You are not reptile, you are in crisis!


When your close relative behaves in such a way that you periodically want to rewind it with a sofa dummy, in no case should not choke it with a sofa dummy. Just the poor crisis. What? Yes, some of the set. Therefore, relax and try to enjoy the realization of the deep reasons for all this disgrace.

Crisis of 0 years (newborn crisis)

You are not reptile, you are in crisis! 39909_1

Born into light is the most serious test. Just that was so warm and quiet, and then you pushes you to the cold in a huge terrible world with its nuclear weapons, ozone holes, traffic cops in the bushes and advertising in YouTube. There is someone who wants to start desperately yelling, chaotic waving than it turns out, lose weight and sleep 80% of time just to at least somehow forget. Output. According to science, this crisis takes place by the month when the baby begins to smile (well, what he remains when he understands that it is already in any way). But, honestly, sometimes you read the news - I want to say "UAA" and sleep by twenty hours.

Crisis 1 year

You are not reptile, you are in crisis! 39909_2

I just smiled and smokal, he himself kept a spoon and almost vacuumed - and get, write down: hysterics on the whole area and high-profile requirements to issue a rosette, scissors and legislative power within the planet. If it does not work with the legislature - falls on the floor and beats so that the great tragic actors turn into coffins. In fact, such behavior is easily explained: just a person first realized that the most cool things in this world is "lower" to him, and the other is the same for some reason very much "Zya"! .. Output. As soon as the parents reach the level of Ninja, learning to distract this little girl's siren, continuous "Hatsuyuyu" and "notoe" stop. But not for long, alas.

Crisis 3 years

You are not reptile, you are in crisis! 39909_3

I will not go to the kindergarten! From the kindergarten I will not leave! Here is this typewriter! And this one! No, the one you give, I do not want! Book to break! Mom bite! Nasty sister! Grandmother of Bolyak! By God, right to some customer, whose honey is not feeding - give you all your projects. Output. Mom with dad gradually humble with the thought that they did not get a pretty bups, but turned out to be an interesting thug, with which they would not get bored. They already know how to make poker fais in the mall and quite mastered the art of cunning "to ban" what the child wants to achieve. Yes, and the child seemed to gain the mind ...

Crisis 7 years

You are not reptile, you are in crisis! 39909_4

What, relax? Decided that an angel who learned to write the letter "Yu" is already about to become a support? But you and the Indian National Izba called "Figvam" and two angry eyes looking at you from Figvama. These eyes are in the same place, they do not blink. Ask - I do not hear. Catch up - shrieking. And you should go about your business - climbs with thousands of stupid questions. Output. After some time, the jungle is aware that the school is inevitable evil that among the tasks there are interesting, and that the ball can drive can be more exciting than to troll mom and dad. If the latter will be suitable for circles and sections, the energy of a harmful Pokemon can go into a peaceful direction.

Crisis 11 (12, 13, 14, 15) years

You are not reptile, you are in crisis! 39909_5

When it is a tinaceger in full cover the charms of maturation - the moment is individual. But the fact that all previous scraps will seek you with flowers - guaranteed. One year old is clearly not valued to cigarettes, the three-year period will not make a piercing in tongue and tattoo in the whole back, the first hearth will not leave the door in the night. And if the baby feels lonely, he definitely does not think about shooting from cyano potassium. Unlike a teenager. Output. First, remember that from cyano potassium you can not shoot. Second, just in case, hide potassium cyanos away.

Crisis 17 years old

You are not reptile, you are in crisis! 39909_6

Who to be? Kuda fuck? In cascaders, what is the heart calling? In translators, how do parents advise? At Madagascar (but where to take a bag of money?)? Bli at all to score? Where to go when it urgently wants love, and before his housing, just like on foot to Madagascar? Output. If a person is not strongly scoring the brains with examples of "Lenochka, Mariana's daughters" and spells "just like this, otherwise you will die under the fence," everything will work out with their studies, and with part-time job. And if it is not branched under the ward with handcuffs, then in order of breaking to perfection also learned dishes.

Crisis 30 years

You are not reptile, you are in crisis! 39909_7

I have education, work, family, sex, child, hobby, socket, scissors, Ta Tajka and Madagascar. And happiness does not, either. And the rest with the will does not-eat. Where is my cyanide, where is my sweet? Output. You can quit, retrain the gardeners and find peace. You can go into Tibet and gain nirvana. You can start three chihuahua and gain a lack of time for grave thoughts. And you can remember that you are already a big boy (girl) - and you really do not matter to a certain frontier to achieve something that you do not need. True, here is a question "How to convey all these wisdom to the near, shock crisis of the thirtie" still remains open.

Crisis 40 years old

You are not reptile, you are in crisis! 39909_8

See above, just worse. Plus wrinkles, folds, propellars and something cardiovascular. Plus, children are darling, and parents turn into capricious children. Plus pulls to jump with a parachute and save, finally, the world. And how much can you pull, here is - so the insanity and funeral. Output. The healing mantra "I have nothing to be ashamed, I can afford to be" in combination with a magic reminder "to find the meaning of Being, you can not only scoring the family and falling into the cave" - ​​and life begins to acquire additional facets and shades. As in the previous case, to help a crisis uncle or a tete, pointing to him the right path, almost unreal. Just stocking with patience and wait when he misses all possible cones and finally remember that life just begins.

Crisis 60 years

You are not reptile, you are in crisis! 39909_9

Pension. Everything is lost. And what did not have time for all previous crises, too. Nobody needs me. You want all my death. Knit disgusting, in the pool is lazily, on the sofa sadly. I'm talking about Para Lo, and do not fit. Output. It has been proven: a pensioner who is about to take care of, three times a happier of a pensioner, which everyone is careful about. He does not require psychoanalyst. The specialist may be required except that the objects of care of the wise pensioner. But these are their problems!

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