Just cry. The series "Castle" closed after 8 seasons


The ABC television company announced that the 9th season of the popular series "Castle" about the writer, the investigating crimes on its own books, will not.


May 16, as planned, an episode will be released, which will become final. Earlier it was reported that the contract with the executor of the role of a detective Kate Beckett - Main Katich will not extend, which has become a surprise for the entire film crew and the acting of the show.

However, the producers shot two different finals of the series, because at the time of creating an unambiguous solution of the TV channel, whether the continuation would be there.

It is reported that in recent years "Castle" showed low ratings, which was not satisfied with the ABC leadership - the series on the air from 2009.

In addition, ABC announced the closure of several projects at once, including the series "Agent Carter", "Mappeta", "Nashville", "Family" and "Galavant". Some insiders associate this with the fact that the TV channel plans to focus on the filming of the new Twin Pizes, in which David Gukhovani will take part, Monica Bellucci and the star of the original TV series Kyle Maclachlen.

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