Alcohol against the body: how to recover after a stormy alcohol



Who in the morning after the impressive inspection did not give him an oath no longer touch alcohol, including candy with a liqueur, he did not live. Surely the oath of this after a while was disturbed more than once. London Specialist in Alcohol Dependence, Dr. Campbell, stressed the processes passing in the body with a refusal of alcohol.

24 hours without alcohol

The very first effect after taking alcohol - hangover. It is expressed in different ways: nausea, dizziness, tremor, sweating, in severe cases - seizures. If alcohol used earlier moderately, and not disastrous, then a day, the body will continue to continue the autodox, normalizing all the basic processes of life.

In a week

Alcohol use leads to sleep disorder. Apart from those cases when you pass the wines with the wine, you just cut down hours for twelve, in general, alcohol causes sleep deprivation. Alcohol is a serious diuretic, also causes sweating, which means that, drinking, you launch the process of rapid dehydration of the body. Drunk sleep is often interrupted by the desire to go to the toilet and drink water. Good news That's what is: in a week, sleep and water balance are being built (you are not dried, swelling passes, normalizes the rhythm of consumption and withdrawal fluid from the body).

In two weeks

Alcohol is a powerful stimulus for the gastric mucosa, so excessive use causes belching and acid reflux. Two-week alcohol failure helps forget about these troubles.

An important observation for many will be weight loss. It is no longer a secret that the so-called "hidden" calories are contained in alcohol. A large glass of wine (250 ml) adds to your dinner more than 200 completely unnecessary kilocalories. Simple arithmetic allows you to calculate that two such glasses per day are equivalent to a sandbreaker with ham, cheese and mayonnaise, which you excluded from the diet, putting on the "way of call". So the refusal of bread and mayonnaise is, of course, in itself is cool, but you can not forget about the "empty" alcocaloria that enter the body, without any nutritional value.

So, if you decide to lose weight, refused to eat and leaving the wine, it is a direct path not to the desired pants, but to the hospital.

After 3-4 weeks

Blood pressure normalizes. Until now, you could not feel anything like that, but it was quite possible, it's not easy for a long time for a bar, but in the queue of potential hypertensive. 3-4 weeks without alcohol can turn this mince back. If everything is not very running.

A month later

You look much better. The skin acquires a natural and even shade. Alcohol is toxic to the skin and leads to premature aging, which is provoked by the "swings" dehydration-swelling, as a result - the skin loses elasticity, thinning, loses protective functions and looks unhealthy.

After 8 weeks

The precious liver began to recover. And if the question is not launched and you did not bring themselves before the condition of alcohol hepatitis, which proceeds asymptomaticly, then you can still establish.

The discriminatory proven fact is a female organism more vulnerable to toxic influence of alcohol. Therefore, if you drink a couple of glasses (175 ml) of wine every day, then for three weeks, it is likely that your liver will begin to convert wine glucose into fat. And you start recovering "just so." And this is the most innocuous, which is happening with a female body with frequent alcohol consumption.

Good news This is what: two months after the cessation of alcohol flow into the body, the liver ceases to "be lazy" and again processes glucose as it should.

After 12 weeks

Frequent and abundant use of alcohol makes blood cells to "increase", it becomes more difficult for them to engage in oxygen transport and you are constantly suppressed and feel fatigue. But the update of blood cells occurs after three months. You will feel much better and more vigorous. Do not be surprised and a pleasant bonus - almost imperceptibly together with good well-being in the wallet will be more money.

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