5 ways to get an orgasm to quickly (18+)


You are not lazy, no, of course. But sometimes there is no time nor mood. Maybe your partner is Sport Gonzales and you do not have time for his rhythm. Or you have more business, so you want to cum as quickly and start productive activities. Or you have sex for sex only five minutes and no longer more.

It does not matter at all, for what reasons you decided to read this article. We just tell how to properly press the gas pedal to the floor and cum twice as quickly than it is typical of you.

Use vibration

Point G, around which so many myths and legends were lit, actually really exists. This is a small zone on the front wall of the vagina, right under the pubic. Actually, this point is the projection of the glands surrounding the urethra - Skin glands.

With a clever handling, it is capable of delivering to you a lot of sensations, but there is one "but" if almost any girl can get to clitoral orgasm, then the point G must be touched and train. First, the point G gives feedback only when you are already excited.

Secondly, the best time to deal with the point G is 30-40 years old. In the youth of the tissue of the mucous membrane is very dense, and the point G, as we have already said - the projection of the glands, hidden deep under the surface of the vagina. That is, they stupidly do not fit. Approximately after 30 years, the mucosa begins to die in little and the case is easier.

Thirdly, it turns on with vibration. So buy slightly curved vibrators and deeper into research. You will not get your fingers to her, and a living human member does not know how to vibrate, so there are no options. But when you educate the point G react to vibration, it will start response to any other effect.

Not forget about lubrication

The fact that without a lubricant may be meaningless or painful, with lubricant is simply transformed. If you do not believe, spend the experiment when you have fun solo.

Lubricant is not replacing your own lubricant, but a full-fledged toy. No wonder they are released in a variety of varieties - warming and cooling, with anesthetic and unimaging, with the taste of Maracuy and lemon tartinics.

In any decent sex shop you can buy not only a huge baudew lubricant, but also small disposable probes. In comparison with the normal volume, they are expensive, but these are justified spending. Manufacturers, of course, Mom swear that their lubricants are hypoalgenic and gentle, like silk, but still sometimes there is a risk of irritation or burning. It is better to try the entire range and choose the perfect lubricant.

Watch porn.

The brain is the main erogenous zone, and he needs stimulation. Not all imagination works on a complete coil. If you lack fantasy, see porn to scrolling the exciting pictures in front of a mental eye. It allows you to quickly tune in to the desired way and turn off everything that prevents the achievement of orgasm - anxiety about mortgages, thoughts about tomorrow meeting and anger on colleagues who fall all the work on you.

Connect toys

A great misconception is to believe that toys came up to diversify masturbation. If you think so, you did not look at the sex shop for a long time. There is a bunch of priblud to strengthen and facilitate orgasm. You can start with toys for simultaneous stimulation of the clitoris and the point G - it looks like a flyer in the form of the letter U. The partner is also impressed - this flyer makes the vagina more narrow.


No clock yogan technician and counting of breathers-exhale. Breathe, as usual, but inhaling deeper, and exhausted longer. That's all. Try not to delay the breath, as if it can sighing a curtaining orgasm. Easy hyperventilation will provide you with a pleasant dizziness and make all the sensations brighter.

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