Alphabet of office worker


All fultimemers are dedicated. We mourn together with you.

Alphabet of office worker 39940_1

A - Abral

The situation when all the grandfather wipes, the boss in rage, Vaseline is over, and is about to happen a complete Fakap. Comes suddenly, like winter or pregnancy. It remains for a long time.

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B - boss, brainsing

The boss is a boss. About him, as a dead, or good, or nothing. Brainsming is synonymous with "fooling". If the Vl will work, and the boss is lucky, you can cluster brainsing and calmly to fool along with colleagues.

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In - enhanced as a slave on the gallery, to fool a fool.

In - enhanced as a slave on galleries - what you do at work, in your opinion. Fooling a fool - what you do at work, according to the boss. Vaseline is a saving virtual lubricant, which is customary to take with him to the boss on the carpet (Note: No one helped).

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G - chief or general

So they say about the boss when they want it to hear it and appreciate. "Our main." When the boss does not hear, you can use another word on the letter "g". Not. Not "hero". Another word.

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D - Dedilan

Mystical essence, which is created solely in order to be "sacrific." The longer the time is given to Deadline, the more the process will be the process of consideration.

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E - Egruit and Ebita

Secret words (like Masonic signs), according to which the office plankton identifies the conifers. It is assumed to utter a significant semi-coat. To the question "What does this mean?" Rain the eyes in genuine horror.

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Very important for every office worker letter. Just believe the word!

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Well ...

Another important letter for office worker. Indicates the situation when all the grandmarps wipes, the boss in rage, and Vaseline is over.

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S - salary, customer

Salary - that once a month does from plankton man. Good, smart and even generous. The customer is what makes from the harmless plankton plankton-cannibal. Regularly. Seven days a week.

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And - initiative

The fact that in no case cannot be exercised, even if the boss encourages. Especially if encouraged! Our ancestors understood that the initiative was evil. Who is the first climbing the cave outside, he gets saber to breakfast.

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K - Corporate

Outdated orgy, the purpose of which is to rally into a single friendly team. Nothing splits better than the morning hangover, alcoholic amnesia, a feeling of shame and a photo, on which you for some reason you sit on top of the chubbukh. Fortunately, dressed. Unfortunately - half.

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L - lemming, crap

Lemming is the same as plankton, but looks prettier. Laja is 90% of manufactured products or services provided. In any case, the question "what is you doing?" 90% of citizens are usually answered: "Yes, najae."

Alphabet of office worker 39940_13

M - Messidge

When used, it replaces any expressive vocabulary. "And what, sorry, invest in this message"? - If this phrase pronounces this phrase with due arrogance, then the customer, and the colleague and even the boss will understand where they just sent them. Politely.

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N - Tax, hatred.

Tax hates business. Business hates tax. High relationships.

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O-attractive for late

Separate literary genre, in which any lemming is a genius. The main thing is to keep in the memory of all recently painful, who have reached and born relatives, do not abuse the indentation of the stomach, and everything will be OK.

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P - profits, p-c

Profit - what always dreams of the boss, and what worker is deeply spitting, because there are no profit on his life. But P-C is perfectly reflected. Because P-C is the existential-philosophical concept of existential, and therefore he is everywhere. There is still a pension, but it is necessary to live.

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Office office

What Fullheimer is signed voluntarily and is something dreams of breaking throughout his life. But being weak spiritually, it is not solved. Some, however, it is possible.

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C - meeting

Mandatory weekly (sometimes more often) ritual when the boss inflates his cheeks, and the rest are smiling and mashed. There is no practical meaning - all questions can be solved in five minutes on Skype. But I like the boss.

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T - Timbilding in nature

Very big and very different corporate. They survive the strongest.

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O - dismissal

Free, which can get any bold lemming, just writing a statement. But he does not write, because it is used to chains, wrappings, corporate and regular salary. And we do not judge it.

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F - Fakap

The fact that occasionally happens to the employee who came up with Dedlande who were late for a meeting that did not notice the boss by crossing the corporate and so on. At the time of the facpa, it is accepted horrified and pale, remember the fakaps accepted with a nostalgic smile.

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Another indispensable for office worker letter. And this is not at all what you thought, but XLS.

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C - freedom price

Prescribed in the labor contract. Called salary. Taxed taxes. Night.

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W - regular schedule

Detailed plan, where your place is specified on this damn gallery. On the right stern of the extreme oars.

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They say before, when hiring an employee, they gave soup as a test for performance and stress resistance. Now instead of a bunch of meaningless tests and interviews. Return soup!

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E - Eichary

Yellow bricks, which paved the road to office hell.

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Yu - Yuga

A place where Plankton seeks to migrate during the holidays. The southes are good and there is no boss, Dedlayina and Eicharov. Fakapov is also not.

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I - Yupp

A clever and shameless plankton, who managed to get around the rest on the turn. One day it can become a boss. Most likely, not you.

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