Shaggy armpits and female power. 10 Telegram Channels About Feminism


In Russia, there are not many media devoted to feminism or at least occupying a professinist position. When we, feminists, talk about it, people exclaim the "giggles", and you make your media and write there!

Fortunately, to make a telegram channel, I don't need an investor nor the office. Therefore, the feminist agenda in Russia will inevitably live in small sites until the amount goes into qualitative changes in society.

Feminist Anna Fedorova was not lazy and collected interesting telegrams channels about feminism and associated topics in one list. At full, this list claims if there is something to supplement - write in the comments!

Channel "Sex, Body, Gender"

Broadcast in the teleagle blog of the famous feminist and expert on sexual education Tatiana Nikonova. Huge selection of links on weekends, photos of beautiful naked men, answers to readers' questions - a fundamental reading, a deep approach to the topic.

Polina Was Online

Channel author - Creative Director in the London Advertising Agency. The canal she leads in Russian, it is interesting for me as cross-cultural observations and reflections. There are not only about feminism, but also about the creative industry, but also about the relationship of society with minorities. A little bit of Martian chronicles for the Russian reader, but those exciting.

Channel "Women's Power" under the slogan "Neither God, nor husband, nor Mr."

Zalina Marshenkulova - the creator of the site Breaking Mad. He writes viciously and in expressions is not shy. Although he likes to emphasize that her channel is actively reading and supporting men, under the stamps of the mainstream media, it is not adjusted, the fire of her anger burns for the benefit of feminism.

Channel "Daughter of the Robber"

About women's monastery in the Russian media. Yes, yes, there is about the "perfect body to the beach season" and "how to make it not to go from you." Terrible illustration of the norm in the Russian information picture. I read, angry, I read yet.

Channel "Patriarchate, Gori!" and channel everyday feminism

Two canals from Spain. It is very useful for understanding the difference between Russia and Europe, while both authors do not lose ties with the Russian agenda.

Channel "No means no"

He writes about a massive culture, historical characters and a relevant political agenda. From the fate of Wife Scott Fitzherald before appointments in the Russian government. There is not so often the word "feminism"

Channel "Leadingness"

Half about the clothes, bows and politics, half - about women and feminism. The leading channel, Olga, positions itself as a "right feminist" and dislikes the themes of the bodiposive and other "Levatskiy stories." There is something to give a violently.

Channel "Bodiposive"

For contrast - absolutely other rhetoric compared to the previous channel. There are many shocking pictures and posts on painful topics. Concomitant channel topics - prostitution, mental disorders, radical activism.

Channel "Free trial enlightenment"

About feminism and LGBT. At the same time, the only channel known to me, where at least somehow raised the theme of Islamic feminism, thin and complex.

Channel for discrimination by age

Authorka completely writes that it is possible to live all my life and not understand what discrimination on the floor, race, sexual discrimination - but with discrimination by age, almost everything will face discrimination. Unpleasant and useful reading.

And finally, modestly I will specify the address of my fam-channel "Shaggy armpits".

In it, I am writing about the current agenda for Russia, the daily practices of discrimination, self-censorship and mass culture.

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