous diseases.

And what about cosmetics with radiation

In ancient Egypt and Europe of the XVIII century, it was believed that Bellitz beauties belong to a significant class. In order to make a note of aristocracy, a special whitening powder prepared on the basis of lead particles was used.

Scientists have proven: penetrating the human body, lead leads to a serious failure in the work of individual bodies and systems. This metal provokes the development of cancer cells.

As is known, the French Women's Physicist Maria Curie, who received the Nobel Prize for this was the Nobel Prize for this. Tho - Radia's French cosmetic firm decided to release cosmetics, as part of which was attended by a radioactive element.

Many French women bought a promoted toxic product, believing in the promise of unclean on the hand of marketers. Thank God that in 1943 detailed expertise was carried out and a ban on the use of radioactive elements in cosmetics was issued.

In the study of the remains of the ancient beauties, numerous elements of the Mendeleev table were revealed, with the most dangerous to health. Do not think that their malicious rivals traveled noble beauty. They died themselves from the desire to be beautiful, someone earlier, someone later.

Therefore, lovely women, stay always as such as nature created. Fashion changed, and not to please it. But health needs to be protected!

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