9 inexplicable photos and one strange video. What was it?!


Surely there is no mysticism and all these photographs have an explanation. Just yet, no one has found it - neither experts who considered them along and across, nor private lovers to solve riddles. Is there versions?

Lady in handkerchief


This woman in the scarf system "Grandma" lit up in many pictures made at the murder of President Kennedy. She was very close to the crime scene - and she had a portable video camera. Frames shot by this woman might shed light on the mystery of the murder, but she herself became secret: this lady is the only person with a photo whom the special services did not find.

In 1970, some Beverly Oliver stated that it was she. Say, shortly after the incident, the FBI agents came to it and took the film, and she did not have a copy. But at the time of the murder of Kennedy Beverly was only 17, and the woman in the picture is clearly older. In addition, Oliver was confused in the testimony and was mistaken with the camcorder brand.

Hesdalen lights


In the town of Hesdalen in Norway, people constantly see strange lights in the sky. They appear there at least 15-20 times a year. The first celestial flashes were recorded in 1811. Multicolored lights, alone are visible only on radar, while others, on the contrary, are noticeable to the naked eye, but the devices are not fixed. Some worn, like crazy, others just hang over the horizon.

Ufologists, naturally, think that this is the UFOs hang out. Scientists believe that the unique conditions of the Hesdalen Valley - the deposits of iron in the surrounding mountains and sulfur in the water of the river - created something like a natural battery. But there are no convincing evidence for any other.

Monster from Hook Island


In 1964, Robert Le Serrek and his wife rested on the island of Hook off the coast of Australia. The wife was noticed by a strange creation, which was realized at the bottom of the shallow lagoon - some kind of a naked headwork, only the headasting this was a length of almost 25 meters.

The brave guys approached their boat closer and managed to make several frames. But the beast suddenly woke up, sinked her mouth and moved. Spouses Le Serrek considered the benefit to get away, and the creature visited the same idea. No one has ever seen anything like anything else.

Girl and cosmonaut


England, Cumbria, clear summer day of 1964. Jim Teplton, his wife Ann and his daughter Elizabeth decided to arrange a picnic and take a picture. On the clearing there were only three of them, but on one of the pictures was the fourth breakfast party on the grass - a cosmonaut in full display.

None of the family of Templeton on the lawn did not notice. Jim made three identical frames in a row and the White Stranger arose only on one of the pictures. Jim took a photo to the police, but there he was asked not to distract people from work. But the media themselves came running to a modest fire station. Kodak analysts confirmed that this is a real picture, not a photomontage.

On the same day, the Blue Streak missile test was twice in Australia, because a couple of outsiders were shown on the territory of the landfill. The strangers were not caught, but according to the description they are a poured cosmonaut from Templeton's photography.

Ghosts Tanker Watertown.


In 1924, two sailors, James Courtney and Michael Mihan, worked in the hodgepiece of the Watertown vessel, hung out of harmful evaporation and died from poisoning. Their bodies were betrayed by sea burial, as was customary in those days. Simply put, they were thrown into the sea, not far from the shores of Mexico.

The ship continued the path, but the next day the team noticed on the right side of some strange objects. The captain looked into the binoculars and distinguished in water, 13 meters from the ship's faces of the dead sailors. Only faces. About 2x3 meters size. Persons as if swam on the surface of the water, then disappearing, then appearing again. They saw the whole team. Ghosts lagging behind only when the ship reached the Atlantic.

On the shore, Captain Tracy bought a camera. When the ship was returned to the same route, the faces appeared again. Tracy took a picture of them and hid the camera in the safe. Ghosts noticed during the third flight of the tanker, but then the team was changed and no longer had seen on the water.



In 1998, the crew of the space shuttle "Endeavour" photographed a strange object at a low near-earth orbit. Something similar was noticed in the 1960s. The thing was moving much faster than ordinary satellites, and flew from the east to the west - and the satellites are usually moving in the opposite direction. Some radio amateurs swear that they took signals from this piece of hardware.

Guest family Cooper


Family Cooper moved to a new home in Texas in 1950. In dinner, in honor of the newly skid, the father of the family took a picture on which an uninvited guest had a figure, as if hanging from the ceiling. If you look closely, there is another extraneous object in the picture - a black spot that closes the legs of the boy on the right side of the frame. If the snapshot is fake, then why add this a strange little stain?

Pyramids on the moon


This frame is made by the Apolone-17 spacecraft. At first, the snapshot was rejected (the quality is not very), but then they looked at and fell in bewilderment. The snapshot clearly visible straight lines, completely uncharacteristic for the lunar landscape. And in some way they resemble the outlines of the pyramid in Giza. With the only difference that this is not a giza, but the reverse side of the moon.

Last Snapshot Freddie Jackson


Freddie Jackson, the Royal Air Force Mechanic, died in 1919 as a result of an accident - he was killed by a screw of the aircraft. Two days after the tragic incident, Jackson squadron gathered for a memorial photo. Pilot Victor Goddard, who flew on the plane, who deprived Freddie life, was also there. Moreover, the deceased Freddie, who was just buried on this day. Won, he peeps because of the shoulder of Goddard. The image is very distinct, and everyone who knew Jackson confirmed - well, for sure, it is he.

Death Eliza Lam

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A 21-year-old Canadian female student Eliza Lam in January 2013 entered the Hotel Cecil in Los Angeles, where she stopped at the time of traveling in America, and disappeared. Her body two weeks later was found in the technical tank with water on the roof - after the tenants began to complain about the strange color and smell of water. And the passage to the roof, and the reservoir itself was closed on the castle. As Eliza hit there - it is not clear.

The chamber of the tracking recorded the last minutes of the life of the Elise, and the record shows that the girl behaves at least strange: it comes to the elevator, it comes to all the buttons right away, it looks out of the door, hides from someone, it comes out and comes and even as if Someone talks. It can be assumed that the girl "under the kayf", but the forensic examination did not find traces of alcohol or drugs - as well as traces of violence. The girl suffered from easy depression, but a few days before the death wrote in his blog that her mood had improved.

A source

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