How did Vrubel, Repin, Bunin and Mamin-Siberian spent their fees


"Two beautiful words in English:" Check is attached "" - said one wise writer. Not any great Creator managed to hear these magic words often. Not that the luck of the genius is not at all necessary: ​​they simply distribute it not too evenly.


How did Vrubel, Repin, Bunin and Mamin-Siberian spent their fees 39908_1

Once in the Kiev restaurant, Mikhail Vrubel discovered that he had no two rubles to pay for lunch. Then he suggested his watercolor. Scandal broke out. Finally, the daughter of the owner agreed: nothing is understandable in the picture, but it seems beautiful - so be, take. The restaurant was very happy when the artist bought his "smearing" ... In fact, it was an etude to the famous "eastern fairy tale." Today, the insurance cost of Vrubel works is calculated in millions of dollars.


How did Vrubel, Repin, Bunin and Mamin-Siberian spent their fees 39908_2

Ancient Greek artist Apelles much more friendly with fortune: For his portrait Alexander Macedonsky, he received 20 gold talents. Such a wealth has not dreamed of eldlands not a single painter: this amount could be kept the Connection of the whole country (!) For one year. And just stood to portray the "chef" in the form of Zeus!


How did Vrubel, Repin, Bunin and Mamin-Siberian spent their fees 39908_3

Ilya Repin on the famous "Cossacks" received from the emperor for the famous "Zaporozhtsev" bought a manor. True, the painter worked on the picture of the whole 13 years.


How did Vrubel, Repin, Bunin and Mamin-Siberian spent their fees 39908_4

Contemporary Repina, Mamin-Sibiryak acquired a house on the fee from the novel, who began to write in a gravily poverty. It seems that the name for the yacht (that is, the books) chose the correct: "Privalov Millions".

Pablo Picasso

How did Vrubel, Repin, Bunin and Mamin-Siberian spent their fees 39908_5

The works of Pablo Picasso are now standing millions, but he managed to live before boasting: "Every my signature even under a bad pattern is at least a tent of thousands of dollars." And the first fee as an artist Picasso received for the design of the menu Barcelona Restaurant "Four Cat".

Alexandr Duma

How did Vrubel, Repin, Bunin and Mamin-Siberian spent their fees 39908_6

Alexander Duma for the "Three Musketeers" was paid line. Hence his branded dialogues in the spirit: - the letter is not lost at all! - he said. - What? D'Artagnan cried out. - Not. It is kidnapped with you. - Kidnapped? But who? - yesterday's unknown nobleman. By the way, from here, "the legs are growing" at the silent servant of Antos Grimon, who all answered overdo it: with each "yes" and "no" the author fell a penny.

Jack London

How did Vrubel, Repin, Bunin and Mamin-Siberian spent their fees 39908_7

At the beginning of the twentieth century, Jack London was the highest paid American writer. To thirty years, he learned to earn up to 50 thousand dollars per book. The average salary of his compatriots then accounted for about a hundred dollars a month.


How did Vrubel, Repin, Bunin and Mamin-Siberian spent their fees 39908_8

Pushkin's fee for Evgenia Onegin - 12,000 rubles. The clerk at that time received up to 30 rubles per month. The saucer with meat in the kabaska cost three kopecks, it was possible to buy WHO straw on the ruble, and a small flock of cows on a hundred. So our everything could afford almost everything.


How did Vrubel, Repin, Bunin and Mamin-Siberian spent their fees 39908_9

Mikhail Sholokhow got so many premiums that he had the opportunity to help the country, and do not forget about the family. The writer's daughter told: "The Stalin Prize in 1941 Pope gave to the Defense Fund, Leninsky - to restore the school in which he once studied, Nobelian left himself. He spent her to show us, children, Europe and Japan. "


How did Vrubel, Repin, Bunin and Mamin-Siberian spent their fees 39908_10

But Ivan Bunin his nobelly was simply wondered. "With a small share of practicality, the award should have been enough to the end of their days. But Bunins did not bought apartments or villas. Ivan Alekseevich ... began to arrange a feast, distribute "benefits" to emigrants, sacrifice funds to support various societies. Finally, on the advice of the benevolent, he invested the remaining amount in some "win-win case" and left with anything, "said Zinaida Shakhovskaya, a friend of the writer.


How did Vrubel, Repin, Bunin and Mamin-Siberian spent their fees 39908_11

It would be better if Bunin gave money to his wife, as the writer Imre Kertsh did! "Over the decades of life with me, in pinching and poverty, the wife earned the right to spend prize money as she wants," said this noble Nobel laureate. "Let let dresses and jewelery scrape." My wife, it's amazing, did not argue.

Astrid Lindgren

How did Vrubel, Repin, Bunin and Mamin-Siberian spent their fees 39908_12

Karlson Astrid Lindgren in 1976 counted 102% of taxes in 1976. The writer expressed protest creatively: wrote a fairy tale. Only adult, critical such. And the "good youth lesson" turned out to be! A wide discussion of this thing led to protests against Social Democrats - as a result, the party, the rigging good four decades, lost in the elections. Oh, these fuzzles!

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