15 faithful signs that your girlfriend is worth tieting spending money for personal growth trainings



There is no controversy, there is somewhere in the world effective and intelligent trainings, where Benssons and mumps are made from Nishchebrudes, turn into fiery speakers. But on one coach with his head there is a whole herd of people with an inverted anatomy. Pics.Ru Schlet is a big hello to grief-psychologists and reminds everyone - carefully with the choice of those who admit to their brains.

Here are 15 signs that personal growth went somewhere not there.

She does not understand why people are silent when she says "I heard you"

For some reason, coaches that grow effective communicators are very fond of this turn and do not notice that it sounds like "Oh, but close the mouth already."

And calls them by name

But you see, Lena, even if someone, Lena, said that the sound, Lena, his own name - the most pleasant for a person, Lena, I do not want anyone, Lena, hear it 50 times in three minutes. Three minutes, Karl! That is, Lena.

Walks without panties even in a bodied frost

And how otherwise the energy of the earth will get to this? And the energy of femininity how to get out of getting out? That's something. Nephritis, cystitis and inflammation of the appendages can then be cured by the power of positive thinking.

Abuses capital letters


While the cool and unreasonable conifers simply go to work and earn a salary, it realizes her "I," carries the dream and attracts the energy of money. Because she has a goal, and you do not have, I'm going.

Calculates the shortness to go to a diet of happiness, sunlight and energy of universal love

Because All You Need Is Love and the good universe only waiting for you to open your mouth to crawl into it nutrients charged by the power of the sun. Squirrels, fats and carbohydrates - yesterday.

Do not burning the eye uses the words "energy chakras" and "brain wave frequency" in one sentence

Whatever looks convincing and scientifically, if you screw about neural connections.

Changes system of values ​​more often than a toothbrush


Today she is a self-sufficient woman with a manifested and contrasting "me", tomorrow will move to the Klan Klan, on Sunday will hold a rite to attract an employer, and in a week will tell you why Yin must obey Yang and nothing on the contrary.

Runs to trainings for any occasion

Fortunately, the range is wider than Mississippi in the spilling. Working? Here is the training for real leaders and rare. Wallet SPheBED? Rush to slave and attribute to the training "Wealth". Neighbors joined his drill and gamma? Running for hard negotiation techniques. Porridge burns, shoes hise? It is not a question, this case is also something available.

Writes letters in vagina and other organs

Because enlightened and comprehensively developed personality should be in contact with her body. At leisure with the kidney, you will chat, send a couple of sms clutory, reset the stomach rust link to the video with a dog.

Inside her inner goddess

In the hardest form, the goddess even has a name and it can also be chatted with her - like a spleen or breast. The goddess was clearly brought up in the gateway, because it tends to embed into the conversation, when they do not ask, and give advice that no one was waiting. It is harder to withdraw it than worms.

Lives ornate


Well, that is, trying. After paying for the phone-phone-Internet, she stays half a piano, half of them, she spends caviar to the bank to live, like a rich, think, like a rich, and lure wealth. The remaining goes on the lace more good for the inner goddess of sex. If red - then for throwing on the chandelier. Until the end of the month, she should appear with friends and shoots pipaths until the weekend.

Wears training with you

You can pull out a person from the training, but the training from the person you smoke FIG. He has enlightened is always ready as Chekhov rifle on the wall. So the trained person is trying to try the familiar methods every time he sees the company more than two people. Do not disappear good.

Knows true truth

And it is not shy for it to convey, even if people are shaky, squeezed in the direction of the nearest airport with screams.

Resides in a state

Any condition is invaluable experience to disassemble, analyze and save. Therefore, if you fall a brick on your leg, the enlightened throw on you with questions: "What do you feel in this state? How does your foot react to it? What would you say brick? " "Even if you're right now express him all sore without bill."

Writes a book

At some point, the developed personality flies so that it is impossible to restrain it inside. Then the person splashes over the edge and begins to write its own "Main Campf" about how she transformed and reached the goal. Bingo, now you can base your own training!

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