8 home plants that will help get enough sleep well


"First, it's beautiful," you say, when you drag the next Monster home, the fate of which is almost predetermined. But, if you approach the choice of colors with the mind, the benefits of acquiring almost guaranteed. Indoor plants are perfectly filtered and enriched with oxygen air, it seems to be known from the School Course Botany. But some of them can also help improve sleep disorders. Here are our 8 guarantions of sleep, which will envy serene babies.


8 home plants that will help get enough sleep well 39915_2
The American Institute Wheeling Jesuit conducted research confirming the positive effect of jasmine on sleep. Efficiency was evaluated from the point of view of sleep quality, the effect on the level of anxiety and the state of the test after awakening. In addition, the intelligent type of jasmine bush will easily transform your bedroom. In particular, for the unpretentious subspecies of Jasminum Polyanthum it is easy to care and blooms it is not entirely annoying.


About the medicinal properties of Lavender mankind known for a long time. It is extremely successfully used in perfumery and cosmetology. Lavender has astounding cleansing properties. It also effectively copes with insomnia and increased anxiety. Many studies prove, the fragrance of lavender has a sedative property, and the inhalation of his person is noticeably calmed and falls asleep.


8 home plants that will help get enough sleep well 39915_3
It has been proven that the Gardenia jasmine-shaped has the properties of a sleeping pill. German scientists who conducted studies found that the smell of the Gardena acts on mice as a pretty portion of the valium on the neurotransmitters of the GABA group. Rodents were put in the box, where the air was pre-died with high-concentrated flavors of Gardenia, they were singing out, and ceased to act, preferring simply quietly buzz in the corner. We are waiting for news about experiments in humans.

Sansevieria (sicky tail)

8 home plants that will help get enough sleep well 39915_4
Familiar from childhood leaves are also called "Teschin Language". The plant perfectly enriches the air into rooms with oxygen. No special care requires a lot of benefits. Sansevieria even entered a special list of plants that improve air, composed in NASA laboratories. We trust them.


8 home plants that will help get enough sleep well 39915_5
Aloe is another green leakage, familiar to all of the deep Khthona grandmother's windowsides. Aloe was attached to all injured places, and it, in turn, perfectly heal abrasions, burns and cuts. In addition, Aloe - diligently takes chemicals from room air and is actively reduced by the use of applying household chemicals. This plant will give a living indicator if there are many chemistry in your house, the leaves will cover with brown scars, and you will have to revise the management of the economy.

English ivy

8 home plants that will help get enough sleep well 39915_6
Forget about everything that tells about ivy in the comics, no one is poisonous, but very useful. In NASA will be confirmed. Ivy actively cleans the air and adsorbs formaldehyde. It is easily growing in the twilight and at moderate temperatures. And in the ratio "Efforts / Use" ivy "begins and wins."

Drazen Red

8 home plants that will help get enough sleep well 39915_7
Drazena is a recognized Lady of Boudoov, it is beautiful, volumetric and easily decorate your bedroom consisting of a mattress and lamp, without violating your harmony with minimalism. It easily copes with toxins, such as formaldehyde, xylene and trichloroethylene. But be careful with the sunlight, if you do not want your drawn to overflow in the ceiling, because it can be grained up to 4.5 meters.

Golden SzindapSus

8 home plants that will help get enough sleep well 39915_8
A good choice for occupied - sympathets with an almost unprofitable name "Szindapsus". Unpretentious, green, his work on cleansing air in the bedroom knows perfectly. The NASA list states.

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