Do you understand people? Sold down the wildest reviews on books and pass the test!

  • Radows for the most impatient
  • Anonim


    People are strange creatures. How can you understand them? Read these book reviews written by simple readers to "Imhonet" and "Livlyba" - and defined which books are meant. This is where the measure of your insight will be revealed!

    Book 1 out of 10. Heads, Witches, Cheat. Dipset, dawn, scuffle. Throughout the book there will be some squeaver rafken circumstances, which are the initiators of which are members of a black group of magicians, magicians of different cutters, a different style. I am very attracted to the heroes with unusual abilities. And here ... And here it is just in bulk! And that the most awesome, on the species of these magicians are quite harmless (and maybe even the lady!), But they are revealed in their glory, they suddenly sharply, hitting their abilities.


    Master and Margarita

    Harry Potter

    The Chronicles of Narnia

    Monday begins on Saturday

    The night Watch

    The Wizard of Oz

    Reserve Goblins

    Book 2 out of 10. The only thing I did not like is attempts to bring morality under the actions of the hero. Like, he, if he does evil, only for the sake of good. No, twins. Evil it is evil in what kind of rags you are not a rode. If you want your family to live well - work. And you want to be better than all and not the hardest way, but by the power of character - then dying, bitch, under bullets and Gni, bitch, in prison. Would love!

    Robin the Hood


    Zorro sign

    Odyssey Captain Blady

    Sea Wolf

    James Bond

    Odessa story


    Book 3 out of 10. What did the author deal with in his works? The formation of negative scenarios for the development of society, to further punch the mental energy of readers. In the book, an encrypted plot about the struggle of three forces for the right to manage the people is clearly traced. In general, the plot is negative, the people die.

    Doctor Zhivago


    Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God


    Song of the meaning Oleg

    Poor Lisa

    Three Musketeers

    What are friends of the people and how are they fighting against Social Democrats?

    Book 4 out of 10. did not hook. The old and sheltered thought that was the author, on the topic of the future post-industrial society, with his disgrace, he resulted in this vague book with blurred images and some amorphous, a fibrous plot. The main character is always whining, always something chews, chews, he seemed to me with some kind of fool. Fool, who melts and first makes things like a frantic ground, and then reflects.



    About the wonderful new world

    451 Fahrenheit

    Time Machine

    Dunno on the Moon


    Vertical world

    The book is 5 out of 10. The hero is clearly not the hero of my novel. A solid showing, a vain drug addict, jackets with gangsters, flies with adolescents and no sex. Khe-Khe, maybe this is the problem?

    Count Monte Cristo

    Sherlock Holmes

    Fear and disgust in Las Vegas

    Man with golden hand


    Diary addict

    Done Juan's teachings: the path of knowledge of the Indian Yaki


    Book 6 out of 10. And what actually do people when they have nothing to do? From boredom you can wish, from a blank pastime to shoot a short time. In the behavior of the book heroes, many inconsistencies. And okay would be sinking the toilet topic, which is still important: really the soul of heroes so worried about the communist glances or the desire of young people choose spouses independently without the participation of adults? And maybe just almost every character at its essence tune. The author will always be right, simply for the reason that it will always be right, generating a fascinating history for tautology.

    The suffering of a young verteter

    Virgin Suicians


    Romeo and Juliet

    Club suicide


    Veronica decides to die

    Anna Karenina

    A book 7 out of 10. Reading this horror, I understood with horror, how inadvertently this book puts the thinking and psychology of the murderer, psychology and drunkards ... It turns out that the monsters are taking even to the classics! And after all, we usually treat with respect to what we learned to treat with respect. Be carefull.

    Black cat


    At the bottom

    Cool murder



    Crime and Punishment


    Book 8 out of 10. Ai is good! Ay yes Sukin Son, this author! Let I know the killer for several years already, but I would not believe in zhist. And enthusiastically tried to guess the clever. He began to suspect one of the characters. And so I would be fully confident that this is he, Sceuk, if not, if not sudden postscript. Well, after all, Kashibenskiy! Yes. Here. Why say something? Well, in short, you yourself understood everything, right? Book finally plague, patches!

    In the best families

    Killing Roger Ecroyda

    Baskerville dog

    Away match

    Death 31 department

    Ten Negritat

    Heavenly Streth

    Murder on morgue street

    Book 9 out of 10. Continuous flow of consciousness, like bloody snakes from a broken and broken nose. Everything is flooded, Izmazano with hatred, complexes and some petty revenue. Open your eyes, and there is a frame with genitals close-up in a family film, or soup with urine. It seemed to invert on the other side, forget, distract from all this meal from the knocked out teeth, torn off the ugra, chosen insides ... but no! The author, like that dog, persistently, once again returns to this malloon and feeds us with this vile vane from the teaspoon.

    And an angel of the Angel of God

    I will come spit on your graves

    Clockwork Orange

    120 days of Sodom, or school debauchery

    Fight club

    The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

    Damned kings

    Pet cemetery


    Book 10 out of 10. Brilliant! About different types of people, about women, about friendship, about death, about happiness, about pleasure, about limited, about purposefulness, about memory, pro order, about loyalty, about simplicity and protest against fuss ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Khazar dictionary

    A book about everything and more about a different friend, compiled by scientists and multilateering in all subjects the only one of its kind mentor Malsavidilo, written, in order to satisfy the curiosity of the prince, give food to the boltuns and fucked the old woman

    Little Prince


    The Adventures of Major Zvyagina

    The Catcher in the Rye

    Eugene Onegin

    The next question is complete to start re-

    Radows for the most impatient

    To find out what books actually had in mind the reviewers, laid the rows with the mouse.

    1. Master and Margarita 2. Great Father 3. Cathedral of Parisian Our Lady 4. 451 Fahrenheit 5. Count Monte Cristo 6. Anna Karenina 7. Crime and Punishment 8. Ten Negreat 9. Fight Club 10. Little Prince

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