Girlfriends you need to ban


Unlike most people, some girlfriends do not drink our blood - they immediately eat our brain. But since the harsh universe does not issue some girlfriends to approach us to approach, we only have to calculate the coefficient of naphyguability of such friendship to make a decision: to turn the relationship into a beautiful tube on the release or suffer from another fifty years, how much it remains there in the end. Of course, it is not about girlfriends in principle, but quite definite types. For example, such:


You come to her, let's say, cry, and she bombards you with advice. You do not need advice, you need a vest, a logonalevica and a Chinese chick, trained with clarifying issues: "Does he do it for this?", "And you did not kill him?" And "open another bottle?". But a girlfriend is sitting in the pose of an American psychotherapist from the films category in and, correcting imaginary glasses, tells what your actions led to the fact that everything is bad, and how worse everything will become the day of day, if you do not do exactly as you Now tell in detail.

Why does she do it?

She considers him smarter than you. And he wants to talk about it. This is a classic type: Sit down, "Five" - ​​a friend is so since the school. All had a similar classmate: - Great French Revolution ... - 1789 !!! - True, Ivanova ... So, the leaders of the Great French Revolution .... - Marat !!! Robespierre !!! - Yes, well done ... and despite the cruelty of that time ... - Guillotine !!! - OK, Ivanova, "Five". And Ivanov is a victoriously glanced by loss of classmates.

The coefficient of the naphg of such friendship: 0.4

Based on the number of tips and the Azov of the theory of probability, it may be so that one advice will be quite suitable. Although the fur of the block.

Baby girl

This is not a cinema stretch. This is more than a real character over which the misfortune funnel is hanging. Such women can not just throw a husband. Such women, the husband throws, after having over all the money, the living space and probably children. Such women cannot just dismiss from work - such women are dismissed, after having wrapped off on them. With such a woman, you can not cross in a lunch break, so that the secular drinking coffee is - such a woman needs to be saved all the time. Ninety percent of your joint pastime look like this: you (in the hand of D'Artagnan, you get the sword and unfold a horse): I delete them, and-go! She (tired of covering the huge eyes of the wounded mother of Olennik Bambi): Throw me, throw and go.

Why does she do it?

Siaia's mystery is there. Superval will drive everything to the mysterious word "damage". Currently reading popular psychology in the Internet - to the position of the victim, which automatically from all the options offered by the life of the options subconsciously chooses the worst. But you are little interested in all these matter when a friend in trouble. Therefore, in fact, with you and friends.

The coefficient of the naphg of such friendship: 0.1

One tenth left for those who clearly understand: I don't need any Savior.

Girl TV

She does not hear you. You are not particularly interesting to her, but the road is scary. This is not a paradox, just in the first of your meeting, the girl said: "What are her big ears, let me be on them." So she fully appreciates your communication - the absolute majority of her friends are vibrantly blowing something on the topic: "Oh, I'm driving, I'll call you back, and do not call back. And you - here it is. Warm, alive and with ears. Communication with a girl-TV comes surprisingly productive: You: I had to sit until the night of the thirty first, but I still seem to be cut ... she: oh! Thirty-first! We thirty-first flew into Prague, you just imagine - on the clock midnight, I stand on Charles Bridge and fishing the mouth of the snowflakes.

Why does she do it?

She is terribly proud of himself and completely sincerely believes that her life is more interesting than the lives of these miserable insignificant people. And you need to talk about something interesting, otherwise there is no point in talking.

The coefficient of naphigiousness of such friendship: 0.9 (for introverts)

Extraverts tend to beat such a girlfriend on the fifth second of the pipe on the head, on what communication ends. And the introverts belong to the TV with understanding - it is loud, but funny, and absolutely does not prevent thinking.

Madame Prolactin

She is meat. As a rule, women are returning back to humanity in about a year after the birth of a child, even if they are forced to sit at home. But there are amazing characters who are metaphorically breastfeeding fifty years. The world of such a girlfriend is on three whales: a pot, a bottle and a rattle. As an alternative theme for conversations, there is still an abstract category "Husband", which either "goat-very-no-does not-help", or "gets up-night-such-such". The half-hour communication with such a woman gives you either a stupid complex of inferiority (if you do not have children), or a persistent feeling "I am a terrible mother" (if children are). And the mandatory feeling of guilt: - Hello, native! - TS-C-C, we are placed, call in an hour.

Why does she do it?

Well, so prolactin.

The coefficient of the naphg of such friendship: 1 (if you are exactly the same)

Otherwise, calculating the coefficient is meaningless, since the girlfriend itself will reduce communication for no - she is sincerely bored with you.

Melci, neighbor cow

She envies you. You absolutely know this at the level of sensations, but it categorically prohibits your own brain to admit. Because ugly suspiciously suspect friends in what they keep behind the shower. But, as you know, if you have a paranoia, it still does not mean that you do not follow. And if you communicate with you, you are completely optional. If the Ellochka had the opportunity to call Vanderbildhem with nasty vanderbilde and find out how things were doing, Ellochka would certainly do it. And it is difficult to even assume, with what pleasure Elochka would have saved Vanderbildykhin troubles: you (with pain): it seems to me that he has someone. She (with poorly hidden excitation): Details! Come on! Maybe not everything is so scary!

Why does she do it?

Because she is a goat. Oh, sorry ... Because you are for her - a challenge. Probably you cool. And this is generally good.

The coefficient of naphgnotics of such friendship: 0

And even goes in minus. That incorrectly mathematically, but it is very vital. All coincidences, of course, are not accidental, but the editors are not responsible for them. There is nothing more to make editions.

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