How not to lose your friends


How not to lose your friends 39916_1

Who would we be without friends, eh? You don't talk with anyone, you will not swim in the vest, you can't do a thousand to tomorrow, you will not drink vodka. And over the years, they are no longer becoming. In fact, it is not true, of course: children appear over the years, children appear in children and willy-unilles you start to be friends with the parents of children. And sometimes it turns out wonderful people. But rarely. At work, at best, it turns out to find drinking companions, in nightclubs - the love of the whole life, but friends over the years is only less, alas.

People shares politics

And now, when she is also connected with the war, it comes to absurdity. One friend turns out to be a Ura Patriot, the second tearing patriot, and now all. We do not call back and do not speak our usual topics - children, women, work, money, travel and flights to the stars. Why? What, in fact, has changed? In the end, a present friendship recipe is only one: not to be. Respect the interlocutor, to understand that his views have a serious soil, many hours of reflection or concrete financial reasons. To carefully listen and respectfully state your point of view - this is more than enough in order for the relationship to be preserved. In the end, children, women, work, money and flights to the stars - at times more important and more interesting than any Pasky political dispute.

Social status

To school or institute, we went to the same torn pants (not by designer torn, but naturally rubbed, big difference), but then someone remained a clerk on a modest salary, and someone took someone in a big business. So what, damn it? You are still friends. You have many years of general history, common interests, you have something to talk about. Just here both, and a particularly rich friend, you need to show special delicacy. It is necessary to understand when it is appropriate to pay, and when it is better not to stutter about it (and it is better not to stutter if it is better). It is worth going to the restaurants of the middle hand, in which the poor friend does not happen a heart attack right while reading the menu. In short, poverty (or, let's say so, so good and necessary to respect.

Friendship lingering women

Soft option - a friend falls in love so that nothing hears anything around. But it can simply endure. A sharp period when people hold hands and at the first opportunity to jump into bed, lasts, well, a couple of months a maximum. The next stage comes next: "We need to show the girl to all friends, and let them rejoice at me and envy, Gada." In this situation, too, it will not be easy, but at least a friend will be visible. At the most later in six months, he will be glad to meet in the "without women" mode and take a little rest from the beautiful half. Worse, when a friend's girl believes that all his friends is shit. Such girls, unfortunate, a lot, but love is evil and this also needs to be related to respect and patience. Event development options will be three. Either your friend's friends are not really good - but we don't even consider it. Either his relationship will not last long, because "you love me - love and my dog, and my friend, and my mother, and my cattle, and a used motorcycle", 11th commandment. Either he will endure, and with friends to meet in secret. This situation, however, also always leads to a rupture. So you still have to calm and mourn with him. The girl is becoming welcoming, the other during the scandals to provide a clamshead, and after the break - disappeared with tasty and useful vodka.

Friendship walks family

A man falls asleep by the mountain of diapers and diapers, begins to go to the parent meetings, it goes on the weekend to the mother-in-law in the cottage and anything about what football with beer can not be speech. What is there to do here? This also must be respected. The family is given to us not just so, and the subflores are the salt of the earth. It is possible to hope here only to the fact that friendship is a game trip, the children will grow up, and the peasant is sooner or later tired of all this and he will learn to paint the evening-another for himself. Well, for friends, too, of course. In the end, we are not very far from this.

Just inattention

We have too many things, and in the end we forget to raise the phone and call (who is now ringing now? SMS-ki at best), we can't come to the anniversary, in short, we behave like full bastards. Relations with friends are also a relationship, and they should also be supported. Write, call, ask how are you, is it not necessary to help whether the person did not go nuts from his diapers, evil women, poverty and wealth and political debate?

Social networks

This is generally the most terrible invention of humanity, which seems to bring us closer, and in fact - on the contrary. Happy birthday congratulations - online. Likes instead of communication. Even if you manage to meet and you begin to tell some fascinating story, a friend says: oh well, you already wrote about it, I read. All sparkling jokes and jokes become a fighting even before you have time to drink the first glass. And most importantly, in social networks for some reason almost everything turns around with trolls and freaks. People, decently leading themselves in real life, turn into hellish provocateurs, sofa warriors, fearless fighters for universal justice. And God forbid such a tooth: it does not matter that ten years ago you dreamed of five dollars and built Napoleonic plans. Color, like a rag and will not notice. Exit, again, simple: respect, appreciate, not abuse. In the end, the social network was invented to post the cats, and not to morally kill friendship. Take care of yourself and each other!

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