What to do with damned harvest? 10 faithful recipes


It's time for a generous time, when what is so passionately you dream of Avitamin Solid Stupu, covers you with your head. And one question remains: "Where?!" Where to go all these gifts of nature, which dacha poured up to you - and finally finished the mother-in-law? Calm, the main thing is calm. "Pix" knows ways to secure himself a happy, utter-drunken winter, not too much kneading at the direction of Canning.

1. Apple Marmalade


Great thing for those who experienced the invasion of reasonable apples who decided to conquer the planet - and began with you. At the exit, the product volume decreases very significantly, and the taste is quite the opposite! So, apples cut into pieces and load into a form suitable for microwave. Told the driver (at the calculation of the glass on Kilo) - and let half an hour fill up. We are larger - and back to the stove for another 10 minutes, let the fluid come out. At this stage, you can add sugar (depending on the sweetness of apples). Now it remains to dry this mass, laying out in the sun, and cut into cubes, and then sprinkle with powdered sugar. Children immediately removed natural goodies, forgetting about candy? It's time to download a new batch!

2. Apple-Ginger Jam


Two kilos of apple raw materials will need lemon, kilo sugar (if the variety is sweet - then less), the root of ginger and several naviffs. Apples are largely cutting, sprayed with lemon juice, put in a saucepan, pour water and sausage on a rather strong fire until they soften as it should. Now we merge the extra water and turn our boiled mass in the puree. We add sugar - and again on fire, already weaken. In the meantime, you do not forget to stir, the other rolling the ginger. As an apple mass boils - add spices to it and cook for another 10 minutes. I pull out the nails so as not to climb into the tooth - and on banks. Soon we will arrange the jam-seyss!

3. Cider


The perfect ratio, which is recommended by experienced Siders: 40% of bitter apples, 40% of sweet and 20% sour. But you can vary and experiment! Raw finely cut and skip through the meat grinder. We decorate the apple mass to banks by adding sugar (gram 150 per kilo), knitting on top of gauze. After a couple of days, the contents will cut down on juice and flesh. Jump-press, add something about as much sugar, close - and let it already wanders a couple of weeks. When it is written, we break on the bottle and we taste well. In order not to drank the enemies ahead of time!

4. Washed honey apples


In addition to actually, apples and water, we will need naders in the country of leaf - with cherries and currants, as well as mint. And also - honey, rye flour, slight salt. In a large saucepan laying layers: currant leaves are two layers of apples, cherry - again two layers of apples, mint - still layer of apples. From above, we climb the layers of the leaf-twigs, cover with a wooden circle and add something cold. We heat the water, dissolve in it honey-salt (per 100 liters - 300 honey grams, grams of flour and grams 150 salts) - and this solution is poured to apples. The oppression must constantly be under water. A month and a half formed divine borrowing!

5. Drain jacket


If you have gone plums - this does not mean that it is time to merge! This means that winter will be delicious. For this, ripe and surpassed plums turn in mashed potatoes - and in a large pelvis or pan, on a slow fire. Relieve, constantly stirring, after some time add sugar there (about half less than there is a fruit mass) - and continue, while it does not thicken. Now we break through sterilized banks - and or immediately roll up, or some time keep under the marblee until the top will appear in a crust. After that, you can store jumped and without rolling, under a tied parchment "lid".

6. Drain grazing

What to do with damned harvest? 10 faithful recipes 39946_6

This time, a plum puree on low heat is breeding slowly until the volume decreases two times. When it becomes cooled - we smear a layer in one and a half or two centimeters on a baking sheet, lubricated with vegetable oil or parchment laid out. And they keep in the oven, heated to 70 degrees, until the mass becomes completely dense. Now it can be twisted into the tubes, cut the knife and releasing with a seagull!

7. Plum wine


For ten kilos, it will take about twice as fewer sugar - and near the liter of water. Plums cut on halves and dismissed from stones, lay water and sugar into the bottles - and let it be warm under the gauze bandagers of the day 3-4. How token - we close with a purchased water shutter or just a rubber glove. After that, for 20-30 days, it will become finally and irrevocable. Now with filter-pressed, we break on the bottle, we cloculate tightly - and in a dark cool place. The main thing is not to open the strangers where it is a cherished place!

8. Zabachkov jam with ginger and lemon


The invasion of the zucchini is not a smaller disaster than attacking apples and troops. A dozen delicious ways of their taming "Pix" pretended. Continue to climb, soposts? Now we will send them to Kutuzku can! So, at Kilo Zabachkov, we take a rough piece of ginger, a pair of apples, lemon juice, kilo sugar and a glass of water. Zucchini free from seeds and three on a large grater, ginger and apples - in shallow. From water with a third lemon juice and sugar boil syrup - to dissolve sugar. Zucchini with ginger pour the remaining juice and carefully heated so that it does not fit. Now fill with syrup and cook for about 45 minutes, as it should be stirring. When the zucchini acquire gentleness and transparency - it means that the jam is already ready! You can roll - and mentally look out for the reasons to open and taste this tasty.

9. Korean zucchini


For a couple of kilo zucchini, we take a pair of belling, pieces 4 carrots, a glass of sugar, a couple of salt spoons, on a teaspoon of spices (coriander, red and black pepper), a glass of vegetable oil, a stall of vinegar and a head of garlic. Vegetables cut as you like (or largely rubbed), garlic shred and join the company. We fall asleep with spices, mix well - and let the night stand. Now expand on sterile banks, sterilize and roll up. And the coming winter immediately becomes not so terrible!

10. Zucchini "Almost freight"


Three kilos zucchini take a large carrot, a bunch of dill-parsley, a head of garlic, a couple of salt spoons, a gram of 150 sugar, a glass of vegetative oil, a glass of vinegar, a spoon of black ground pepper. Zucchini and carrot cutting not too small cubes, they also send chopped garlic and greens. We fall asleep with salt-pepper, poured with vinegar oil. All this is mixed - and let it stand at room temperature three. We declare according to sterile banks, fill with the resulting marinade and sterilize. And opening once, exclaim: "Well, what are not freight?!" And immediately answer: "Even tastier!"

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