5 ways to be together and do not bother to each other


5 ways to be together and do not bother to each other 3995_1

Love absolutely should not die in three years. Especially if you understand that you are ready to live with this person for many years. Most psychologists agree that a happy partnership is the result of two efforts. And only if you both are ready to do something in order to be "long and happily", it will happen to you.

1. Take care of yourself

It is strange to wait that someone will appreciate and love you if you do not like yourself and move your interests on the background. Internal comfort and self-confidence is an important component in strong partnerships. People like to be close to those who are good with themselves: extraordinary life energy comes from such people.

2. Speak about your feelings

Do not expect a partner to express your back guess what's wrong with you. We all lived in the culture of passive-aggressive communication, when one expects from the other to "guess", "saw" what is happening. But it does not work. Learn to recognize yourself and call your feelings, as well as directly talk about them to your partner. Otherwise, you both are waiting for the path of offense and disappointment.

3. Do you have sex

Yes, this is an obvious advice for those who are in the peak phase of love and whose hormones are shy through the edge. But studies show that the longer people live together, the more significant attraction of each other decreases. And from good lovers, you gradually turn into good friends.

But sex can not just take and remove from relationships. Try to interest to each other again. Explore your sexuality, find out how sensitive your bodies to one or another effects are. Integet to each other and feel free to flirt. And also openly and honestly talk about what is not satisfied with the habits and actions of your partner.

4. Do not go to bed until you make up

Everyone has bad days. We are all sometimes tearing evil on your loved one. But no matter how angry and no matter how much you want to wait for apologies from the partner, do not go to bed in a quarrel. Go on a truce yourself, look for compromises, respect the opinions and feelings of the other. Find your way to calm down and postpone a serious conversation at another time.

5. Be curious

The smaller the people are interested in what the partner thinks and feel, the more likely that the relationship will come to the end. Despite fatigue, routine and life, ask your partner about what is important for him, say about the fact that you are interested in what you are interested in, explore something new together. In the end, it will be what to remember pensions.

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