Zombie apocalypse at an equivalent intersection. Our man on driving courses


    Zombie apocalypse at an equivalent intersection. Our man on driving courses 39895_1
    We found the text (and the author) in old-good LJ and decided - this is about us! At least about many of us, especially in the first stages of the development of automotive wissors. Therefore, we immediately share with you. Familiar sensations, yes?

    We will be honest, I have never been going to drive a car and do not plan in the near future. I went to driving courses according to the principle: "I'm alone without right, but suddenly a zombie apocalypse."

    Here you imagine, the crowd of the zombie! Urgently need to run! Panic! Emotions! I kill the zombie driver in some car (there is always a zombie driver in an abandon car), I have a keys in his pocket and ... Everything! Where are the buttons to click?! Pedals, transfer, where to turn what? How to start?! In the films at this moment immediately show a stupid cut from chase. Information about really important things is served very dry and curly.

    In general, only courses. I did not please the instructor with your brave targets at the expense of a zombie apocalypse. Just experienced the attack of inhuman panic, almost drove into the tram, exceeded the speed mode and 34 times (of which 12 times at the crossroads) stalled at the first lesson, possibly beating even a certain internal record.


    Understand me right, I'm a pedestrian from birth. I am all in a novelty. And the speed of over the usual causes me a terrible sense of loss of control, and considering the rigidity of these metal wagons, also a sense of irreversibility of consequences.

    After a couple of classes, I, preventively surviving for all participants in the road, set a unique driving style "Sorry I'm going, sorry that I live." I was scared for everyone, so I ran along the roadside on the dick for me 30 km / h. And I was scared. And constantly Hollow. The instructor mournfully looked at me. He is a good man - calm. I did not shout, did not shudder, did not catch the gun to save humanity from me. Dzen-Buddhist practically. I like it.

    For some time I have experienced from working on driving a sense of a person who is not at all in the subject, but for some reason he paid for and goes to the BDSM session. Pain and humiliation sessions for which you have dropped almost all salary. Well, not idiot, eh?!

    But for what is procured - it must be swallowed. And I diligently studied. And suddenly, somehow even unexpectedly I drove. And even began to enjoy driving! The car ceased to stroke, and vice versa began to obey. And I almost stopped everyone to interfere with the carriageway. That is still "almost", but I am completely unsuitable! This is a kaifovo! And already passed school theory.

    This story should have a spectacular finale, but I still don't understand why I need knowledge about who should give way to an equivalent crossroads in a zombie apocalypse. :(

    Text and Illustration: Kohaku-No-Neko

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