Things that we will never do


If you do something from the above honestly and regularly, handing yourself a medal. No joke, deservedly. One more you give yourself a month later. If you do not throw. By valid, of course, reasons!

I remember (Khe-Khe), on Soviet notebooks and diaries there were rules of young pioneers. In their skills it was "in everything and always help the eldest", "to seek not a single lagging next to", "strictly observe the discipline", "take care of the people's good", "guard your native nature" and any such. It happened, read - and how to penetrate. And you think: I'll take it and fulfill! And after a couple of hours, Vitki retarding in the face of a neighbor ... well, it is clear. This is what. To the fact that we grew up - but remained the same. We have the same beautiful ideals and wise commandments. And the same capricious reality. Ever showing language and horns to our all-children-sample. Here, let's say how many times we showed themselves these 14 things! ..

Brush your teeth at least three minutes

All the big aunt and uncle are aware that according to the Sun-Reins scheme, this procedure is implanted. But so it is carried out without coming into consciousness in the morning - and after the final loss of his (consciousness) in the evening! You are here, with a brush, in the undershirt of the fist, and the realization is somewhere there, far. Not with you she is shorter. Not with you.

Drink clean water three liters per day

And for full use for half an hour before eating drinking a glass of water. Yeah. Here you can think over half an hour before the meal you are generally aware that you are half an hour before her beloved! Usually the food occurs in the mode: "A-ah, I did not have breakfast, and it's time to dinner! Urgently give me any protoplasm, and then Dvina Koni right here! " And the water takes place in the mode: "Hmm, and what kind of bottle is dusty with my monitor sticks out? Oh, something Crazy-ay ... "

Walk on the stairs. Without elevator

Yeah-aha, an ideal ass, UGU-Yeah, militant-oh ... oh ... oh, oh. No, well, he himself opened in front of me. And in it such a glorious neighbor. It is impossible to offend him. And on the stairs, the light bulb was broken. And naked. And generally speaking. Invented this ... on my ass. After serving, I, by the way, was in the gym, so that you knew. Yes, in the elevator rose, yes, she went there for two quarters by car, leaving generally, evil people!

Use the Calorie Counting Application

Downloaded. Jammed. Calculated. It was silent. The next day, fried potatoes looked at you conspirators, and the cheesecake hurts fourthly - and you did not take our merciless tool out of your pocket. What are the calories here, when the number of swallowed cutlets to calculate there are no forces or moral, nor physical!

Take a charge

Once this, it even happened in the full program, in the company Bodra Yutubovskaya physical training. The neighbors on the office looked through the glass. Thought, burned at work, it's time to calf. The second time - by the reduced program. Only head three times depicted the energetic "Dada", as the chef was drawn behind his back: "Excellent, I knew that you would agree to take this load!" Then came the end of the month and the consciousness was a shot. From the fog vaguely loomed a toothbrush, dusty bottle, several cutlets and an endless exece file. All of them rhythmically swayed ... on something, apparently hinting.

Do prophylactic procedures before, and not after

Drinking Echinacea and Vitamins without waiting for a cold, visiting the dentist planned, and not in the mode "help, where they take three nights with a half-hour head", acquire defense on the knees without waiting in traumatology. What is the sophisticated bore, or?!

Wear gloves when you wash the dishes

Buy gloves are okay. Putting them in the box even anything else. But - climb into the box! Put! use! Wash! Remove! Dried! Put back! Then it is again to climb into the box! .. As Zhvanetsky said, not everyone will go to it. It is easier to buy cream for crap with mandragora extract or smear yourself with writing from Vasilisk.

Vacuuming roots books and wash the floor under the chest

On the upper shelf, we have vibribors of classics, under them Fantastic dust collectors. In the footsteps, the archaeologists of the future will study our culture. But here we live Mol Alevtina, and there - there - spiders, nicodems. And in general, we are very clean. Especially in the gap of the floor between the carpet and the plinth, as well as the very edges of the bookshelves. If there are ceramic cats do not stand.

Wearing beautiful food in a beautiful lunchbox

Here you look at him, and he looks at you from the shelves. Runs around you. You now see how you will carry food with you in this aesthetic fig. Beautifully laid food, and not these ruins are formless! And you are another person. Elegance, easy mysteriousness, flying gait from May and all that. Stretch your hand - and he is already yours ... As a result, the handsome will be allocated in the kitchen penalty between the old thermos and my mother's meat grinder, with tears mumboxing: "Lunchbox young fiery" ...

Refuse dispatch

Whenever in the office celebrate another birthday, you look at the plastic cup in your hand and sadly think about the icebergs of plastic in the world ocean. And we promise yourself tomorrow to contend the department to buy glasses. They ring festively, not the fact that it is a shit-hoose dull. And from the workplace, the entire second quarter is already a cup ... nothing yet says. But looks with the meaning.

Use the steamer and juicer

Inhumanly high-fat feed pair of broccolina and a glass of no less useful pumpkin-celery juice once were solemnly manufactured. After that, after a couple of days, all the details were washed, after a couple of days a couple of detail was mined from a cat's bowl ... In general, now you have a trio in the penalty: when no one hears, these two are sentenced to the beautiful Lanchbox.

Move home accounting

Here almost like with calories, but the rear can take some longer. Then the checks begin to double in the eyes. Stupid graphs annoy. The need to decide why the sherry belongs to "drugs" or "products" - to inflate. Attempt to ban yourself cappuccino - unworked. Go, the economic program ... to the calorie. Put your romance to duet there. And I'm in the cafe."Save yourself on the wall: it will be useful!" If we wander up interest in the walls of the ordinary user and imagine that he regularly walks regularly and enjoys them for their intended purpose ... This means that the ordinary user learned Spanish, actively uses the combinations of the type ALT + SHIFT + T in the "Word", thirty The secret functions of "chromium" and 50 best applications for creative people. In addition, he read a hundred best books of all time and peoples (or at least started), built the designer feeder from the toothpicks, prepared the scrambled eggs in catdivoices and entertaining the child with the help of three tape and covers from the garbage bucket. Well yes. All this, of course, has done. And these links did not rely on the cemetery for references at the depth of three hundred screens in a frighteningly infinite facebacing cavity.

Deep breathe and count to ten

We not only remember two hundred twenty more efficient techniques that allow you to repay the conflict. We half of them made up themselves. And what is the most interesting, most of them are really workers. And represent the offender of the bureaucrat of the trumping carappus. And draw your fears on paper. And write out the pros and cons of her husband in the column. And yes, breathe deeply and count to ten. So what?! Now do not touch me, Morgali Izkuly, worry the ear, fall apart !!! Appear as it should break through - and will continue our way to perfection.

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