How beautifully tanned on the beach and in the solarium


How beautifully tanned on the beach and in the solarium 39911_1

Many women want to have a beautiful tan. Even at the time of the pandemic and self-insulation. It is possible to achieve it not only sunbathing naturally on the sea, but also when visiting a solarium. It is important only to remember the need to comply with certain rules.

Beautiful sea tan

At the initial stage it is important to prepare your skin. It is especially important not to miss this procedure to women and girls who have skin sensitive to ultraviolet. Preparation lies in visiting a solarium. Prepare for a trip to the sea follow a month in which 2-3 tanning sessions are held. Thanks to this preparation, the likelihood of burning will significantly reduce, the sea tan will be better to go to the skin. Also, the preparation includes regular humidification of the skin and periodic soften peeling.

How beautifully tanned on the beach and in the solarium 39911_2

It is impossible to go to the sea without protection equipment, the degree of which is 40 or even 50 SPF. After already a little takes on the body, the degree of protection of the means can be reduced. Special attention should be paid to the protection of the neckline, nose and shoulders zone, as they are more prone to obtaining sunburns.

It is very important to choose the right time for tanning. It is best to take sunny baths in the morning to lunch, as well as after four o'clock in the evening. At midday hours, it is necessary to hide from the Sun, since it is at this time that the skin gets burns most often. If you neglected such simple rules, you can face the appearance of ugly pigmentation on the skin.

A great influence on the receipt of a beautiful sunburn is the right position. The chaise lounge should be positioned so that the sun's rays lie down along the body, while the head is hooked back. Similarly, you can protect your eyes from the bright sun and ensure that the tan moves well on the area with the neckline. In order for the tan to be uniform, it is important to turn over every 10-15 minutes.

Best of all the tan falls on wet skin, so after bathing it is not recommended to wipe the ride. To strengthen the effect of tanning, it is recommended every 20 minutes.

I go to the beach, it is recommended to abandon all accessories, as they can cause the formation of ugly white spots. And to protect the eyes, it is recommended to use visors hats and pans. Turning back to the Sun, it is recommended to unleash the rope of the top of the swimsuit.

Having arrived from the holiday and, wanting to extend the tail of the tan on the skin, it is recommended to drink carrot juice and is a carrot, since the quarantine contained in them binds melanin molecules. We should not forget about the nutrition and moisturizing the skin, it will also have to abandon the use of scrubies and coarse upholsters.

Tan in solarium

If it is not possible to go to relax on the sea and get a natural tan, but I want to have beautiful skin, you can use the services of a solarium. First of all, it is important to choose a good solarium. The best option will be the vertical turbosolarium, in which you can turn out, take a comfortable position, raise your hands. This option is also good because it has additional functions, refers to the number of secure as possible. Representatives of the cabin should find out how often lamps are changing in solarium, since the old elements will not be able to give the desired result.

How beautifully tanned on the beach and in the solarium 39911_3

Before visiting the cabin, you should not take a bath or shower with the means, which is based on soap. Maximum should be left on the skin fatty film to avoid burns. It is recommended to wash a day before visiting a solarium, since during this time the skin will have time to restore its own protection. It should not be sunbathing and immediately after the epilation, it is important to wait several days, since only in this case points and spots can be avoided. Specialists recommend using special cosmetics, which will contribute to the receipt of a flat tan, will provide due care.

Tanning in the cabin can be very fast, but do not hurry, as you can get serious burns instead of a beautiful even sunburn.

Employees of beauty salons, should know how many lamps are installed in solarium and their power, on the basis of which they can suggest what time it should be done to a particular client.

Artificial tan can be strengthened by using orange fruits and vegetables, juices from them. In its diet, you should introduce vitamin complexes containing carotene and selenium, which will help prevent the appearance of pigment spots, protect the skin from harmful ultraviolet exposure, will make tan with the most resistant.

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