10 animals who saved their owners


10 animals who saved their owners 39913_1

We call them homemade pets, sometimes we take the down and love them for loveting us. We consider themselves their full owners and manage them as we are pleased. They do not understand all these relationships and are ready for us to any sacrifice.

Columbus, Ohio, USA.

50-year-old Harry Rochesizon moving in a wheelchair, long and unsuccessfully tried to train his cat Tommy to dial 911 by pressing the direct call button. The cat, of course, did not want to learn and, in the end, Mr. Rochezone threw this stupid venture. However, when a stroke happened to Royshenzon and he, having lost consciousness, fell to the floor, Tommy miraculously remembered everything that he was taught, and pressed the paw to the button. Fortunately, the rescuers arrived on time: "stupid" Tommy saved the owner of life.

Kamdo, Italy.

The seven-year-old sranche of Natallin burst from the street into the house, clung to the head of the hostess and dragged her to the door. An elderly woman frightened healthy, deciding that the dog was whisching from the heat. When the old woman went into the courtyard, he heard noise, and saw the village stream coming down from the hill. A few minutes later the house was buried under the mountain of dirt and clay. The old woman and her savior survived miracle.

Volgograd, Russia.

On dog standards Cocker Rocky was considered a packerboard - he was afraid of cats and prudently avoided conflicts with other dogs. But when the trouble came, Rocky led himself like a real man. Together with the owner of Sergey and his friend Denis, Rocky headed for winter fishing. It turned out that Sergey did not see how a friend fell under the ice. Rocky, without thinking, rushed to help a thin man, and when I realized that it would not be able to pull out a guy alone, ran up to Sergey and desperate Laem attracted his attention to what was happening. Sergey managed to pull out a friend from the wormwood, and soon the whole Trinity was warmed in the car.

Loganville, Georgia, United States

Alida Knobloh found a severe disease - children's pulmonary neuroendocrine hyperplasia. As a result, the baby turned out to be chained to bed - it was too weak to move around the apartment together with a heavy oxygen apparatus. But one day, Mr. Gibbs appeared in the house - specially trained dog. Now Mr. Gibbs is constantly next to his little mistress, and on his back he has a portable oxygen cylinder. Thanks to Mr. Gibbs Alida walks, plays with friends, and leads a completely ordinary girl life.

Kungur, Perm Territory, Russia.

Cat Vasily became a hero, waking his mistress Valentina Mikhailovna, when a fire began in the house. Usually, the phlegmatic Vaska suddenly began to bite the legs tightly sleeping Valentine Mikhailovna and plow loudly. The woman woke up and felt a strong smell of Gary. Looking at the entrance and finding a strong smoke, she rushed to wake the neighbors. All residents (mostly elderly people) managed to run into the courtyard. The Ministry of Emergency Situations say the cat saved the life of at least 15 pensioners. As a reward, Vasily got a bell and a big bag of feed.

Westchester, USA

Jinny melani was awarded the title "Cat of the Year". So the local felinological club gave tribute to the dog, saved the lives of dozens of cats. She crossed the abandoned, lost and sick kotofees, and brought them to the owner. The owner of Ginny, Mr. Philippe Gonzalez, eventually supported the dog in her endeavors and founded the Cats Assistance Fund. Total thanks to Ginny and its foundation was saved more than 900 cats.

Silviri, Turkey

On a small beach, everyone knows the same "nobleman" thought. Everything began with the fact that one day Duman pulled out of the water already slaughtered a girl, for which he received a huge shmat of meat and praise from the locals. If the dog sees that some kid approached the water too closely, he is accepted to bark and in every way attract the attention of people. However, if I think I think "everything is in order," he immediately calms down and continues his watch.

Cubier Pedai, Australia

Noel Osborne flawed a cow. Yes, so much that as a result, the old man fell on a huge bunch of trample, damaged his leg and remained to lie without movement, without hoping for any help. Fortunately, nearby was ... Goat. The goat supplied Noel with milk and heated with cold nights, stacked next to the night. A few days later, Noel managed to do the night to the house and caused physicians.

California, USA.

The priquses pig fearlessly jumped into the lake for eight-year-old Anthony, when he started sinking. Pigs, as you know, swim well. And some pigs can also be loved to love. Priscilla quickly fell to the place where the boy went under the water and dived. She grabbed the child with teeth for a T-shirt and dragged ashore.

Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom.

Dorry rabbit suddenly began to jump on the chest of sleeping Simon. When Simon's wife - Victoria, came to see what happened, it turned out that Simon was not sleeping at all, but lost consciousness from the diabetic coma. Victoria immediately made her husband insulin injection. Thanks to the intelligible and smart rabbit, everything ended well.

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